Canadian UAV Flight Training

All completed.... I chipped away at all the assignments and did the final exam. Way more then it than I thought, but my understanding of the industry is much greater now.
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I'm happy to share a templated, successful SFOC with anyone in Canada, pre-filled for Solo, Phantom, or Cinestar. FWIW, none of them contain any "unusual" acronyms. The standard charts work just fine. SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts is what we use for UAV and aircraft flight. Yes, they're SIGNIFICANTLY more detailed than the government charts for UAV but for SFOC purposes, the government charts suffice to know where one can and cannot fly without an SFOC.
AFAIC, EVERY UAV pilot/operator should know the basics that a 40-hour PPC would know, but Transport Canada is not at all requiring it, and until the final rules are in place, it's likely overkill for the vast majority of Canadian operators.
We're on the same page, I'm just pointing out that for recreational use, the school and TC exam you're pointing to is far beyond the TC expectation.
I'd love to see one of those templates filled for Solo if that offers still on the table for Canadians? :)


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Hey digitaliris, I recieved my Option 2 for a year in Sask / MB. TC was quite helpful I found and they called to discuss exactly what I was planning on doing.
That's good to know! They haven't called me yet though. Did they call you after they got your application?
didn't hear from them for 2 or 3 weeks I think. They basically got my SFOC to me a couple days under their estimate in the auto generated email I got after submitting. Where are you located at
didn't hear from them for 2 or 3 weeks I think. They basically got my SFOC to me a couple days under their estimate in the auto generated email I got after submitting. Where are you located at
Ok that's good to know. I'm in Winnipeg. You?
Nice. I travel a lot for a client in Regina so I go thru Virden quite often. I actually got trapped in that nutso tornado last summer while filming a commercial in WayWay.
Just creeped your facebook and saw your vids. Nice stuff.
I just noticed you said Manitoba and Sask in your earlier comment about your FSOC, but was curious why Alberta wasnt included? Or was all this based on what TC decided after they called to discuss it with you?
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Any other Canadians dealing with SFOC and TC?
I got my SFOC for all of Alberta For my SOLO, it was no problem. I dont need any other province. It took me about 3 hours to fill in the App form. The lady emailed me back (Cindy I think her name was) with a couple corrections. I made the corrections, and in 2 weeks I had my license to fly. Its all basically bull shit. All it comes down to is really a few simple rules. 1) No flying over minors (Schools ect) 2) built up areas (residential homes and such) 3) ALWAYS GET PERMISSION! its basically a form saying use your fucking head! and ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION. There is of course all the major rules included but the ones she stressed was Over minors and crowds.... they must have had a lot of problems with that I guess!????
I'm happy to share a templated, successful SFOC with anyone in Canada, pre-filled for Solo, Phantom, or Cinestar. FWIW, none of them contain any "unusual" acronyms. The standard charts work just fine. SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts is what we use for UAV and aircraft flight. Yes, they're SIGNIFICANTLY more detailed than the government charts for UAV but for SFOC purposes, the government charts suffice to know where one can and cannot fly without an SFOC.
AFAIC, EVERY UAV pilot/operator should know the basics that a 40-hour PPC would know, but Transport Canada is not at all requiring it, and until the final rules are in place, it's likely overkill for the vast majority of Canadian operators.
We're on the same page, I'm just pointing out that for recreational use, the school and TC exam you're pointing to is far beyond the TC expectation.
hi i am new to the group , i am taking the ground course and have finished 1/4 of it can you please send the template to me . thanks
FYI A lot of the info in this thread is out of date; new regulations have come into effect since the majority of the posts in this thread.

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