Can you point me to documentation to use the solo controller with a GreenCube Fixed Wing?

Jun 10, 2017
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South Eastern Massachusetts
I have two Solos... Both purchased at b & h firesale prices. I have a great wide open space to fly and I really like flying these.. I would like to use the solo controller with a fixed wing parrot disco killer design.
I am using a Bixler style fixed wing and a green cube controller.
What do I need to interface with the Green Cube ? The solo wifi card and the communications controller board ? Incline sour we for the solo hardware... I just need the docs showing g how to communicate with the solo controller and green cube.

You are much better off getting a Pixhawk 2.1 and carrier board. The green cube still needs a carrier board if not in Solo. Lots of documentation on the Ardupilot website.
Well, actually I don't why you couldn't do it. You can't use most of the smart shots on a fixed wing aircraft. But the core flight controls, pixhawk, and motor outputs will work. You would need to flash ArduPlane onto the Pixhawk instead of ArduCopter. And you're on your own transplanting the hardware and hooking it up. Nobody has ever done that before.
My goal is to build a fixed wing similar to the Parrot Disco, but cost a lot less. I really like how well my Solo flies and the video feed streaming to my tablet. It's great for FPV since I can keep my eyes on the bird and fall back to fpvfor ierientation when the bird is out there. By the way.. where I fly I've been out 2000 feet away, 400 ft altitude. never loose the signal. Still booming at -60db.
I'd like to build a fixed wing that uses the same controller. I've found a sololink board for $60.00
A fixed wing a whole different animal. But there's no reason it can't work. I will be a lot of high tech stuff "going to waste" since all the smart shots are useless on a fixed wing. But it's a controller, pixhawk, controller, telemetry, and FPV all in one package for free since you already have it. The alternative is spending hundreds buying all that separate. So it will be pretty cool to have Solo based fixed wing cruising around.

Also, Jeep Wave!
My goal is to build a fixed wing similar to the Parrot Disco, but cost a lot less. I really like how well my Solo flies and the video feed streaming to my tablet. It's great for FPV since I can keep my eyes on the bird and fall back to fpvfor ierientation when the bird is out there. By the way.. where I fly I've been out 2000 feet away, 400 ft altitude. never loose the signal. Still booming at -60db.
I'd like to build a fixed wing that uses the same controller. I've found a sololink board for $60.00
I found an entire Solo for $58. Good luck too you. I hope to build a Solo Y6.
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A fixed wing a whole different animal. But there's no reason it can't work. I will be a lot of high tech stuff "going to waste" since all the smart shots are useless on a fixed wing. But it's a controller, pixhawk, controller, telemetry, and FPV all in one package for free since you already have it. The alternative is spending hundreds buying all that separate. So it will be pretty cool to have Solo based fixed wing cruising around.

Also, Jeep Wave!

Ahh.. Jeep Wave back at ya. 4 Wheeling is my other hobby. My Avatar has my first mod... LED headlights.
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My goal is to build a fixed wing similar to the Parrot Disco, but cost a lot less. I really like how well my Solo flies and the video feed streaming to my tablet. It's great for FPV since I can keep my eyes on the bird and fall back to fpvfor ierientation when the bird is out there. By the way.. where I fly I've been out 2000 feet away, 400 ft altitude. never loose the signal. Still booming at -60db.
I'd like to build a fixed wing that uses the same controller. I've found a sololink board for $60.00
Any progress on this? I'm looking to do the exact same thing as I have a few spare Solo boards (all with stock cube) and agree it seems like a very feasible concept.
Yep.. MRO will be releasing a controller soon. I will be using that. As far as my fixed wing goes I have been flying it without the aid of a controller since I want to learn how to shoot for thermals. Banking in a spiral with just ailerons and elevator while soaring in thermals is much different than a typical fixed wing. At least that's what I am experiencing with my CloudSurfer. When I master the plane without a controller Then I might be ready fo program the flight controller

Check out MRO.
Any progress on this? I'm looking to do the exact same thing as I have a few spare Solo boards (all with stock cube) and agree it seems like a very feasible concept.
Why not just use a different controller? The solo main-board has PPM in you can pull the the IMX and use any controller you want...albeit loosing some functionality..

I have tried loading arduplane on the solo pixhawk to no avail it didn't work at all..It would never install and this was tried with a direct usb connection. I might have missed something but every version of arducopter would install on the solo cube even rover. So good luck and keep us updated with any progress.
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Why not just use a different controller? The solo main-board has PPM in you can pull the the IMX and use any controller you want...albeit loosing some functionality..

I have tried loading arduplane on the solo pixhawk to no avail it didn't work at all..It would never install and this was tried with a direct usb connection. I might have missed something but every version of arducopter would install on the solo cube even rover. So good luck and keep us updated with any progress.

Hmm, I had noticed those pads, might be worth hooking up a ppm receiver and see how it goes. Although, if I use a different controller and receiver and drop the imx, I lose all the nice bits I want from the solo setup (video, telemetry etc) which I guess defeats the purpose - so would be easier to use a cc3d, or some other flight controller I have lying around.

I have 5 spare Solo controllers, boards etc and am really hoping I can get them working with some of my diy quads (that should be easier) and a couple of fixed wings.

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