Android 3dr services question

Jun 6, 2015
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Didn't want to title this with something that screams huge issue cause it's not, but I'm curious. I usually run solo from an iPhone 6plus with no issues, but lately I've been trying to use my galaxy s6 edge and two of the 6 or so flights 3dr services shuts down. Solo still flys and the app still runs, I just lose smart shots and camera control. Just wondering if others are having similar issues on android lately cause I used the s6 plenty a few months back and these are the only issues I've had with 3dr services ever.

I've lost camera control and had to re-start the app a couple times. Once I had to land Solo and restart everything ( Solo, controller, GoPro, app ). Twice GoPro was completely unresponsive -- had to pull and re-seat the battery.
I too had problems, same issue on all 12 flights yesterday, using 3DR services v1.5.2.
I did not try MPCC on my iPAD since MPCC missions were saved on the SHIELD.

Open for suggestions and idea's.
Yea weather wasn't great today so couldn't test the update, but if I have issues again next flight I think I'll go back to IOS until it's sorted out. iPhone 6 Plus has been flawless since day one, I really just wanted to use my edge for something since the battery life makes it unusable as a phone most times. Love the phone, but I can't charge it a couple times a day, even if it has fast charge. No flight or solo app issues when services crashes, but rather be safe than sorry and it has made me a bit nervous when it happens. Anyway I'll post what happens next couple tries.
I have had the same issue a number of times, always seems to happen during a Cable Cam setup. No sudden erratic movement. There does seem to be a delay of 10 to 15 seconds before I am able to get the Fly button to respond, maybe on reconnect with Services. It is a little unnerving looking at the screen and controller trying to figure out what is going on without eyes on the Solo; so my ability to assess all aspects of the occurrence is impaired.

It is aggravating because the Cable Cam has to be setup again with much time lost on that battery. I haven't determined common factors associated with what causes this loss.

Hope this gets sorted out or someone identifies what causes this.
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I've done dozens of flights since my last posting 6 weeks ago. I did not witness these last few times what I stated and what you said. I flew iOS with no issues, in addition with the Android Shield, but I did do a delete program reboot and reinstall with less issues. Seem like a lot of times, for some reason deleting and reinstall works. iOS doesn't need 3DR services or is built in.
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iOS doesn't need 3DR services or is built in.
It's not needed on iOS because iOS doesn't have Tower. 3DR services is common code that is shared between the solo app and tower so that it's not duplicated in both codebases. Since iOS is more limited and doesn't have tower, it doesn't need 3DR services either.

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