Open Solo 4 - can't get flying

Jan 9, 2016
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Hi guys, like many people I gave up on my solo since 3DR stopped maintaining it. I finally took the courage and time to install open solo 4. Installation went smoothly (or so I think), I did it with sidepilot as I'm on iOS. I did have to use my son's android tablet and buy solex on it because sidepilot would not let me calibrate, which solex did.

Anyway, I tried to get off the ground but all I get is a 2 tone sound. Any idea what this could be?

A few things:

- system seems ready. Controller is paired to solo, I have 8 GPS, app is paired to the wifi. Controller tells me to press and hold fly to start motors, but like I said nothing happens
- I have 2 blue lights in the back, one red one green in the front
- I tried both on sidepilot and solex, same sound
- I'm currently trying to fix the lens on my gopro so there's no camera connected to the solo. Maybe that's the issue but surely it can't be and we can fly the drone without a camera?

Thanks for your help!

(of course I'll answer all questions about details I probably missed!)
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When you try to arm it, look at the Solex screen and it should show a red bar with a message about why it didn't arm.

It probably needs calibration. Do a careful IMU calibration, then reboot, then do the compass calibration, then reboot again.

I had this problem once and I calibrated using Mission Planner on my PC and the problem went away.

Also if you have the gimbal on the Solo take it off until you get the camera in it. It will burn up trying to balance itself with no camera.
As I recall, you have to do the installation on both the controller, and the Solo drone.
Hi guys, like many people I gave up on my solo since 3DR stopped maintaining it. I finally took the courage and time to install open solo 4. Installation went smoothly (or so I think), I did it with sidepilot as I'm on iOS. I did have to use my son's android tablet and buy solex on it because sidepilot would not let me calibrate, which solex did.

Anyway, I tried to get off the ground but all I get is a 2 tone sound. Any idea what this could be?

A few things:

- system seems ready. Controller is paired to solo, I have 8 GPS, app is paired to the wifi. Controller tells me to press and hold fly to start motors, but like I said nothing happens
- I have 2 blue lights in the back, one red one green in the front
- I tried both on sidepilot and solex, same sound
- I'm currently trying to fix the lens on my gopro so there's no camera connected to the solo. Maybe that's the issue but surely it can't be and we can fly the drone without a camera?

Thanks for your help!

(of course I'll answer all questions about details I probably missed!)
Hello Guillaume, did you ever get your 3dr to work?

I just bought one from a friend and am having the same issues and light color pattern your having.

I thought maybe we can work together on this issue to get our drones up and flying.
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I had the same after unsuccessful upgrade to opensolo 4. I did factory reset, there was no PIX_VERSION in the root folder of the solo.
I went ahead and flashed solo's SD card to stock but didn't do the controller yet.
Now I have the same light color pattern (green, white and two reds).
Both controller and solo are available to connect over SSH.
Checked the controller logs, I see:
2015-04-21 03:29:27,949 pair INFO connection request from known solo: send CONN_ACK (yes)
2015-04-21 03:29:27,950 pair INFO solo version "0.6.10"; firmware "0.1.0"
2015-04-21 03:29:27,951 pair INFO IDLE -> CONNECTED
2015-04-21 03:29:27,952 pair INFO connected with ('', 53333)
2015-04-21 03:29:27,953 pair INFO version mismatch: solo="0.6.10", controller="0.6.12"
2015-04-21 03:30:28,256 pair INFO sololink version mismatch: solo="0.6.10", controller="0.6.12"

Looks like I have to flash the controller as well. I'll try tomorrow.
If you know how to SSH/SFTP to the controller/drone, check the logs. Mine was in /log/3dr-solo.log

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