Can't factory reset solo?

Oct 19, 2015
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Swansea, south Wales, United Kingdom
I think I've made a silly newbie mistake!

Text below is from the email I sent 3dr support. Given what I've read in forums about how long they take to reply I thought I'd post a cry for help here too.

"I have a Solo (serial number: S111A5700766) and gimbal purchased from SLR Hut on/around 4th October, 2015. I ran the first use software updates and fitted the gimbal with no problems. The unit has around 3 hours flight time with no problems.

Today (24th October) the unit flew for around 20 minutes and it was brought in for a battery change. The Solo was restarted but would not connect to the controller (controller message "Waiting for Solo") or Solo App on a Sony Z4 (message" Vehicle not detected"). The Sony tablet connected to the Solo WiFi network. The gimbal still worked and stabilised the camera.

I restarted the controller, Solo and Sony tablet a number of times with no improvement. When holding the Solo I could feel a faint vibration. As this was likely to be the gimbal I removed the gimbal and restarted the system with no change. I refitted the gimbal (no change) and returned home.

At home I tried restarting the system a number of times, pressing the "Pair" button on the Solo and removed the gimbal with no change. When trying to pair the devices I noticed a solid amber LED visible through one of the accessory bay screw holes. Looking through the forums I found instructions on resetting the controller. I followed the instructions and completed the controller reset. However the controller displays the "Preflight update" message, which cannot be completed. It looks like that the Preflight update will not complete due to not being able to connect to the Solo.

Please send me info on how to get the Solo to connect so I can complete the Preflight update and get the system flying asap.

Please note that I am using the Solo as a proof of concept platform for the use of RPAS in mountain search and rescue in the UK. I have a demonstration scheduled for Sunday (1st November) and need this resolved and the Solo flying by Saturday.

Please note that I have Tower on the Sony Z4 tablet. I am new to the software and was looking through the settings this afternoon. I changed the Telemetry Link Speed setting to 115200. This may have been while the Solo and controller were powered up.

Is it possible that the new rate was transferred to the Solo and took effect when it was powered up with the fresh battery. With the new speed on the Solo not matching the controller it may be possible they cannot connect.

Is there a way to reset the Solo and correct the rate?"

I have followed 3dr's instructions for the factory reset but don't get the flashing amber LED and it won't repair the controller and Solo.

Any suggestions?
First suggestion... simplify your report as it's very hard to follow. :) Second... when you run into a problem don't get all willy nilly and start changing settings as that will just make it harder to troubleshoot. But a factory reset should overwrite any changes, as you already know.

At this point, because I'm not sure what you've done and I'm certainly not tech support, is do a factory reset of everything. But it sounds like you've attempted that. Here's what 3DR says about Preflight Update message and solid amber light in the controller. First, I would focus on getting the controller booted up correctly. Good luck.

1.) Turn off the controller and try again.

2.) If you are unable to begin the reset after several attempts, then there could be a hardware problem. Please look at the little LED indicator lights inside the controller. They are visible through the vents in the back, and report their status to your tech support agent.

  • There should be red, green, and orange lights. If the orange light is solid, then there is a problem with the computer onboard the controller. It did not boot up correctly.
  • If there is a red light but no orange or green light, then the computer onboard the controller is not receiving power.
  • If the orange light is flashing twice per second, then the controller should be operating normally and a factory reset should work.
I would just call tech support on the phone because it will take forever to resolve it through email.
Thanks for the advice. The tech support in the app asked for details and this what they got :)

I'd rather call than email but I'm in the UK. It's a bit expensive calling the States! I'll see if this can be fixed in the next couple of days by email. If not I'll have to pick up the phone.

Ps. The controller has reset OK. It's Solo itself that will not take the factory reset or pair with the controllercontroller.
So the controller boots up successfully. That's good.

Solo factory reset: When you hold down the pair button, power up the Solo while keeping the pair button pressed... and still keep it pressed for up to 15 seconds and let go when it starts flashing rapidly. Can you get the LED pair indicator light to flash rapidly? If so then you've successfully reset your Solo to factory defaults.

I would try this several times, if not successful. I'm just parroting what's in the manual. I dunno... could be a language barrier thing. ;)

(edit: after looking back I see you can't get it to flash... I was thinking you were talking about your controller. So I'm not of much help, sorry)
not sure if this will help but with my solo i couldn't do a factory reset with the gimbal installed, i removed the gimbal tried again and it worked first time. after the reset was done i updated the firmware through the app before reinstalling the gimbal.
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I had this same problem about a week ago with one of my Solos.
No matter how many times I tried to factory default that "orange" light never came on again...

I found this thread to have the answers.
Bricked Solo and Fix. | 3D Robotics Drone Forum

Now, you need to consider if you are under warranty or not.
If you are, 3DR may not approve of this fix and want you to send it in.

Somehow due to a bad update or reset the software on Solos SD card is corrupt.
You need to reload a "CLEAN" factory image file onto the SD card and it should fix the problem.
This involves opening up the solo and removing the SD card.

I know it worked for me and few others.
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Thanks for the replies and suggestions.

3dr support tried to help but in the end I had to go back to the supplier and arrange a replacement. 3dr's advice was limited to "follow the instructions on the website", which I had already done, repeatedly! Sam at SAR Hut (the cheapest supplier I have found in the UK) was a great helphelp. OK, I had to buy a replacement as I needed it by the weekend but SAR Hut is covering all carriage costs and will expedite the refund.

Conclusion is SAR Hut customer service is good and 3dr's support is willing but had little to offer.
I received very helpful advice from 3DR Support (Owen).
Here is summary.

1) Pair the device to controller
Pairing the Controller | 3DR - Drone & UAV Technology
Although this did not stop the beeping, I now have control over my Solo

2) Load Default parameters (To stop the beeping)

For Mission Planner:
- Connect to the SoloLink WiFi network
- Open Mission Planner
- Select UDP on the top right dropdown menu
- Click on Connect
- Go to Config/Tuning
- Full Parameter List
- Look and change SYSID_SW_MREV to 0
- Click on Write Parameters (on the right side)
- Disconnect and reboot Solo

All is sweet. Tomorrow I'm airborne.
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