Do you prefer to land Manual or Auto?

I prefer manual as I like total control over my Solo when landing. Plus automatic landing seems a bit on the hard side. I am OK with automatic take off though.
I fly mostly in Stabilize when doing practice flights and I highly recommend that mode because it makes you a better "stick and rudder" pilot. If you understand the fundamentals of flight it will better prepare you for when the automations fails, and it will at some point.
I always use auto.. Have done manual a few times. Guess I will start trying manual.
I fly mostly in auto-mode because most of my time is spent staring at my screen and concentrating on framing my shots not correcting for drift. I do have manual mode programmed on my B preset if I need to take control. I use manual when flying under trees or areas that have poor GPS signals.

I fly in manual with my 250 quad because it has no GPS and yes it's more fun to fly manual but I prefer auto mode for filming!! manual for Arco.
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Coming from the world of RC helis, I prefer the auto. Its just easier. I have never used manual yet, but if GPS is lost I am pretty confident with the heli (flybar mind you, not digital) experience that I could flip solo upside down at 120ft and auto it in to 10ft and flip to skids down and land. :p
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I think I've landed manually once (beside the hand landings). Auto has worked perfectly every time, and I love seeing it descend quickly to 10 feet, slow down and make a perfectly soft landing... all by itself.

I have no problem landing my skittish little 250 quad maually, so I'm not afraid of landing the Solo if/when it may be necessary, but it's hard to pass up a chance to marvel at technology!
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I think I've landed manually once (beside the hand landings). Auto has worked perfectly every time, and I love seeing it descend quickly to 10 feet, slow down and make a perfectly soft landing... all by itself.

I have no problem landing my skittish little 250 quad maually, so I'm not afraid of landing the Solo if/when it may be necessary, but it's hard to pass up a chance to marvel at technology!

Agreed! That's what your paying for!!! technology. However anyone that fly's Multi-rotor should learn to fly in manual mode and become proficient with the basics of manual flight. If you don't feel up to trying manual mode with your Solo get yourself a cheap $90 quad like the Dromida Vista to learn manual flight. It can take a good beating from crashes and very cheap on parts. Just my two cents.
For me auto is good, but landing manually teaches me a lot about the controls
and i am getting much better at it. Auto lands tend to come straight down through propwash
when a manual land, I fly a forward moving descent that is at a curve. keeps it clean in the air
If you don't feel up to trying manual mode with your Solo get yourself a cheap $90 quad like the Dromida Vista to learn manual flight. It can take a good beating from crashes and very cheap on parts. Just my two cents.

Totally agree with picking up or building a cheap quad to practice on. I built a 250 just for this purpose. Now that I have the Solo, I added a mini Pixhawk flight controller and GPS to it so I can use it to experiment with Tower/Mission Planner before using them with the Solo. I crashed the 250 last week in an auto-mode mishap, and the total costs for repairs was $25. I'd probably be looking at $500 or more if I did the same thing with the Solo.
90 percent of the time I hand grab the under belly of the Solo just behind the gimbal. Twice I had fine dust stuck my controller stick and freak me out for a second, so pretty much never land on ground any more. The times I use auto land is to show my friend that it can auto land.

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