Controller signal lost with Solo very near by!!

If it's your last three flights and you change the email address to your own after submitting a ticket, it's probably the easiest way to go about it. Otherwise I think you have to go through mission planner to get older logs to post. Pretty sure there were threads about the process shortly after release. Since I've been pretty fortunate I only tried once with the email method so far. Think I'm going to dig into mp and tower more this weekend, I've not had time to get into them as much as I'd like too so far.
It wont let me upload the flight logs it says that the zip folder is to large?
Well I'm not sure if it was like this new or not, two weeks in I had a GPS glitch and a landing at an angle from it. It tipped but shut down very fast and was ok beside a slight wobble that was fixed by recalibration. Ever since I noticed that motor feels smoother actually and is always the last to stop. Also in the air every once in a while it seems like the noise I hear is a bit different but not bad. It said crash detected and I sent in my logs, mind you I've flown over a hundred p2 flights in the spot this happened as well as thirty solo flights before this. It literally lost GPS 15 feet straight above its home location where it locked, but 3dr told me the area was to wooded and I needed to fly in a more open place from my GPS reading. Problem there is my GPS normally shows me in my neighbors yard next door a couple hundred feet away back then so they really had no idea where it was especially after GPS glitching.

So since everything was fine I let it go rather than argue since I tried explaining all of the above already and got what seemed like a scripted reply to my ticket. Alls been fine since but that motor just makes me a bit less confident than I would be otherwise. My back yard is where it happened and where I fly a lot so I just use manual to takeoff and land most times and it's been fine ever since. Otherwise I've had a great experience and it's always flown pretty well flawlessly. My GPS and signal are fine after mods so as long as that motor doesn't go I'm a happy camper.
I'm still flying with my original props....So far:)
If it wasn't for my cat chewing on mine, I would have the originals too...:D
When I take the bird in the house I always have to remember to take the props off. He chewed up my Phantom props too.
Well I'm not sure if it was like this new or not, two weeks in I had a GPS glitch and a landing at an angle from it. It tipped but shut down very fast and was ok beside a slight wobble that was fixed by recalibration. Ever since I noticed that motor feels smoother actually and is always the last to stop. Also in the air every once in a while it seems like the noise I hear is a bit different but not bad. It said crash detected and I sent in my logs, mind you I've flown over a hundred p2 flights in the spot this happened as well as thirty solo flights before this. It literally lost GPS 15 feet straight above its home location where it locked, but 3dr told me the area was to wooded and I needed to fly in a more open place from my GPS reading. Problem there is my GPS normally shows me in my neighbors yard next door a couple hundred feet away back then so they really had no idea where it was especially after GPS glitching.

So since everything was fine I let it go rather than argue since I tried explaining all of the above already and got what seemed like a scripted reply to my ticket. Alls been fine since but that motor just makes me a bit less confident than I would be otherwise. My back yard is where it happened and where I fly a lot so I just use manual to takeoff and land most times and it's been fine ever since. Otherwise I've had a great experience and it's always flown pretty well flawlessly. My GPS and signal are fine after mods so as long as that motor doesn't go I'm a happy camper.
My buddy has P3 and man he fly's that thing in front of his house under trees no problem oh and his live feed is amazing compared to the Solo, my live feed is pretty lame to be honest and I fly in the mountains away from the neighborhood while my buddy with the P3 fly's over the neighborhood with no issue on the live feed and could easily fly out a mile with everthing stock. :(
If it wasn't for my cat chewing on mine, I would have the originals too...:D
When I take the bird in the house I always have to remember to take the props off. He chewed up my Phantom props too.
My buddy has P3 and man he fly's that thing in front of his house under trees no problem oh and his live feed is amazing compared to the Solo, my live feed is pretty lame to be honest and I fly in the mountains away from the neighborhood while my buddy with the P3 fly's over the neighborhood with no issue on the live feed and could easily fly out a mile with everthing stock. :(

I'm on an s6 and the fpvlr but I can do both those things with ease man something ain't right. I'm actually a lot more confident in solo than I am in my p2 honestly. Had solo in storm winds yesterday after the rain that would have tossed my p2 around and had it in seizures, and even my video stayed stable. My video does occasionally get a bit choppy but not much and it's the s6 cause it's much better when I shut down everything through app manager. It's dedicated to solo but good old Samsung and Verizon bloat still keeps restarting and causing choppiness occasionally.
I'm on an s6 and the fpvlr but I can do both those things with ease man something ain't right. I'm actually a lot more confident in solo than I am in my p2 honestly. Had solo in storm winds yesterday after the rain that would have tossed my p2 around and had it in seizures, and even my video stayed stable. My video does occasionally get a bit choppy but not much and it's the s6 cause it's much better when I shut down everything through app manager. It's dedicated to solo but good old Samsung and Verizon bloat still keeps restarting and causing choppiness occasionally.
I use a Nexus 6 on mine.
Did you do the stick calibration? That has been the prescribed fix for radio problems.
I had the exact same problem today as Projeffrey11. I'm still on my first Solo which I've had since June and I have never had major issues until today. Everything I have is all stock and the original. The only thing that I recent changed on Solo is the addition of my new gimbal. Before the gimbal I had no issues, after adding the gimbal I've noticed Solo become more erratic when flying in Fly mode. The gimbal has also had occasionally spasms inflight and corrects to the level position after about 10-15 seconds. Today Solo had a difficult time initializing and I kept getting "magnetic interference" even though I was launching from an exact spot that I always use near my house. Finally it initialize and acquired GPS so I took off in Fly mode so a home point would be established. Immediately after takeoff it started an uncommanded fly away. I quickly switched to Stabilize mode to get it under control. I continued to fly and for the most part it was uneventful with the exception of the gimbal acting slightly odd, mostly just minor stabilization issues, then all of a sudden after an uneventful 10 minutes of flying, my iPhone shutdown due to a low battery so therefore the app crashed. I had a tingly feeling that something didn't seem right. So I switched out of Fly into Stablize and brought Solo back to me to a hover 2 feet off the ground 5 feet in front of me. A split second later my controller said it lost connection with me standing right in front of Solo 5 feet away, the strangest part of it all is Solo didn't RTH, rather the motors completely spooled down and Solo came crashing down. Thankfully it only dropped 2 feet from the hover I had it in. But at that moment I completely lost all confidence in my Solo. I'm seriously second guessing the $1500 I spent on the Solo set up. I'm glad it's not just me having these problems. Anyone have a remedy?
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I had the exact same problem today as Projeffrey11. I'm still on my first Solo which I've had since June and I have never had major issues until today. Everything I have is all stock and the original. The only thing that I recent changed on Solo is the addition of my new gimbal. Before the gimbal I had no issues, after adding the gimbal I've noticed Solo become more erratic when flying in Fly mode. The gimbal has also had occasionally spasms inflight and corrects to the level position after about 10-15 seconds. Today Solo had a difficult time initializing and I kept getting "magnetic interference" even though I was launching from an exact spot that I always use near my house. Finally it initialize and acquired GPS so I took off in Fly mode so a home point would be established. Immediately after takeoff it started an uncommanded fly away. I quickly switched to Stabilize mode to get it under control. I continued to fly and for the most part it was uneventful with the exception of the gimbal acting slightly odd, mostly just minor stabilization issues, then all of a sudden after an uneventful 10 minutes of flying, my iPhone shutdown due to a low battery so therefore the app crashed. I had a tingly feeling that something didn't seem right. So I switched out of Fly into Stablize and brought Solo back to me to a hover 2 feet off the ground 5 feet in front of me. A split second later my controller said it lost connection with me standing right in front of Solo 5 feet away, the strangest part of it all is Solo didn't RTH, rather the motors completely spooled down and Solo came crashing down. Thankfully it only dropped 2 feet from the hover I had it in. But at that moment I completely lost all confidence in my Solo. I'm seriously second guessing the $1500 I spent on the Solo set up. I'm glad it's not just me having these problems. Anyone have a remedy?
When I lost controller connection my Solo didn't RTH either instead it took off one direction and almost crashed in to a tree, lucky the pause button saved it and then shortly after lost controller signal again.
First time i ever heard of this problem.
Make a ticket, send logs. 3DR would be happy to help you.
I've heard many people have this problem that's funny that you haven't experience this first hand or at least read about it.
I've heard many people have this problem that's funny that you haven't experience this first hand or at least read about it.
Never heard of anyone's monitor die out, then bird drops like a rock?
I never had any problems besides HDMI cable & just replaced that. It's prefect now.
Tell me, what did all those other people that this happen to, did they returned there solo's & got there money back? That's what would do if it happens to me.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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Never heard of anyone's monitor die out, then bird drops like a rock?
I never had any problems besides HDMI cable & just replaced that. It's prefect now.
Tell me, what did all those other people that this happen to, did they returned there solo's & got there money back? That's what would do if it happens to me.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I'm not sure what other people did, what I did was get an even exchange and this problem still exist.

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