Battery Storage, "Fly Now" Question

Jan 17, 2017
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I have read multiple threads and opinions about how to properly store batteries when not in use, and I'm still a little confused ... so I'll just ask for a straight up, decisive answer (kidding, may not be possible): I have five batteries, but I only fly every couple of weeks unless I'm doing something specific that I can plan ahead for ... so when something unscheduled pops up out of the blue and I need to "fly now" ... I don't want to reach in my bag and pull out a battery that's 30% or 40% charged, I'd obviously rather have one close to 100%. But if storing them at 100% is not the best idea, what's the other options? We had a huge, unexpected pool party at my house this past week since my wife came home early for her birthday, and everyone wanted a great "selfie" shot of the group, etc ... but all my batteries were so low I was scared to do it for fear of them dying mid-flight ... so I had to wait for one to charge up significantly since it had been a couple of weeks without using them (as the sun was going further down) ... I'm imagining I may need one for a "fly now" scenario and will be disappointed. So what's the best way to store them where at least one will be fly-ready? Thanks, sorry for the long post. If there's a thread that covers this I'm fine with a link, I just can't locate one specific for my question. Thanks
Sort of the point of my post ... "storing" them was my question, and how to be able to have a "charged" battery when I need it unexpectedly. I'm assuming you were kidding though.
Sort of the point of my post ... "storing" them was my question, and how to be able to have a "charged" battery when I need it unexpectedly. I'm assuming you were kidding though.
Keep one charged up for, say, 3 days, then rotate to battery 2 and charge it up, letting 1, 3,4,5 discharge. After 3 days charge battery 3 up and allow 1,2,4,5 to discharge. Continue down the line.
I have the same problem, wanting to always be ready for a flight but keep my batteries at the smartest charge level for a long life.

I have ended up with the following routine. I have four batteries. After using them all for an outing, I will charge two of them to about 50%. The other two I will charge to 80%. That way I can always do a short flight right away or charge the 80% ones to full in fairly short time with my two chargers.

80% charge is not ideal but better than having them at 100%
Solo batteries like to be stored at 50% charge. If stored higher than that they should slowly self discharge to 50% and stop. Storing empty is worse than storing them full.
Unless I'm traveling with Solo, I store all my batteries at 50%. If the aliens invade I know I can get at least 5 min of flight in to record their little green faces and become a famous YouTuber. I also have a standard LiPo battery charger that can charge at 5.3A, so topping off a 50% charged battery takes less than 30 min.
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