Compass won't calibrate

Jun 27, 2017
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I just bought my solo from a buddy. I have flown it a few times... still practicing. Every time I have flown it, I have to re-calibrate the compass -- a minor inconvenience, but an inconvenience nonetheless.

I got it with three batteries. Today, before flight the first time, I (of course) had to calibrate. When battery #1 got low, I switched to #2. I did not move the Solo from its landing spot and it did not require any additional calibration. Once that battery was low, I landed in a different spot (a few feet away) and swapped out for battery #3. Now, it requires calibration again and it keeps failing. The progress bar gets nearly to the end and it suddenly fails - over and over and over.

Any advice?
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I think you should try it on Mission Planner or Solex are a different device.
Using a different application or different mobile device is not going to change anything with the compass....

Check the compass in the leg to see if it's loose.
Using a different application or different mobile device is not going to change anything with the compass....

Check the compass in the leg to see if it's loose.
Brand new to this machine.... This sounds like excellent advice for a potentially simple fix, however I don't know that odd recognize the compass if I saw it (pretty sure it's not going to have a N-E-S-W on it).... Which leg and what does it look like?
Completely unrelated to the drone.... It just occurred to me that I may have to use this "broken compass" to throw in a shameless plug for my favorite brewery, Broken Compass Brewing Company in Breckenridge, CO. Owners are friends and the beer is phenomenal.
Brand new to this machine.... This sounds like excellent advice for a potentially simple fix, however I don't know that odd recognize the compass if I saw it (pretty sure it's not going to have a N-E-S-W on it).... Which leg and what does it look like?

It's all in your Solo manual, including the following illustration. See pages 71-74 for complete information about how to replace the leg with the compass.

Just because you said your very new to this I'm going to chime in. Once upon a time I had terrible time trying to calibrate. I must have gone through the spin the solo 20 times. If you are not sharp on details you ( like me) will not realize the that the front of the animated solo ( the one with the gimble minus GoPro is pointing at your stomach). If yours is not oriented the same way it will not play nice and you will spin your arms off to no avail just like I did. I hope your problem is as simple as that.

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