Dear 3DR I love pixhawk FC and used it for years,, But Solo *********

Exactly. DJI finally lost me last fall when they tried to slip a patch into their desktop software without incrementing the point release version number. It took an incredible amount of effort to figure out. I can only conclude someone at DJI was embarrassed that they needed to fix a bug and so they made the fix and uploaded the new software under the same version number. At the time, the only way to get the newly released controller with a built in gimbal tilt wheel to operate was to re-download the desktop software again. At the time people were chalking it up to a cultural thing about saving face, but I reject that. I do think it's a sign of a bad corporate culture though.

That's exactly what DJI did with the A2 firmware, they released a fix but tried to hide the fact keeping the version number the same, this then caused huge headaches when people with the bugged firmware had to revert to an older firmware to then update.

This is my worry, bad version control by mistakes is alarming enough, when it's done with apparent intent it's even worse.
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My only beef with your first post is that you clearly don't understand thermodynamics and what a heat sink is. Other than that - good stuff.

What about my first post are you referring to as I am well aware of thermal dynamics and what a heat sink is...please explain I would like to understand your point and beef... maybe not beef just pork:)
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So far heading in at 25% warning I'm getting about 15 mins or there about, I'm kinda iffy on 8% but I'll take it down a good amount at least. I think it's about 10% it auto lands now, could be 8% though, don't usually let it get that low since I've not seen confirmation if they fudged the percentage numbers or not.
they are acually auto landing at 10% ???
If this is SO,, I guess 3DR did read my review and report I emailed them months ago on the solo and my experiences...getting better...
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Yea they are listening and taking advice it seems so far, great news really. Not many companies care to take critiques from customers, I've seen a couple things changed like this. Seems aside from marketing or shipping, whatever caused all the bumps their definitley going in the right direction with things and pretty fast for the size of this launch and amount of birds in the air now.
Could great experience flying various types of craft actually be detrimental to your performance as a drone pilot? You might, for instance, be directly contributing to the severity of perceived problems?
Just sayin'.
If your directing this question tward me personally, , I would have to laugh in your face. .
I tought myself to fly fixed wing RC when I was 12, tought myself how to fly 60 size RC helicopters at the age of 16 long before tail gyros were around and without ONE crash or scratched rotor blades,

I was told I was a prodigy and I guess maybe I was.. but to me it was easy and I was just having fun..
I have always built and flown my own aircraft and have probably built and setup over a 100 for others along the way and became there teacher because there was no one around to help me in the day...

I have personally never had any issues changing up and back and forth from fixed wing to rotor (Helicopters) as in tail rotor, not muti rotor as many on this form get that mixed up...

I have my radios all setup the same way,, the switches and flight modes for my fixed wing are the same as my heli's and everything else that I fly with slight variations...

Now for multi rotors [ I don't like the word drone it paints a bad picture in the eyes of the public]
I have been building and designing my own Multi rotors for years, just as I have with fixed wing and Heli's for the past 40+..
So my point to this history lesson is this..
If I'm capable of designing building and flying multiple aircraft ""including"" multirotors without failure and crashes and in some cases using ""3DR equipment and component"" that has been in use years before SOLO evolved..

Why ?? please tell me why would I have any issue pulling a ""NOOB"" aircraft from a box and have issues with it...

I can tell you why,, because My experience tells me there is something wrong.
If you don't have the experience you don't know any better and think it's normal.

Its flawed,, and the reason it's flawed is 3DR was pushing it to market toooo quick and we all became beta testers as with most new equipment..

And this is fact not fictional... Again,,, an insider from 3DR told me themself that it was not ready to go..

SO PLEASE give me a little more credit then you give yourself, , I have been around also,,,Just saying:)
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Years of experience and the equipment you own doesn't make you a good pilot. I know plenty of guys that own tons of equipment but rarely fly it... or guys that have been flying for years but simply don't have the knack for it... So starting a rant off with how much crap you have purchased doesn't give you any street cred IMO.

Personally, I have only been in this hobby for about seven years. I was never really into traditional RC planes... I focused my efforts on real aviation, I have been an aircraft technician for about 15 years and most recently, a field technician for one of the largest UAV manufacturers in the US. When I started reading about FPV and the new emerging autopilot technology I was hooked. I truly love this hobby.

As for 3DR, call me a fan boy if you want but I love this company. They have done so much for the hobby, the development of the technology, and the industry. They continue to release their products as open source and their warranty is unmatched by anyone in this industry. It's my belief that this company is truly interested in the betterment of the hobby/industry and not just turning a profit. When I first heard about the Solo I both smiled and cringed at the same time... Smiled because oh wow, what an awesome piece of equipment. Cringed because it was going to be sold at Best Buy and Fry's (here in the US)... Given the current climate surrounding UAV's (drones *uggh*) and the fact that any noob that knows nothing about what they are getting into can impulse buy a solo while their wife is shopping for drapes over at Bed Bath and Beyond... good grief. Then they take it home and fly it into restricted airspace. This is the last thing we need. I envisioned constant news headlines of Solos being flown out of suburban neighborhoods and right into the intake of landing 747s... haha. Now that I think about it, maybe the range limitations were intentional.

So anyway, back to my point... If you thought you were going to early adopt a product like this and have something that functioned perfectly out of the box you are living in fantasy land... Or know nothing about how 3DR (as a company) works. They will stand by this product. They will make good on implementing the features they promised. At least I hope, I'm basing these statements on their track record and my personal experiences... For those that are sticking with it, keep sending your data logs when you crash. I'm sure they are playing a huge role in "what we fix next"... Keep modding, exploring and reporting... It's what this hobby is all about. Personally, the Solo has preformed much better compared to any other 3DR product I have owned out of the box. In comparison, try tuning PID loops on an APM shield you assembled yourself running beta firmware. you don't know frustration until you have tried this! Other than a few issues with the gimbal (I solved them myself) my solo has functioned perfectly every flight (roughly fifteen now). Thanks for playing OP but this industry/hobby has no room for bad attitudes and a lack of patience and/or creativity.
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It's great that some take pride in flying rc and others make money doing it, I give credit where it's due, I was actually interested in the point of view from someone who had a lot of experience in aerial and very little patience. I also agree that experience isn't going to make you a worse multi pilot as well. However getting on here calling yourself a prodigy and ranting how your the greatest to ever live after starting this thread with I don't believe in the word expert, completely contradicting all these statements is ridiculous.

I understand your defending yourself but come on, basically dismissing, talking down to and acting better than everyone here's not the way to go about things. It's rc, it's a hobby and it's mostly for fun, we're not surgeons or gods gift to the world cause we fly these things.

I hate to even get into this and I'm not going back and forth but come on if you have so much experience and thought day 1 solo would be perfect with no bugs or issues to work on, well you know where I'm going with that. To say it's fact that solos flawed cause "an insider said it was to soon" , really well since too soon it's been updated and fixed, so you talked to your "insider" since then, your not an expert right so is he if they don't exist in the hobby?

Why do these threads always have to get so ridiculous, get off your high horse, if solos not for you great, fly one of the other hundred RCs you have. Don't come here acting all knowing and smarter than everyone cause you've flown little planes for years, and if your interested in solo, which being here I'm hoping you are, than try to help out with the issues you've seen.

As I said I'm happy and it's not cause I'm clueless like your pointing to above, plenty of folks with as much experience and expertise as you are loving solo as well. You got a bad one and gave in ASAP apparently thinking you would have perfection out of the box. I got a great one and didn't give up and now solo is a great aerial platform period. Still not trying at all to argue or offend you but come on man tone down the self promotion a bit. It's great you've been at this for years and I respect that, others just like you are here helping newer folks not acting like those who haven't been flying 30 years are beneath them and it's a much better look for you and the hobby as a whole.

Good luck and fly safe
If your directing this question tward me personally, , I would have to laugh in your face. .
I tought myself to fly fixed wing RC when I was 12, tought myself how to fly 60 size RC helicopters at the age of 16 long before tail gyros were around and without ONE crash or scratched rotor blades,

I was told I was a prodigy and I guess maybe I was.. but to me it was easy and I was just having fun..
I have always built and flown my own aircraft and have probably built and setup over a 100 for others along the way and became there teacher because there was no one around to help me in the day...

I have personally never had any issues changing up and back and forth from fixed wing to rotor (Helicopters) as in tail rotor, not muti rotor as many on this form get that mixed up...

I have my radios all setup the same way,, the switches and flight modes for my fixed wing are the same as my heli's and everything else that I fly with slight variations...

Now for multi rotors [ I don't like the word drone it paints a bad picture in the eyes of the public]
I have been building and designing my own Multi rotors for years, just as I have with fixed wing and Heli's for the past 40+..
So my point to this history lesson is this..
If I'm capable of designing building and flying multiple aircraft ""including"" multirotors without failure and crashes and in some cases using ""3DR equipment and component"" that has been in use years before SOLO evolved..

Why ?? please tell me why would I have any issue pulling a ""NOOB"" aircraft from a box and have issues with it...

I can tell you why,, because My experience tells me there is something wrong.
If you don't have the experience you don't know any better and think it's normal.

Its flawed,, and the reason it's flawed is 3DR was pushing it to market toooo quick and we all became beta testers as with most new equipment..

And this is fact not fictional... Again,,, an insider from 3DR told me themself that it was not ready to go..

SO PLEASE give me a little more credit then you give yourself, , I have been around also,,,Just saying:)
LOL.....what a load of BS
Years of experience and the equipment you own doesn't make you a good pilot.
Really.. Well thanks for clearing that up for all of us,
MaRich,,, are you getting this...
I guess the thousands of hours of flying that we have over the years was a waist of our time,,

You might know a lot of pilots but you don't know me and I doubt you know MaRich.

So the 15 years you have spent as a tech,,, A&P or other?
With a comment like that you wouldn't be working on my aircraft, I guess all the tools and the 15 years evidently hasn't made you a better tech.
From your comment probably not...
I have seen a lot of techs with a lot of tools and some can't use a safty wire plier to save there life..

Considering your new to this forum and have NO idea of my history with 3DR,, I was always told if I don't have anything nice to say ! Don't say it..
But I will say this,, PID loops are easy and I'm glad you got them figured out, but according to you,, I have no street credits so I doubt you would have wanted any input from me...Ya ok Laddy.
If your directing this question tward me personally, , I would have to laugh in your face. .
I tought myself to fly fixed wing RC when I was 12, tought myself how to fly 60 size RC helicopters at the age of 16 long before tail gyros were around and without ONE crash or scratched rotor blades,

I was told I was a prodigy and I guess maybe I was.. but to me it was easy and I was just having fun..
I have always built and flown my own aircraft and have probably built and setup over a 100 for others along the way and became there teacher because there was no one around to help me in the day...

I have personally never had any issues changing up and back and forth from fixed wing to rotor (Helicopters) as in tail rotor, not muti rotor as many on this form get that mixed up...

I have my radios all setup the same way,, the switches and flight modes for my fixed wing are the same as my heli's and everything else that I fly with slight variations...

Now for multi rotors [ I don't like the word drone it paints a bad picture in the eyes of the public]
I have been building and designing my own Multi rotors for years, just as I have with fixed wing and Heli's for the past 40+..
So my point to this history lesson is this..
If I'm capable of designing building and flying multiple aircraft ""including"" multirotors without failure and crashes and in some cases using ""3DR equipment and component"" that has been in use years before SOLO evolved..

Why ?? please tell me why would I have any issue pulling a ""NOOB"" aircraft from a box and have issues with it...

I can tell you why,, because My experience tells me there is something wrong.
If you don't have the experience you don't know any better and think it's normal.

Its flawed,, and the reason it's flawed is 3DR was pushing it to market toooo quick and we all became beta testers as with most new equipment..

And this is fact not fictional... Again,,, an insider from 3DR told me themself that it was not ready to go..

SO PLEASE give me a little more credit then you give yourself, , I have been around also,,,Just saying:)
Sigh, I knew it. My statement referred to experienced flyers as a whole possibly contributing to mishaps in flight as they're very likely to take matters "into their own hands" when sensing something is amiss, which isn't always the best idea when dealing with a semi-autonomous machine like the Solo.
In short, an experienced pilot could have more to learn than a noob. Including myself.
Of course this is theory only, but I can guarantee you I've made a few goofs myself when descending rapidly, over-controlling as I would "brake" unnecessarily, etc..
Of course this can always be turned around: let an experienced Solo (only) flyer try piloting one of our birds around the circuit!
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It's great that some take pride in flying rc and others make money doing it, I give credit where it's due, I was actually interested in the point of view from someone who had a lot of experience in aerial and very little patience. I also agree that experience isn't going to make you a worse multi pilot as well. However getting on here calling yourself a prodigy and ranting how your the greatest to ever live after starting this thread with I don't believe in the word expert, completely contradicting all these statements is ridiculous.

I understand your defending yourself but come on, basically dismissing, talking down to and acting better than everyone here's not the way to go about things. It's rc, it's a hobby and it's mostly for fun, we're not surgeons or gods gift to the world cause we fly these things.

I hate to even get into this and I'm not going back and forth but come on if you have so much experience and thought day 1 solo would be perfect with no bugs or issues to work on, well you know where I'm going with that. To say it's fact that solos flawed cause "an insider said it was to soon" , really well since too soon it's been updated and fixed, so you talked to your "insider" since then, your not an expert right so is he if they don't exist in the hobby?

Why do these threads always have to get so ridiculous, get off your high horse, if solos not for you great, fly one of the other hundred RCs you have. Don't come here acting all knowing and smarter than everyone cause you've flown little planes for years, and if your interested in solo, which being here I'm hoping you are, than try to help out with the issues you've seen.

As I said I'm happy and it's not cause I'm clueless like your pointing to above, plenty of folks with as much experience and expertise as you are loving solo as well. You got a bad one and gave in ASAP apparently thinking you would have perfection out of the box. I got a great one and didn't give up and now solo is a great aerial platform period. Still not trying at all to argue or offend you but come on man tone down the self promotion a bit. It's great you've been at this for years and I respect that, others just like you are here helping newer folks not acting like those who haven't been flying 30 years are beneath them and it's a much better look for you and the hobby as a whole.

Good luck and fly safe
Sorry if your offended, but I did not write that I am the greatest that ever lived and I have never told you or anyone I'm an expert,,, You wrote it.. And being told years ago that I was told I was was a prodigy,,,

I have been told for years that I am an ass hole also,, but both comments have yet to be proven..

I don't know what batch your Solo came in but mine was batch #1 and it had issues and those issues were noted and documented and logs and pages of info was sent to 3DR.
And yes, I was told by a 3DR employee that it was sent out too soon.. if you think it's BS,, well take it as you will..
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What about my first post are you referring to as I am well aware of thermal dynamics and what a heat sink is...please explain I would like to understand your point and beef... maybe not beef just pork:)

Here's what I'm talking about:

I'm old school and have man hands and don't like the feel of plastic radios. I'm sure someone will say that plastic is better for flying in the cold.. BS.. I live in Minnesota we have had -40 below winter days and I have flown in -20 or colder ,, its don't matter.. cold is cold but I can tell you this,,, aluminum case retains heat longer then plastic does so if you fly with a hand warmer in a radio bag aluminum is a good heat sink and will keep your hands warmer then any plastic radio.

Aluminum, because it is a good heat sink, does NOT retain heat longer than plastic. What it does do is transfer heat from a warmer area to a cooler area quite well. This is why when you had the hand warmer, it would keep your hands from freezing - it was transferring the heat from the hand warmer through the aluminum to your hands. Plastic will not do this because it is a good insulator. If you have the hand warmer touching the plastic, it does not transfer the heat, keeps the hand warmer warm, and keeps your hands cold. So IF you have your hand warmer setup, aluminum is better, and if you don't, plastic is better.

What cracks me up is this new craze with the aluminum water bottles. People swear by them and how cold they keep their drinks. The reason you feel the cold is because it is such a good conductor and your drink is heating up much faster than if it was in a plastic bottle. It's sucking the heat out of your hands and the air and applying it to the drink (which is why it feels cold to you - it's taking heat from you).
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I really haven't learned anything with this thread except who's Penis is bigger. Thank you ! But I am new and just boob or is it a noob? Anyway every post seems to be getting more and more like this. Since I am new to this world of RC and choose to go with a Solo. I bought it because of the ease of use for a beginner. Since I am currently attending ERAU for this I figure what the hell. But you guys are really not doing yourselfs any justice or to anyone with the constant bitching. Ok we get you dont like the solo or P3 and the damn price points and blah blah blah... I joined this group to learn and I have but recently in the last two months its a constant my penis is bigger routine. If you have 1 month to 100 years experience then why not share it instead of holding it back and complaining about crap that everyone already knows about such as the release and the price.
As for proving one of the two things you mentioned, I think you're well on your way to proving at least one of them.

Oh, and then there's the spelling thing... (Sorry - it's the grammar nazi in me. Just give me a hug and say, "There, they're, their")
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Really.. Well thanks for clearing that up for all of us,
Clearing what up?

MaRich,,, are you getting this...

Who is MaRich?? Means nothing to me... sorry.

I guess the thousands of hours of flying that we have over the years was a waist of our time,,
I'm sure they were great for you, but obviously not when it comes to flying the solo. Maybe you should go back to flying 3D with your gyroless helicopter from the 40s. lol

You might know a lot of pilots but you don't know me and I doubt you know MaRich.
You, sir are correct, I don't know you... but I know the type... with every post you submit, my suspicions are affirmed. and who is the MaRich fella you keep trying to drag into this?

So the 15 years you have spent as a tech,,, A&P or other?
Yes, A&P...

With a comment like that you wouldn't be working on my aircraft, I guess all the tools and the 15 years evidently hasn't made you a better tech.
Not sure what you mean here... are you a pilot? What tools? I'd say I'm a pretty good tech, my solo hasn't crashed once. lol... and for whats it's worth, from your comments on here, there is no way in hell I would work on your plane. You sound like a nightmare customer for a GA mech. lol

From your comment probably not...
What, specifically are you talking about?

I have seen a lot of techs with a lot of tools and some can't use a safty wire plier to save there life..
Yes, we have a lot of tools... but I don't jump on forums and complain about them when they don't do what I want. As far as SAFETY WIRE PLIERS (correct spelling) I don't really use them... i have much better luck with my hands.

Considering your new to this forum and have NO idea of my history with 3DR,, I was always told if I don't have anything nice to say ! Don't say it..

I was unaware this forum had any affiliation with 3DR... So please tell? whats your history? I didn't think I was saying anything mean, just my opinion... you are the one that's getting all defensive...

But I will say this,, PID loops are easy and I'm glad you got them figured out, but according to you,, I have no street credits so I doubt you would have wanted any input from me...Ya ok Laddy.

Easy huh? well please explain them to us all! I'm sure it will be enlightening... Or are you basing that statement on the Pixhawk (which is the only FC you own based on your initial post) which has the auto tune function? With early 3DR boards we were modifying pid loops from source... not with a gui or a logrhythm that did it for you. and yeah... I did my senior research paper in college on PID loops and they are far from simple... lol. are you drunk? whats with all the commas?
Sigh, I knew it. My statement referred to experienced flyers as a whole possibly contributing to mishaps in flight as they're very likely to take matters "into their own hands" when sensing something is amiss, which isn't always the best idea when dealing with a semi-autonomous machine like the Solo.
In short, an experienced pilot could have more to learn than a noob. Including myself.
Of course this is theory only, but I can guarantee you I've made a few goofs myself when descending rapidly, over-controlling as I would "brake" unnecessarily, etc..
Of course this can always be turned around: let an experienced Solo (only) flyer try piloting one of our birds around the circuit!
LOL.. see what We started. .
good point..
MY Solo flew great for an out of the box unit. It would flip if you gave it some altitude and it was fast and a very small footprint and will be nice for a quick grab and go.
All my flying was in manual mode because any use of GPS was pointless.
Im not going to get in depth with my issues and findings because there on others threads so I will keep it there..I didn't have any unusual flight caracterist and it was very stable in a hover..If you have not had any issues with yours what batch was yours or month did you get yours?
I really haven't learned anything with this thread except who's Penis is bigger. Thank you ! But I am new and just boob or is it a noob? Anyway every post seems to be getting more and more like this. Since I am new to this world of RC and choose to go with a Solo. I bought it because of the ease of use for a beginner. Since I am currently attending ERAU for this I figure what the hell. But you guys are really not doing yourselfs any justice or to anyone with the constant bitching. Ok we get you dont like the solo or P3 and the damn price points and blah blah blah... I joined this group to learn and I have but recently in the last two months its a constant my penis is bigger routine. If you have 1 month to 100 years experience then why not share it instead of holding it back and complaining about crap that everyone already knows about such as the release and the price.

As a fellow ERAU alum, you SHOULD NOT be listening to anything in this thread. lol... Go to DIYDrones and learn how to build a FC from scratch. lol
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