Clarification on current OpenSolo build and stock cube

Dec 18, 2017
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Looking for some clarification on the current status of OpenSolo. It looks like there's two different branches at this point, one for the stock cube, one for the green cube. My questions are:
1) This means a stock cube (with its slewrate limiting) can use this build as is right?
2) can a modified stock cube with 5V buffer output (following the directions here 3DR Solo Cube 5v modification (Run ArduCopter safely with stock cube) – use the green cube build? (at least if I use the modified firmware for the initial flash)
3) How do you do the firmware update without Solex/SidePilot? I think I saw some directions about doing this from Mission Planner, and there's various mentions of doing it directly through SSH, but I haven't found anything specific for Solos.

Thanks for the clarification!
the only way to update it that I know of would be to manually flash the sd cards on both the controller and solo, then load parameters using mission planner. I don't know anyone who has actually tried that. So if you try it and brick it, not my fault. Just get solex or sidepilot and do it the correct way
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the only way to update it that I know of would be to manually flash the sd cards on both the controller and solo, then load parameters using mission planner. I don't know anyone who has actually tried that. So if you try it and brick it, not my fault. Just get solex or sidepilot and do it the correct way

I see. The fact that Solex can do it over wifi means it should be able to be done "manually" over wifi. Hopefully someone besides the developer of Solex knows what that method is.
Peddles2Paddles published procedures are the best way to do this. Open Solo was designed to run on the stock cube. Solex, Side Pilot (my Choice) make it relatively easy assuming you have no hiccups. But even if you do, there are ways to recover.

Open Solo is the future, I can’t say enough good things about Peddles and the rest of the developers who have been working to secure all of us a future with this platform.
the only way to update it that I know of would be to manually flash the sd cards on both the controller and solo, then load parameters using mission planner. I don't know anyone who has actually tried that. So if you try it and brick it, not my fault. Just get solex or sidepilot and do it the correct way

I do it all the time but I would recommend using Pedals2Paddles procedure instead.

To answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. Yes, it can use standard Master Ardupilot but getting it there might be more complicated. Matt does something to determine what Pixhawk you are using. So a standard Pixhawk with a 5v mod is going to be detected as an "old" Pixhawk 2.0 and I assume his scripts will then install the 3DR firmware rather than the newer firmware.
3. Matt has gone to a lot of trouble to make the upgrade to Open Solo easy. For most people it is well worth paying for Solex to get that peace of mind. You can however do it manually but it requires knowledge of the systems (Linux) and it requires the tools. That info is available but harder to find as it probably should be.
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I do it all the time but I would recommend using Pedals2Paddles procedure instead.
So if I'm reading correctly from both P2P's method and the Solo Dev page, the manual procedure would be to SCP into Solo, copy over firmware, reboot. Repeat for controller. Load parameters through GC. Calibrate. Am I missing anything important?
Also, and this is more off-topic, can you power on and test the firmware on the cube if its not plugged into the carrier but just plugged in by its own micro USB?
So if I'm reading correctly from both P2P's method and the Solo Dev page, the manual procedure would be to SCP into Solo, copy over firmware, reboot. Repeat for controller. Load parameters through GC. Calibrate. Am I missing anything important?
Yes, after "Repeat for controller" is use Mission Planner to actually load Arducopter 3.5x to the Pixhawk.
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Also, and this is more off-topic, can you power on and test the firmware on the cube if its not plugged into the carrier but just plugged in by its own micro USB?

No, it can be powered only by USB but it must be in the carrier/motherbrd. Just don't power up the motherbrd at the same time. If you do this be careful to use a USB cable with a thin connector because you could damage the USB connector on the Pixhawk if you try and jam a "too fat" USB cable into the Pixhawk.
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I do it all the time but I would recommend using Pedals2Paddles procedure instead.

To answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. Yes, it can use standard Master Ardupilot but getting it there might be more complicated. Matt does something to determine what Pixhawk you are using. So a standard Pixhawk with a 5v mod is going to be detected as an "old" Pixhawk 2.0 and I assume his scripts will then install the 3DR firmware rather than the newer firmware.
3. Matt has gone to a lot of trouble to make the upgrade to Open Solo easy. For most people it is well worth paying for Solex to get that peace of mind. You can however do it manually but it requires knowledge of the systems (Linux) and it requires the tools. That info is available but harder to find as it probably should be.

Thank you! That answers everything! Hope my questions help some others here.
Compatible with stock and green cubes. No different branch, no different build. The only difference is which version of ArduCopter gets automatically installed on the pixhawk. If it detects the stock cube, it will install ArduCopter Solo 1.5.4. If it detects the green cube, it will install ArduCopter master 3.5.4. That's the only difference.

If you have the hacked up stock cube hotwired for 5 volts, you will need to manually install the ArduCopter 3.5.4 Firmware after the Open Solo install completes. Not difficult. Just drop the px4 file in the /firmware/ directory and reboot. You'll then need to do a parameter reset, load the parameter files, and reboot. Then recalibrate and reboot.

As to loading Open Solo manually, no you can't just drop the file in the folder and reboot. That's only for ArduCopter firmware. The complete file system update, to include the recovery partition, is much more involved. It's perfectly doable. I do it all the time for testing. But it's also not something I am going to write up instructions on right now.

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