Do Chinese Communists Control your Airspace?

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Dark mode - is that like we will turn the lights off when we collect your data so we can't see it?

Or is it you can turn the lights off while we collect your data so you don't have to watch?

Or is this like Equifax, trust us, the data we collect on you is safe ;)

Nah it's like zero data is transmitted. Like I said before, they can still track your GPS if they're desperate to know what the incredibly important Mike Kelly is up to with his drone. Snapmeme_1508111743467.jpg
Nah it's like zero data is transmitted. Like I said before, they can still track your GPS if they're desperate to know what the incredibly important Mike Kelly is up to with his drone. View attachment 7098
Can you please enlighten us on how this "track your GPS" thing you keep talking about works? Because that doesn't exist and you're making no sense. GPS is a passive thing. It's a receiver. It doesn't transmit back to the sats. You're also incredibly naive if you think China can be trusted to actually disable data mining.
I believe they are reviewing that since the new modes have been introduced to fix that problem. There is a 'dark' mode so to speak.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the DJI “Privacy Mode” is only available with the android app. The iOS is still monitored.
Could this be because most DJI pilots use the iOS system because it most compatible with the DJI platform? So DJI did their little token adjustment and we should be appeased. Most of us are not that gullible. Just my 2 cents...
I am unimportant so there really is no reason I should not give up all my privacy and the relationship to all my friends and my political beliefs because it is just too inconvenient to give up my phantom or not give my info for a chance at a hat or other trinket or because facebook is just so much fun and that is where all my friends hangout.
Can you please enlighten us on how this "track your GPS" thing you keep talking about works? Because that doesn't exist and you're making no sense. GPS is a passive thing. It's a receiver. It doesn't transmit back to the sats. You're also incredibly naive if you think China can be trusted to actually disable data mining.
Exactly on all points. I never I understood why one airline I once flew insisted that enabling GPS on my phone was verboten. It is receive only.
Well, what is interesting is that I posted slightly more inflammatory** version of this message on THE MAVIC PRO section of this system.

It took about 60 seconds for the moderator to delete my post. Apparently, free speech is not valued in CHINA ...

** Hacking in defense of personal liberty is no crime, and odious software use agreements are not enforcable in my country. **
Yea that was me, getting kinda slow ain't I .
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After I purchased a Mavic Pro, I started learning about the myriad ways that DJI (?? a commercial arm of a Chinese state-owned enterprise??) collect your data and determine where and how you fly.
Quite frankly, i am shocked by the degree of intrusion, and apparent lack of discussion.
Quite frankly, I'm shocked by the degree of misinformation in this post.
I don't think anyone is flying any commercially available drone controlled by Chinese communists.
DJI is a privately owned company founded by Frank Wang: Frank Wang
-- log all your flights,
-- log control arm movements
-- set limits on altitude - not user selectable
-- set limits on range - not user selectable
-- set limits on NFZ - not user selectable
-- who knows what else?​
This is just not true and doesn't stand up to any enquiry.
The DJI app recordss a lot of data (like a black box data recorder) but it isn't shared with DJI unless the flyer chooses to upload it to DJI.
If ever you need to investigate a flight to find out what went wrong, you'd be very pleased that this data is available.
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I don't think anyone is flying any commercially available drone controlled by Chinese communists.
DJI is a privately owned company founded by Frank Wang.

The DJI app records a lot of data (like a black box data recorder) but it isn't shared with DJI unless the flyer chooses to upload it to DJI.
Hahahahahahahaha. Oh to be blissfully unaware.
Hahahahahahahaha. Oh to be blissfully unaware.
And it sounds like you are.

I don't want to get into a slanging match, I just wanted to inject a little factual information to counter the nonsense in the OP.
If that's a problem for you and you like believing myths ... so be it.
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The Chinese government controlling their businesses and mining data is not a myth.
The Chinese government controlling their businesses and mining data is not a myth.
It seems that you know all about it.
This forum isn't for discussing DJI issues so I'm not going to here.
But if you want to ... try over in the DJI forum where you might find a few people that actually know what they are talking about.
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Yes, I do know all about it. You on the other hand have 3 posts and just joined a few hours ago in order to make DJI fanboy posts pretending that China doesn't datamine through their businesses, which is a well established fact not in dispute.
Yes, I do know all about it. You on the other hand have 3 posts and just joined a few hours ago in order to make DJI fanboy posts pretending that China doesn't datamine through their businesses, which is a well established fact not in dispute.
Thanks for the put down ... but I do happen to have more than a slight idea about the topic.
I've been reading this forum since it started but just signed on to comment on the OP's statement because it was so wrong.
You can believe the moon is made of green cheese if it makes you feel good.
But if you go telling everyone else it is, expect to have someone point out that it's not correct.
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Fortunately I am not wrong. And it's not because I'm in love with the solo either. I'm well aware of it's flaws. It's because you're completely detached from reality, or just in denial, about how China and their companies work. A chinese company manufacturing products and writing software in china IS data mining anything and everything it can, and reporting it all to the government. That is a fact, whether you want to believe it or not. It's not green cheese.
That is a fact, whether you want to believe it or not.
You're obviously speaking from great first hand experience (not). It's not a fact at all.
It's a myth spread by people that like to talk confidently in forums about something they have little or no knowledge of and accepted and spread by others like yourself.
The internet is full of lots of things like that that get repeated so often that they become accepted.

If you really want to discuss it though, the Phantom forum would be a much more appropriate place than here
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LOL! ok. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears knows this. So I'm hardly worried about any reasonable person reading your 5 fanboy posts and believing a word you say. So I'm not going to waste anymore of my morning debating a well established fact. It's like debating the color of the sky with someone who thinks it is pink.
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So I'm not going to waste anymore of my morning debating a well established fact.
Debating? I thought you were making assertions unsupported by anything related to facts.
FYI ... I don't fly a Solo. Almost all I know about Solos, I learnt reading here.
I'm not going to try to tell you anything about 3DR.
But given your lack of first hand knowledge and understanding of anything to do with the functioning of DJI drones, I don't think you have anything to tell me about that.
I simply called in to put a tiny bit of balance in for the OP who's bought a DJI machine and is getting swamped by false ideas from people like you.
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Debating? I thought you were making assertions unsupported by anything related to facts.
FYI ... I don't fly a Solo. Almost all I know about Solos, I learnt reading here.
I'm not going to try to tell you anything about 3DR.
But given your lack of first hand knowledge and understanding of anything to do with the functioning of DJI drones, I don't think you have anything to tell me about that.
I simply called in to put a tiny bit of balance in for the OP who's bought a DJI machine and is getting swamped by false ideas from people like you.

So how about the US government. They don't know anything about China's relationship with their businesses and what data was being collected and transmitted to DJI? The Army decided to ban DJI products because someone was guessing that the data was going to the government of China?

The Chinese government does not employ hackers and have never used cyber warefare to their benefit.

What rock are you living under?

Do you happen to work for DJI?
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So how about the US government. They don't know anything about China's relationship with their businesses and what data was being collected and transmitted to DJI? The Army decided to ban DJI products because someone was guessing that the data was going to the government of China?

The Chinese government does not employ hackers and have never used cyber warefare to their benefit.

What rock are you living under?
I live under a rock where facts matter, where people are skeptical and don't accept things without checking the details.
I get it that there are lots of people that don't like DJI for a variety of reasons (many of which make no sense).
I get it that there are quite a few of them in this forum.
I don't want to waste my time attempting to enlighten them because they don't want to be enlightened and like the comfort their myths give them.

But the US Army is quite a bit more security conscious that the ordinary drone user.
They stated that the reason for their concern was the possibility that DJI equipment might be subject to cybersecurity issues (particularly the very remote possibility of being hacked and controlled by another pilot.
That's a bunch of things that aren't of any concern to the ordinary flyer.
And that's the market that the Phantom is made for so it's not surprising that when put under the microscope by super-cautious defence people, that they could find potential vulnerabilities.
But that doesn't mean that DJI drones are spying on their users - just that the Army was concerned about possible issues.
It means nothing to regular users.
And has nothing to do with the OP's initial comments.
Do you happen to work for DJI?
No ... I just happen to use their equipment and understand how it works
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