Advice on indoor flying

So basically, use Fly:Manual, be prepared to push back against light air currents, keep LOS and be mindful of orientation, and I should be OK?
Yes. That is my experience....

Best to also stay away from surfaces, and be mindul of vents. Air currents do weird things. They tend to "stick" to flat surfaces and ride along them. I have done this where you are fine until you get close to a wall, and then it wants to suck you in. Really...

Just FYI, (probably not applicanble in this case) but cold air drops, and HVAC systems in large open spaces can be large and push a lot of air. When pushing cold air, it can drop life a large waterfall on to a UAV (or a balloon cam which are fairly common) and push them down 12 feet very quickly, if nothing is fighting against it.
So would the altimeter automatically detect that, and the Solo fight against a force pushing down like that? If not, I guess the best bet is to make sure I'm fairly high up, and be prepared to hammer the left stick upwards if it starts dropping unexpectedly?
So would the altimeter automatically detect that, and the Solo fight against a force pushing down like that? If not, I guess the best bet is to make sure I'm fairly high up, and be prepared to hammer the left stick upwards if it starts dropping unexpectedly?
In Manual it would. In Stabilize it wouldn't.
I'm thinking maybe start out in Fly:Manual but have Stabilize assigned to my "B" button so in case it gets wacky with detecting altitude I can take full control and just bring it down more softly.
I'm thinking maybe start out in Fly:Manual but have Stabilize assigned to my "B" button so in case it gets wacky with detecting altitude I can take full control and just bring it down more softly.
Where am I going to get a pole and a separate gimbal?

You bought a drone to get bad ass shots never before possible, don't wuss out. Learn to fly it safely, and use your head, but don't run away anytime there's risk involved, or guys like me will end up with everyone else's clients :)
You bought a drone to get bad ass shots never before possible, don't wuss out. Learn to fly it safely, and use your head, but don't run away anytime there's risk involved, or guys like me will end up with everyone else's clients :)

I like your way of thinking!
All of the smart shots require GPS. How else could they know where to fly to?:D
It's my understand that the DJI Inspire has the capability to map out an indoor environment and establish 3 axis points (X, Y and AGL) that the drone recognizes as waypoints for navigation - without the need for GPS.o_O

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Some models have an optical flow sensor that will help control altitude. But I'm not aware of indoor WP ability. X,Y is controlled by the IMU on most all MRs.

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