Alternative gimbal for solo. PLEASE HELP!!

Jan 23, 2018
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Hi I'm a new 3dr solo owner and new to this site.ive heard that you are all a fantastic resource and very helpful. I am looking to get a gimbal but it seems all the 3dr solo gimbals are more expensive than what I paid for the drone. Is there any alternatives? Like a 3rd party gimbal that I can purchase? It doesn't have to be anything amazing just functional. Does anyone have any suggestions. Please help. Thank you in advance for your help
The gimbal is the most difficult part to obtain at this time. They are on ebay from $250- $900! DO NOT PAY $900 for a gimbal! A lot of gimbals have been destroyed during crashes and though there are a few guys on this forum trying to fix broken units, it’s sort of like brain surgery- they are pretty complex and it involves a lot of trial and error. If you find a gimbal for less than $100- it probably going to state it’s for parts only. Someone recently sold the gimbal EMPTY BOX on ebay for close to $100.
The gimbal is the most difficult part to obtain at this time. They are on ebay from $250- $900! DO NOT PAY $900 for a gimbal! A lot of gimbals have been destroyed during crashes and though there are a few guys on this forum trying to fix broken units, it’s sort of like brain surgery- they are pretty complex and it involves a lot of trial and error. If you find a gimbal for less than $100- it probably going to state it’s for parts only. Someone recently sold the gimbal EMPTY BOX on ebay for close to $100.
Can 3rd party gimbals be used with pan tilt capability from the receiver? Don't need camera capability since I have a GoPro 3 black and you need a GoPro 3+ or better for that function anyway
Can 3rd party gimbals be used with pan tilt capability from the receiver? Don't need camera capability since I have a GoPro 3 black and you need a GoPro 3+ or better for that function anyway
Do some searching on this forum. There is quite a bit of discussion about it. You can use a Tarot gimbal or a Storm32 controlled gimbal, and control it via PWM signal after making a change in the Solo via Mission Planner software.
When I bought my first Solo, I flew it without a gimbal... it was cool. But the difference filming with the 3 axis gimbal ( as Trump would say ) is BIGLY.
I got a second Solo just in case I wrecked my first because it was a bit of an investment- I had a half dozen batteries and backpack and other items that would have gone to waste- But I never crashed number 1. I fly two regularly- green cubes and HERE equipped- and Open Solo units thanks to some extremely intelligent members on this forum. My Solo is better than it ever was when it left the Solo factory.
Then I got crazy and kept buying/hoarding Solo units- and I paid dearly for the disappearing gimbals- but I made sure each Solo has one. The difference is day and night.
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I did some searching and found one thread that said it's possible but they didn't say how, rather a disagreement ensued about the logistics of it. Lol. And I couldn't find anywhere on the web that showed how it could be done. If you have a link to one of those threads it would be greatly appreciated
If you go to the search bar and put in gimbal- a bunch of threads will pop up. Guys claim to have had some success with the Tarot- but be prepared- and make sure you have thick skin- because guys like IrishmanPDX has a few threads pertaining to this topic that include duct tape, liquid nails, baling wire, screws, nails, string, staples and gum. Anyway you can attach and camera you’d like-, cause guys also ask if you can use another camera other than gopro.
I love IrishmanPDX- a bunch of his threads are hilarious. Look up some, you’ll laugh your ass off.
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I would think if you wanted a gimbal for professional use you would have bought have you thought of using a soft mount with a cam that supports image stabilization? cause before I mounted my gimbal the video looked darn good with a GoPro. No ossilations or jelo at all, course Ya gotta aim with the Solo.. So [emoji848]
I just got the solo 2 weeks ago. I looked at getting a 3dr solo gimbal but the prices are crazy. Thats why I was looking for an alternative
When I bought my first Solo, I flew it without a gimbal... it was cool. But the difference filming with the 3 axis gimbal ( as Trump would say ) is BIGLY.
I got a second Solo just in case I wrecked my first because it was a bit of an investment- I had a half dozen batteries and backpack and other items that would have gone to waste- But I never crashed number 1. I fly two regularly- green cubes and HERE equipped- and Open Solo units thanks to some extremely intelligent members on this forum. My Solo is better than it ever was when it left the Solo factory.
Then I got crazy and kept buying/hoarding Solo units- and I paid dearly for the disappearing gimbals- but I made sure each Solo has one. The difference is day and night.
All I have to add to the above excellent post is please do your best to find a Solo Gimbal.

Whatever your time is worth to you, you'll spend it reinventing the wheel to replace all the R&D that went into the 3DR Solo Gimbal and still not come upto it's capabilities. This is way some many guys are hording gimbals and the street value is so high. They are still to be found for cheaper than their original price.

That $900 gimbal is a nut case looking for a fool with more money than brains.

That said, the Solo as a stand alone drone (without gimbal) for the cheap price you got it for will be an awesome flight trainer for you. Learn manual flying any become a better pilot.

Save up to eventually get a currently produced drone like the Mavic Air for $700. It has a 3 axis gimbal unlike the Spark's two axis and an even a better camera than it's big brother the "Pro".

Enjoy the Solo for what it is which is really alot especially not having geo fencing like Dji is a major plus for me.

Good luck, happy flying.
Everyone forgets that Solo was originally $999 and the gimbal was $399- I asked a member on this forum one time if he thought someone would make another gimbal for Solo? And he told me a lot of money went into research and development to make the gimbal and the gimbal is very complex- and that he didn’t think that would ever happen. That it would not have enough support to return the initial investment. Also remember that the DJI products are not on an opened platform- A few “ geniuses “ are always thinking of ways to push the envelop and make Solo better- we, the masses; get to enjoy their efforts - for free, nothing, zilch, nada! Solo is a tinkerer’s paradise- if you are technically capable- like making a better Frankenstein. ( but pretty.)
Most of us remember the true value of the Solo since we paid FULL PRICE from the very beginning of its debut.

The dumping of Solo at an extremely low price by B&H, Best Buy, eBay & Amazon sellers have made the current new crop of owners perhaps think of Solo as a cheap bird.

Remarkable prices like $299 for a Solo package with gimbal and backpack. This was a STEAL, a give away! It was also much appreciated by many of us who rushed to build us a fleet of Solos or just have backups.

Heck, Best Buy even made a mistake (or didn't care) when they threw in a 2nd Gimbal for free into my package that already had an installed gimbal!

Sellers just wanted to be rid of their inventory of Solos. Now the gold rush of cheap Solos is mostly over.

What we have today in Solo is a drone that is still mostly good bird even out of the box.

Thanks to the Solex app and other smart 3rd party folks willing to experiment keeping this bird flying. Because of this Solo is an even better than the original drone out of the box.

I'm happy for you "just for fun" users that bought in cheap. You were able to fly a nice drone for a low price. If you can't find a cheap gimbal these days it's because the current market knows the true value and is adjusting and willing go higher until Solo ages out of being useful.

That $900 for a gimbal was wishful thinking by one seller, but anything under the original $399 price is fair if you really need the Gimbal. Otherwise spend $700 for the new Mavic Air!

Thanks to all you folks, we users appreciate your efforts to make Solo even beter. We support you 3rd party "mad scientists" working in your labs.

Give Egor my regards :)
A very logical response. I couldn’t agree with you more Joe. I am ecstatic with my Solos- their performance is awesome and it continues to get better!! Just recently I started looking at exactly what I have purchased in the last two years plus and have realized that there is no way I will ever enjoy all the Solo/Gimbal/batteries that I have bought. Even without unpackaging the new batteries- eventually they will go bad (smart battery or not) so is it fair, or even sensible to hold on to so many Solos and parts? I have both the Spark and Mavic Air- they are very nice and convenient for carry purposes- but Solo still is my favorite. Like they say, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one- but after seeing what forum members have done to keep Solo current- you’ll never see this with any dji products. Those who can find a Solo and gimbal and put a couple bucks to it to upgrade to mro or HERE and green cube- need to appreciate they have a true blue drone- not a toy.
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A very logical response. I couldn’t agree with you more Joe. I am ecstatic with my Solos- their performance is awesome and it continues to get better!! Just recently I started looking at exactly what I have purchased in the last two years plus and have realized that there is no way I will ever enjoy all the Solo/Gimbal/batteries that I have bought. Even without unpackaging the new batteries- eventually they will go bad (smart battery or not) so is it fair, or even sensible to hold on to so many Solos and parts? I have both the Spark and Mavic Air- they are very nice and convenient for carry purposes- but Solo still is my favorite. Like they say, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one- but after seeing what forum members have done to keep Solo current- you’ll never see this with any dji products. Those who can find a Solo and gimbal and put a couple bucks to it to upgrade to mro or HERE and green cube- need to appreciate they have a true blue drone- not a toy.

After acquiring my first Solo a week ago (retrieved it from a 100' high tension wire...and yes, I tried every way possible to find the rightful owner), and getting her flying, I thought you guys were crazy for having multiple Solos. Last night, exactly a week later, I just bought two full setups on eBay with the Solo, backpack, gimbal, etc. I have a Storm32 gimbal on the way since the Solo gimbal didn't survive hanging on a wire for two months in the winter, so it will be neat to compare the two.
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At this stage I think it would be easier and cheaper to buy a hand held gimbal and then make a giant drone to carry ones self in... rather than try to make a fully functioning Gimbal for the 3DR solo that gives you full camera control, pan, tilt AND is a plug and play solution.

Totally agree solo is a 1000.00 dollar drone period. The low prices are awsome but are fleeting . Gimbles are reasonable right now forsure ( even though i need another right now and cant due to being my slow season ) but thats my isdue not the "solo industry " so to speak....

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