Are flyaways covered when....?

Jun 8, 2017
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Hi, I was just wondering whether or not a flyaway would be covered by 3dr if you were using Solex or the Tower app when the flyaway occurred. I'm thinking that they would only honor a flyaway if the person was using the Solo app only. Anybody have any knowledge on this?

A real Flyaway "Rarely ever happens" is caused by a hardware failure.
As long as you have possession on the controller, they know everything about your flight(s)
Never the less, flyaways have occurred in the past & I think the Tower app may have being used at the time? you need to research the DataBase.
They said long ago that Tower would be covered. In any event they can't tell if you were using 3DR app, Tower or Solex.
A real Flyaway "Rarely ever happens" is caused by a hardware failure.
As long as you have possession on the controller, they know everything about your flight(s)
Never the less, flyaways have occurred in the past & I think the Tower app may have being used at the time? you need to research the DataBase.

I am having a hard time understanding your point there, sorry.

I am having a hard time understanding your point there, sorry.


He meant that "flyaways due to hardware malfunctions" are EXTREMELY rare and usually are due to pilot error.
He suggests that some have had flyaway issues with Tower and to search around for those posts discussing that issue.

However, I have not heard about any flyaways in Tower expect that those are simply more pilot errorr. I've heard of Tower causing flip-overs but those were also pilot "misunderstandings" if not errors
I am having a hard time understanding your point there, sorry.


"A real Flyaway "Rarely ever happens" & is caused by a hardware failure."
Most hardware failure are covered by 3DR
My point being, if you crashed your Solo, they will know exactly when, where & how it happend.
So don't worry your little head over it. Many 3DR tech. support people reads these forums. They may help answer your questions also.
Had a fly away today...the drone went 1500 feet away at an altitude of 250 feet and had no issues and got some good footage with no loss of signal. I returned the drone to home and it returned and landed successfully. I then took off again and went to and altitude of 350 feet and moved 25 feet from where I took off and hovered. I noticed my battery was at 25% by that time and I hit return to home. The drone proceeded to climb to 400 feet and became unresponsive then started to move away from the home location. I was roughly 3000 feet away from the ocean and the drone was going that way. I lost signal with the drone at 9% battery life. I searched the area, notified law enforcement in case any one called it in but no luck have yet to find it and have come to the conclusion based off it's ascend and speed it possible made it to the water and plummeted into the bay. So now I'm out a go pro, drone, gimbal and battery.
Had a fly away today...the drone went 1500 feet away at an altitude of 250 feet and had no issues and got some good footage with no loss of signal. I returned the drone to home and it returned and landed successfully. I then took off again and went to and altitude of 350 feet and moved 25 feet from where I took off and hovered. I noticed my battery was at 25% by that time and I hit return to home. The drone proceeded to climb to 400 feet and became unresponsive then started to move away from the home location. I was roughly 3000 feet away from the ocean and the drone was going that way. I lost signal with the drone at 9% battery life. I searched the area, notified law enforcement in case any one called it in but no luck have yet to find it and have come to the conclusion based off it's ascend and speed it possible made it to the water and plummeted into the bay. So now I'm out a go pro, drone, gimbal and battery.

Were you using the 3DR Solo app?

Might be helpful grabbing your logs and uploading them here after you send to 3DR.

So from 25% to 9% battery while heading out towards the ocean, it still had connectivity with your controller, which is good.
You said it was "unresponsive" so the logs should show you a) had connectivity and were trying to hit "FLY" or "PAUSE" or some other intervention, and that the Solo did not respond and then b) that it eventually lost connection to the controller and continued flying away

Assuming you are sure that you simply didn't panic and forget "how" to take control again while the controller still had connectivity (hitting FLY or PAUSE) then you should be covered
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Yes I was using the Solo app, I have contacted their support through Email and have heard nothing back. It was all fine up until i hit return to home and the thing when flying away. I tried to slam the elevation stick down but the drone was unresponsive so i engaged return to home again and the controller said returning to home but proceeded to keep its heading away from me and be unresponsive until it went out of range.
Yeah they take a few days to reply.

Problem with your issue is that hitting control sticks in RTH won't do anything until you hit FLY button or PAUSE button, and this is actually typical of new pilots to panic and start hitting control sticks but not the actual correct button (not saying this is what happened in your case, just saying this is common with others).

Still it should have only climbed to altitude and then landed, I'd like to see the logs to see what really happened at that point
My main thing is that it went above the defined altitude limit and the automatic return home for low battery/signal loss failsafes all failed and the drone started doing its own thing. How do i upload the logs here? I was only able to autoattach them on the second email i sent to 3DR using the SOLO app.
If you are on PC you can use MissionPlanner to grab them - follow this video (or one of the many others out there:
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On Mac the similar program is APM Planner 2.0
Had a fly away today...the drone went 1500 feet away at an altitude of 250 feet and had no issues and got some good footage with no loss of signal. I returned the drone to home and it returned and landed successfully. I then took off again and went to and altitude of 350 feet and moved 25 feet from where I took off and hovered. I noticed my battery was at 25% by that time and I hit return to home. The drone proceeded to climb to 400 feet and became unresponsive then started to move away from the home location. I was roughly 3000 feet away from the ocean and the drone was going that way. I lost signal with the drone at 9% battery life. I searched the area, notified law enforcement in case any one called it in but no luck have yet to find it and have come to the conclusion based off it's ascend and speed it possible made it to the water and plummeted into the bay. So now I'm out a go pro, drone, gimbal and battery.
fail safes all failed? that's about 6 fail safes built in to solo that failed? What i would have done, is keep the "Fly" button pressed in. What does this do? It initiate's a immediate emergency landing procedure,
I used WInSCP to do a file transfer of my whole log folder off of my Controller, the video above wouldnt work because the drone isnt in my possession. Im assuming this is the right file because it can be opened in mission planner. solo.tlog
Did 3dr send you another drone or compensate you for the flyaway?
I used WInSCP to do a file transfer of my whole log folder off of my Controller, the video above wouldnt work because the drone isnt in my possession. Im assuming this is the right file because it can be opened in mission planner. solo.tlog

Did 3dr send you another drone for the flyaway?

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