Solo CLI seems to no longer be supported?

Feb 22, 2021
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Hello all and thank you for any help and contributions.

I have a VM installed on my windows 10 machine to run ubuntu 20.2. I have been developing various dronkit and mavlink based codes to execute drone mission on my solo. I also wrote some scripts to collect data and basically store mavlink messages in a .csv file. I have verified functionality in SITL and do not have any real issues running the mission on the physical drone. The limitation exist in that some python libraries (such as numpy and pandas) are not nominally available. I know how to install them but in order to do so i must connect the IMX companion computer on the solo to the internet. I can ssh onto the companion computer (root but that's it. From everything I've read in the developer guide and open solo, I need to install "solo cli". It will not install on ubunu and I don't know why. I encounter several errors.

First off i get a deprecation warning as python 2.7 is no longer supported and that it has skipped soloutils as it is not installed

Then I also encounter this error: for req: solo-cli==1.2.0. invalid script entry point: <ExportEntry solo= sooloutils.__main__:none [] > - A callable suffic is required. cf Entry points specification — Python Packaging User Guide for more information.

I thin that because python 2.7 is no longer supported the soloutils is not being downloaded and it is holding everything up?

I just need a way to give wifi to the solo once I'm connected to it via ssh so that I can install packages off the web.

I'm ready to give up as I have spent several days trying to figure this out without any luck. I may stop with the solo and switch over to a drone with a raspberrypi companion computer so that I can get internet.

Any suggestions??

Your problem does indeed come from the solocli's reliance on python2 - now officially deprecated and unsupported.

You need to install a local copy of python 2.7 [it may be unsupported officially, but continues to work just fine if you know how to install it]. Probably the best way is a from-source install into a temporary directory. I don't run ubuntu so I'm unsure if they still have a set of python2 packages available.

Alternatively, you could get enterprising and port the soloutils and solocli over to python3 :)
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Reactions: Saijin_Naib
Thanks for your response!

So I have python 2.7 installed on my Ubuntu VM and I still get the same errors when running the commands found here: 3drobotics/solo-cli I even use pip2.

can you elaborate on enterprising? I am not familiar.
It would be helpful if you could post the EXACT commands you are issuing and the EXACT copy of any response.

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