Solo and Tower

Jul 13, 2015
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Hi everyone,
I have been playing around with Solo and the Tower app for a couple of days now and it is awesome! I have a couple of questions though.....
How do I change the default altitude for waypoints? Mine is set at 66ft. Also, if I do spline waypoints or separate, is there a way to change all the altitudes at once or do I have to change them individually (PITA)?
Thanks in advance,
Did you start off in tower or use the solo app to launch then move over to tower?
I started off with solo app on iPhone, then went to tower on android. Also downloaded solo onto android and just using the android.

hmm.. so can you connect 2 phones at once? So someone else can see the live feed?
Yes, you can connect two devices at once. Now I just use the android for both and toggle back and forth between solo app and tower.
didn't know that.. That's kinda cool. WIll just tell the wife not to change a thing just sit back and watch haha.. Last time I took her she got bored.
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Tap the waypoint. The properties for the way point pop up on the right side of the screen. Change altitude there.
You can also use "Select All" and change all of the related ones at the same time.

Like if you have a Take-Off, a big pattern of Spline Waypoints and a Return to Launch programmed.

In Editor Mode you:
Press the "Select All" Button (Left Side, Middle Button)
Press the points you want/need to exclude and they will un-select. (Takeoff and Landing, for example)
Press and Hold the Show Edit Details Button for a couple of seconds. (Right Side, bottom button)

Now you can use the slider to adjust all of the highlighted Waypoints at the same time.


Also, most people new miss the fact that you can just drag your finger on the screen and draw-up a spline pattern in seconds that has a ton of points on it.
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How do I change the default altitude for waypoints? Mine is set at 66ft. Also, if I do spline waypoints or separate, is there a way to change all the altitudes at once or do I have to change them individually
SteveMyers75 had a great answer as to how change the altitude for multiple waypoints in a batch.

One thing I'd like to add is that successively created waypoints will use the same altitude as the last waypoint in your mission. So say you want to primarily be flying at 125 feet -- you can create a single waypoint, change the altitude of that waypoint to 125 feet, then create your remaining waypoints (either one at a time or via the "drag your finger on the screen" technique SteveMyers75 pointed out). All the new waypoints will be created with their altitude set at 125 feet.

One other feature that eluded me for awhile is how to "insert" a waypoint into an existing set of waypoints. It can be done by adding a new waypoint and then long-pressing on the waypoint number at the bottom edge of the editor screen, then dragging and dropping where you want the new waypoint to be entered. Using the visual example from SteveMyer75's previous post where his screenshot shows 11 existing waypoints, if you want to insert a waypoint between waypoints 4 and 5, simply create a new waypoint. It will be labeled 12 and will appear along the bottom edge of the screen in a green box. Long-press on the green box labeled 12 until you see the icon change size (slightly enlarging), then drag to the left and release between existing waypoints 4 and 5. As you drag, you will see the existing waypoint icons move to allow inserting of the new waypoint. and the flight path on the map will update in realtime as well. Once you release the waypoint, all the waypoints in your mission will be renumbered -- waypoint 12 becomes waypoint 5 and the waypoint numbers that now follow your inserted waypoint will each be incremented by one so that the waypoint numbering system in your mission will always be in order.

Hope this info helps!
All, just started using Tower a few days ago. Had 3 test flights. Learning has been trial and error. You guys have just opened a totally new and exciting world of flying!! Using Editor and reading your posts how to tap, drag and drop, change altitude either individual or all WP. Splines, circles. . Just did a simulated mission: Take-off, fly to POI,,fly circle, edit radius, set decreasing WP altudes, exit circl to new WP and increase altitude, Fly home. Just incredible!! And with a gimbal and hands off will bring SOLO into the realm it was meant to be. With some tweaks and experience and with Tower and gimbal, an extremely powerful and easy cinematic platform.

Thank you for this thread. Please add teaching and user tips. Great stuff!
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Good info guys. For whatever stupid reason I have only used select all for delete. Never thought about changing all the altitudes with it. Doh !
Good info....just taught this old dog a new trick!
You can also use "Select All" and change all of the related ones at the same time.

Like if you have a Take-Off, a big pattern of Spline Waypoints and a Return to Launch programmed.

In Editor Mode you:
Press the "Select All" Button (Left Side, Middle Button)
Press the points you want/need to exclude and they will un-select. (Takeoff and Landing, for example)
Press and Hold the Show Edit Details Button for a couple of seconds. (Right Side, bottom button)

Now you can use the slider to adjust all of the highlighted Waypoints at the same time.


Also, most people new miss the fact that you can just drag your finger on the screen and draw-up a spline pattern in seconds that has a ton of points on it.
Oh yeah...that's nice. And you after you have done select all, you can tap on the waypoints you don't want included...
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I have not done it but apparently you can turn this off by editing some parameters. If I keep my Solo I have every intention of doing so.
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One other feature that eluded me for awhile is how to "insert" a waypoint into an existing set of waypoints. It can be done by adding a new waypoint and then long-pressing on the waypoint number at the bottom edge of the editor screen, then dragging and dropping where you want the new waypoint to be entered.

I would be careful with this. I've experienced some wonky behavior after re-ordering waypoints. That was a few app updates ago so it might be working now, but be careful, especially if you are trying to add in non-navigational way points (e.g. ROI, circle) after the fact.
The Solo will RTH when it loses connection; when gets signal again you can regain control by pressing FLY.

If you disable the Fence (aka the "Geo Fence), which can be done with one parameter (FENCE_ENABLE=0), then you can plan missions that extend beyond your geo fence. Its obviously smart to plan the mission so it ends within range of your controller, allowing you to take back control during the landing.
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Also, just a general tip. When editing Params, pay attention to the unit. Some are in Centimeters, some in meters. Some that you would think should be in meters are sometimes in centimeters - though I think they've cleaned all that up by now.
What's the farthest mission that has been flown? What distance is the fence?

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