10 more people let go today!

Oct 12, 2015
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Including the guy who was making most of the smart shots. So according to another post what we have in smart shots is it.
I looked at Jason's facebook page and there is a goodbye party picture, in the comments he says 10 were let go today.
It's a shame. It sucks for these guys who have put so much work into the product. I think 3DR has the much better product and a much better business practice than DJI. Unfortunately the nice guy doesn't always win. I see this as being unable to compete, win, and make enough money to sustain the business over the competition.

I don't necessarily fault 3DR, since you can't hold a gun to people's heads and make them buy your product. And you can't keep employing people to make a product that nobody buys unless you like bankruptcy. I think their last hope at maintaining a competitive business is the commercial market, where they're basically the only one. Sucks.
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Didn't they just raise $20m in funding? Sounds like the VC guys are trimming what they consider to be the "fat" from their costs. It's inevitable with cheap overseas outsourcing. Sad.
3DR leadership is very much at fault, very much
the folks that worked so hard to bring us solo deserved better
the people who purchased 3DR products deserved better

If the product isn't selling as they hoped, and they aren't making the money they need to continue, what should they do? They can't just keep everyone employed and do nothing. And they can't just keep doing what they're doing until the money dries up.
That is all after the fact
ignoring engineers and missing targets doomed solo to a great extent before it ever got off the ground.
From a sales perspective.
the GPS issue that plagued solo from the get go was just resolved
good leaders would have gotten that dealt with a lot sooner
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ignoring engineers and missing targets doomed solo to a great extent before it ever got off the ground.
Not everything is as it appears...you're only hearing one half of the story... I don't believe that everyone involved are saints, so I'm taking everything said with a grain of salt.

I'm not convinced RevB module is the answer. But people are selling it as though it is. The new shield is, as we all know that the gps mod works. Is it possible engineering said the original shield was fine and had no further answers other than a redesign...again only half of the story.

Anyway, it's just my opinions...
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Oh I totally agree with all of that. I think we all have and know loads of valid complaints that seem like no-brainers. But the thing is... all of that is sight unseen until you own it for the most part. Nobody walking into best buy or looking for for a christmas drone has a clue about the initial delays, the GPS shield, etc. Sure, those of us who have made this an intense hobby hang out on these forums and do lots of research. But your average everyday consumer is largely not surfing 3DRP, RCG, etc before purchasing. They're reading the advertising or seeing it in the store. Or, like many, getting word of mouth from their friends/family that probably have a Phantom.
some of the engineers who will remain nameless got outvoted on GPS recommendations
the new GPS module was not the answer, it appear the shielding and filtering noise was much more effective from what I can gather

but to be fair, none of us know the complete unwashed story
Should one who has stocked up on solos during the recent fire sales get a GPS shield for each before they take it down?
In normal conditions, does it make a difference? What are high noise payload, and what is occluded sky?

Determined the other day, they pulled all best practice docs concerning Tower. Wow dude, what is the harm of leaving that up there for people?
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I ordered one for my number 2.
If I had a 3 or 4 I would get one for them too. I have not firsthand gotten to try it on my rev A board. but early reports are promising
If the consumer is not buying the Solo, and let's face it the Phantom 4 is too expensive, what dron are people buying?

I mean $1400 for a basic I battery P4 is the price of a good television for many people, a vacation, a months rent or mortgage.

You can get a Yuneec right now pretty cheaply.
some of the engineers who will remain nameless got outvoted on GPS recommendations
the new GPS module was not the answer, it appear the shielding and filtering noise was much more effective from what I can gather

but to be fair, none of us know the complete unwashed story
The design flaw was the crappy shielding right in the beginning. Not the GPS unit. "Rev B" got irresponsibly overhyped by a few people. I just completed a first test run with the new shield and can confirm that it provides a major improvement, even compared to a modded copper shielding. The HDOP value I can achieve now are even better than what I ever got on my DIY GPS drones.
If you haven't done yet, go ahead and buy the shield, it is worth the money.
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Although not on topic regarding the thread, since the GPS discussion weaved it's way in, I'll let everyone know what differences I see between the two Solo's I have after I get my Rev B boards. Both will have the new shields. The new one I got for 599 has the Rev A board and the new shield I just placed in it. The old Solo will have the Rev B and new shield.

Current UAS indicated that the Rev B board locks on satellites more quickly. Further, I am more comfortable with how the battery is mounted in the Rev B board.

In any event, I'll be able to compare them and let everyone know.
I already have one with the rev b board and one with out it
also already have the shield for the one without

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