2 solo's one radio

Not at present. It might be possible with some modification to the code. But at least in the US, such a flight falls into the illegal category. One pilot per vehicle unless you have special permission.
Let me put it like this, if I join 2 solos side by side into one airframe then it becomes one bird. I was thinking about conjoining 2 solos for purpose of lifting a larger camera and gimbal with its own radio to control the camera and gimbal.
Let me put it like this, if I join 2 solos side by side into one airframe then it becomes one bird. I was thinking about conjoining 2 solos for purpose of lifting a larger camera and gimbal with its own radio to control the camera and gimbal.
If you do that how do you insure each Solo performs identically to the other? What if one gets a little more lift with the same power setting? Or one yaws more than the other with the same stick input?

What about balance issues with one bird carrying a camera & gimbal? The bird with the camera will need more power than the other.

Nice idea but it might be more complicated than just "bolting them together".
You remind me of my daydreaming about greater redundancy. More motors, more props, dual batteries with rectifiers betwix, more more more. Unfortunately the old TANSTAAFL principle applies (dratt that!) and there is more weight, more power needed, more complexity, less flight time. I've not figured out how to win without going really large. :mad:
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