3DR using 3rd party repair center

Jan 1, 2016
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Just got done chatting with 3DR on my mistake giving my Solo a short bath. Totally my fault so just wanted to see if I could get a new GPS module since it doesn't seem to be working. Here is a quick brief of what happened.

Landed on a dock on the lake
Back legs went into gap between boards
Solo wouldn't shut down because it wasn't level
Stupidly, tried to fly it out, one leg held longer than the other causing the Solo to flip to the side
Watched Solo fly into lake
Jumped into the lake and retrieved Solo with GoPro Hero 4 Black.

After drying the parts was able to get the GoPro working again but need to open it up since it isn't as clear on the left side.

Solo wasn't as lucky... needed to replace one pad and got it working again. Took the Solo out to test it but couldn't lock on any satellites. Flow in manual mode to test it further. Gimbal worked just fine with GoPro.

In many respects I am very lucky. Even the battery survived. Contacted 3DR to see if I could order a replacement GPS board but they said that I would need to contact their service center... Turns out that it is a third party company - Current UAS - UAV Repair Services

I am going to try and make sure that both sides of the connector are secured then reach out to the service company if it still fails. Will do that this evening.

Question, should I just look at getting the M8N board instead if I have to replace it.

Thoughts - hate to see that Solo with so much promise didn't succeed... The very fact that repairs are going to a third party says a lot
James, that crash sounds like some kind of slap-stick comedy routine except what happened wasn't funny.

I did the M8N mod and have no regrets- I believe it does void the warranty, though.
Authorizing companies for repair is common. Most likely they are a recognized non warranty service provider freeing up 3Dr to focus on warranty.

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James, that crash sounds like some kind of slap-stick comedy routine except what happened wasn't funny.

I did the M8N mod and have no regrets- I believe it does void the warranty, though.

Yes it was a like scene called "That was stupid" I'll post the very end of the footage ending with a look of wtf did I do... and water starting to envelope the lens.
Authorizing companies for repair is common. Most likely they are a recognized non warranty service provider freeing up 3Dr to focus on warranty.

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That makes sense!!!
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Update on repair. My Solo that took a bath in the lake in NY works. Got the GPS working but my location for GPS isn't good plus KP Index is currently 4. Had a second Solo with the new GPS shield and it took way longer then I had hope to capture satellites and lost GPS when landing with the new one. Spoke with Current UAS (link above) and purchased two new Rev B GPS units. Also got a second GPS shield from 3DR for $15.

Oh the new Solo that lost GPS drifted into a soft bush and no damage. Moral of the story is that if your GPS is spotty move to a location that is strong and don't take chances.

Friend is coming over with his new Typhoon H. I'll let you know if he has any better luck
Got the Rev B boards today. Installed one on my Solo that took a dip in the lake in NY last week. This one still has the copper foil shield. I must say that there is a big difference even with the copper shield in this Solo. Captures very quickly and seems to hold better. I'll be installing the other Rev B board in the new solo that has the new shield but the REV A board. Before that I'll do a test between the two. One Solo with Rev B and old copper shield and the other Solo with the Rev A GPS and the new shield. Should be interesting. In any event I do think from my initial test of the Rev B GPS and old copper shield that this works far better than the Rev A GPS. I'll look closer at all parameters tomorrow
One Solo with Rev B and old copper shield and the other Solo with the Rev A GPS and the new shield. Should be interesting. In any event I do think from my initial test of the Rev B GPS and old copper shield that this works far better than the Rev A GPS. I'll look closer at all parameters tomorrow

Really cool test @James Taylor , I look forward to your results. Should be interesting.
I have a rev A and a rev B both have been outfitted with the new shield. They performance of lock between the two is negligible
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