Can SEX affect your flight time

Dec 27, 2017
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can SEX affect your flight time.... lol actually I'm searching for a decent tablet between 8" and a 5.5"
someone gave me a Amazon FIRE HD 10" because the usb was unsoldered and needed reflowed/replaced
but I wanted to see what others were using
I plan to use it solely for the solo or flight computer- currently I have some cheap phones that don't seem fast enough- and they won't have service for the most part.
anyway hope everyone got what they hoped for on Valentine's day.... I flew!!!

also i'm looking for a fixed camera mount if anyone is interested in getting rid of one -
I'm using a Nexus 7 (2013) that I bought on Amazon in 2015.
Works great, brighter screen than my iPad mini 3, but I had to put an anti-glare film on the screen.
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Actually SEX really does affect your flight time. For instance, you have a number of short flights planned totaling 2 hours. You've got the mission all planned out, the shots all planned out and you're ready to fly. Your significant other then appears and asks "Do you REALLY want to play with your drones, or would you rather play with me...". Immediately flight time is cut out, the mission is scrubbed and thus your flight time is immediately affected.

Oh and I'm thinking I need to pick up a Nexus 7...
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Actually SEX really does affect your flight time. For instance, you have a number of short flights planned totaling 2 hours. You've got the mission all planned out, the shots all planned out and you're ready to fly. Your significant other then appears and asks "Do you REALLY want to play with your drones, or would you rather play with me...". Immediately flight time is cut out, the mission is scrubbed and thus your flight time is immediately affected.

Oh and I'm thinking I need to pick up a Nexus 7...
Sounds like you've already been in the liquor cabinet this morning.o_O
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Reactions: IrishmanPDX

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