3DR re-tread from six years ago

Jul 29, 2020
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Hi all,

I've just got myself a 3DR Solo again - at least, I've bought it and await its arrival - it's my second after a break of five years from UAV ops - my first still flies well with the owner that bought it off us. We bought the first one new (and paid A LOT more for it then) to fly surveys for Balloon & Hovercraft operations and for other client work. We sold it when we'd no further use for it - a mistake I am just about rectifying now.

This time it's a mix of mostly pleasure though with a bit of experimentation - I am working on some stereoscopic photography using a single GoPro - that requires a stable platform - as it's not a business this time I couldn't justify spending much.

I still have a Phantom 2 from Does Jobs Intermittently, as it used to be called by us... for a while it ran alongside our first 3DR Solo but we both preferred the 3DR Solo by a clear mile as the mission profiling was light years ahead back then, so it went in my garage for a long while - this time around I got tired of fighting between OS, Firmware and deteriorated battery life and haven't managed to get it working at all well, so that will now be binned finally - changing back to 3DR Solo was an easy choice for me!

I was surprised to see they'd stopped supporting the kit - but when you look at their website, I suppose it makes sense. No doubt I shall call on you all for help getting myself up and running... looking forward to it!
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