3DR update: Gimbals to ship in mid August

Until mid august when its still not done.
Sorry, im not buying it til it ships.
In April when everyone started to pre-order the gimbal was shipping with it. Original date was early May I believe. Then the drone was delayed twice, and the gimbal like 7 times now.

I totally respect those of you keeping your solos and waiting for the gimbal, i just dont have the flying season to wait. If it all works great, ill buy rev 2 next spring. Hopefully they have something for better range then too.

I do however GREATLY respect them for not releasing a sh*tty product (gimbal). I work for a company that will not release a firmware for the "checkbox" We develop best of breed and when it launches , its amazing.
The Solo II will be GREAT!!! I just couldn't wait any longer and 4 weeks ago I took my Solo back to Best Buy and got the P3P. It's proven… it's smooth… and it's AVAILABLE!!!

I'm thrilled… working in professional video, I've made $4K off my aerial photography already. I couldn't wait any longer for a Solo gimbal. Lost some work waiting, but glad I moved when I did. Too much good weather to miss out on. I want to love the SOLO so bad… I'll get one next year when my P3P crashes just to avoid the DJI customer service!! LOL

In a way, I'm making money from my DJI product so I can "upgrade" to the Solo when they are comfortable with it's quality.

Good things are worth waiting for!
I am flying a P3P right now and love it. But one thing I know about DJI and have come to accept.
If you have an issue and wan't/need to fly you better just buy a second one while you resolve issues with the first. I have been lucky with my DJI stuff but I know they don't move quickly with support.

Sad that I have accepted this as OK, but its a fact.
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Yea 3dr made it sound good but have to say they've had plenty of time now to put together an acceptable gimbal. I'm not sure what's going on and will still be waiting but my useable season is over by the time I get my gimbal which is crap, by next summer I'm sure there will be other capable smart drones or great copters that's shelf life haven't taken a year hit already. The year behind shelflife alone has me wondering if I've made a bad decision buying into to solo so early, bugs ok, issues I expected, but an incomplete platform that's a bit of a problem that's harder to just brush off.
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I am as disappointed as the rest, but I do appreciate the honesty and transparency. I can personally wait for a better engineered solution but I know some of you have time and weather constraints so I certainly understand the increasing frustration.

3DR - If you are reading this, if there is risk involved with a slip, let us know ahead of time. Customers do not want to hear explanations after the deadline has passed, even if you are looking out for our best interests. This is Program Management 101.
Totally agreed $h:t happens but it would be nice to know ahead of when it's supposed to be released. Although business wise may not be best for them right now, it's likley if I had known that I'd be missing most if not all my summer I'd of probably picked up inspire for this season and tried solo out next. Hope this dates more accurate but I'll believe it when I see it and if productions just getting started I'd bet the first shipments going to be rather small so doubt Most of us will see one until September at best.
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I have not bought yet but did a lot of comparison before I decided to go with 3dr. I luckily enough have not laid out any cash that will lock me into one venue or the other yet. It is still my intention to do 3dr in the long run, but for now ????

I am in a quandary. I also know how they feel , more or less.

Not everything is in their court to know until it happens.. I don't think anyone really believes they intentionally give us a bad delivery date, I think they are hoping that this round of efforts will be on time and the product will be usable. They can't know that, until it is finished. Production and shipping can happen incredibly quickly once the QC trigger is pulled. I suspect that production of many components are at 100% waiting for a single small subassembly, bit of code etc.

I am the root source of at least two major manufacturers similar woes right now. They ask me when I will be finished and I tell them it should be about "x" days and we will present to them for inspection. And then it happens again. I lose another 2 days production get one good day in and lose a couple more,,,,,, completely out of my control and it cannot be predicted.

I have a shop doing 3d cnc work, pattern-making and more often than not I am involved with a product development workflow. 2 months ago my business got struck directly by lightning, literally. I had several time sensitive projects underway. Everything in my life/business is computer controlled and/or produced. I do a lot of 3d laser scanning and cnc cutting. I can tell you first hand UPS's do not have much protection for a lightning strike.

If my building would have burned down it would have been a blessing compared to the slow business death I have endured. The migrant electrical traffic did not explode or burn up much tech stuff as you would expect. It instead just burnt it a bit so that it would fail very soon. I have now lost over $30k in controllers and inverters in my main cnc machine, One at a time !
Every single PC in my shop and office have now lost motherboards or major components. Every single problem has stopped production for a few days at least, but now I am a full month back on my promises and it is my clients, not me that have been making promises based on my latest best guess of delivery. They all know me and know I am doing everything I can, but they have passed dates for new product releases at once a year trade shows, they have not shipped component prototypes to manufacturers because I have not finished them yet. And the retail customers I am sure are having the same discussions we have about the "choices" 3dr has been making. I have to think that no one would run this route by choice.

I may buy a phantom this week to finish a large scale scanning project that is waiting for me to get my larger jobs delivered (they should be done in about 2 more days,,, I hope! ).
In the end 3dr will still get my serious money because of the malleability of the system. I am putting a lightweight lidar scanner on it soon and it will be much easier to do on the 3dr. I am also adapting a FLIR type unit on it. I am at the point now where my budget is almost zero due to repairing all my failing equipment.

I wish things had gone better for everyone including 3dr and all the unhappy customers. Hopefully the gimbal will be to spec this round and we can all start playing as we thought we could earlier.

Tight lines, Phill
I have not bought yet but did a lot of comparison before I decided to go with 3dr. I luckily enough have not laid out any cash that will lock me into one venue or the other yet. It is still my intention to do 3dr in the long run, but for now ????

I am in a quandary. I also know how they feel , more or less.

Not everything is in their court to know until it happens.. I don't think anyone really believes they intentionally give us a bad delivery date, I think they are hoping that this round of efforts will be on time and the product will be usable. They can't know that, until it is finished. Production and shipping can happen incredibly quickly once the QC trigger is pulled. I suspect that production of many components are at 100% waiting for a single small subassembly, bit of code etc.

I am the root source of at least two major manufacturers similar woes right now. They ask me when I will be finished and I tell them it should be about "x" days and we will present to them for inspection. And then it happens again. I lose another 2 days production get one good day in and lose a couple more,,,,,, completely out of my control and it cannot be predicted.

I have a shop doing 3d cnc work, pattern-making and more often than not I am involved with a product development workflow. 2 months ago my business got struck directly by lightning, literally. I had several time sensitive projects underway. Everything in my life/business is computer controlled and/or produced. I do a lot of 3d laser scanning and cnc cutting. I can tell you first hand UPS's do not have much protection for a lightning strike.

If my building would have burned down it would have been a blessing compared to the slow business death I have endured. The migrant electrical traffic did not explode or burn up much tech stuff as you would expect. It instead just burnt it a bit so that it would fail very soon. I have now lost over $30k in controllers and inverters in my main cnc machine, One at a time !
Every single PC in my shop and office have now lost motherboards or major components. Every single problem has stopped production for a few days at least, but now I am a full month back on my promises and it is my clients, not me that have been making promises based on my latest best guess of delivery. They all know me and know I am doing everything I can, but they have passed dates for new product releases at once a year trade shows, they have not shipped component prototypes to manufacturers because I have not finished them yet. And the retail customers I am sure are having the same discussions we have about the "choices" 3dr has been making. I have to think that no one would run this route by choice.

I may buy a phantom this week to finish a large scale scanning project that is waiting for me to get my larger jobs delivered (they should be done in about 2 more days,,, I hope! ).
In the end 3dr will still get my serious money because of the malleability of the system. I am putting a lightweight lidar scanner on it soon and it will be much easier to do on the 3dr. I am also adapting a FLIR type unit on it. I am at the point now where my budget is almost zero due to repairing all my failing equipment.

I wish things had gone better for everyone including 3dr and all the unhappy customers. Hopefully the gimbal will be to spec this round and we can all start playing as we thought we could earlier.

Tight lines, Phill

Sorry to hear of your issues, definitely gave us a view of the other side and hope you me and 3dr are on track soon.
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The Solo II will be GREAT!!! I just couldn't wait any longer and 4 weeks ago I took my Solo back to Best Buy and got the P3P. It's proven… it's smooth… and it's AVAILABLE!!!

I'm thrilled… working in professional video, I've made $4K off my aerial photography already. I couldn't wait any longer for a Solo gimbal. Lost some work waiting, but glad I moved when I did. Too much good weather to miss out on. I want to love the SOLO so bad… I'll get one next year when my P3P crashes just to avoid the DJI customer service!! LOL

In a way, I'm making money from my DJI product so I can "upgrade" to the Solo when they are comfortable with it's quality.

Good things are worth waiting for!
Got that right Tim, I cancelled Solo pre order after 10 weeks of BS stories from 3DR customer service. I purchased a Q5004k the end of June from Aces Deals, Peter shipped same day had it in the air three days later and love it. Flew it two days and put my P2V+ on the shelf and have not looked back. Clients love the video quality.
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Almost pulled the trigger on one too while we played the waiting game glad it's performing well.

If you don't mind what type work are you doing with it so far if not I understand.
Almost pulled the trigger on one too while we played the waiting game glad it's performing well.

If you don't mind what type work are you doing with it so far if not I understand.
Most of the stuff we do is ENG, wrecks, fires, meth lab dismantlement, though this year we have had several request to do low altitude (100-150 ft) aerial video/photography of several new commercial and residential developments in our area, lots of storm related damage, mainly documenting before and after major erosion issues where local municipalities are applying for FEMA monies etc. and just a lot of recreational fun stuff, like this week we did a story on this years local corn maze while the contractor from Ohio was cutting the actual maze pattern we hovered from about 250 ft above the maze shooting HD video and stills and then with the Q4ks really cool on the fly one finger speed adjustment and Follow me function, we were able to safely fly alongside the GPS guided cutting machine as he created the pattern of the maze.
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Someone Should Post some import/exportSetting they are using that is working for them. FOR AVID, FINAL CUT PRO X and PREMIERE.. I have not really been editing my footage yet as we have just been flying to learn the Inspire so far and I haven't actually imported into our FCPX yet, just been watching the Raw footage in Quicktime, I have noticed some Moire effect thats a litle bad, as well some noise but ill try some stuff into our Editing bay in the next few days and see how it goes.
Was this in Ohio or just the guy cutting the maze was from here. Sounds like you guys are doing some really cool and useful work. I'd love one day to be able to monetize this obsession with aerial rc latley. I've been into surface rc a while but just started flying last year and hope to one day have a job like this that I truly enjoy, this is why I'm curious. I know the common real estate or other jobs but am always looking for others, thanks a lot for the ideas and info.

Not sure why it quoted droneoner sorry meant to quote above post answering mine. Thanks again.
Hi Adimuzio, the corn maze is in the Florida panhandle..the contractor is from Ohio...he travels all over the USA and even occasionally into Mexico during the summer months carving out maze patterns. His family has farmed for generations and he got into the corn maze business just for kicks15 years ago and it has really taken off. His story is very interesting and I'm sure you'll enjoy his 3-4 minute interview with some aerial video. I'll post a link to the Aircam1 video and his interview this week..the video will be limited as we have an agreement with the owner of the corn maze event not to devuldge the overall maze design until October...but I can show a little trailer of the maze being cut until then.
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