Looking for iOS video tester

Aug 22, 2016
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I have developed a new GCS app for iOS called SidePilot. It had been officially released on the App Store.

I am looking to add Solo video to the app but do not currently own one and hence cannot test it.

I am looking for a couple of testers to help me out with this. Requirements are that you are good at following instructions and will be able to give me a detailed summary of what steps you have taken if the video works/does not work

EDIT: Beta is now closed. To get access to the app please purchase on the App Store. New version with solo video will be release in late February!

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Email sent, Tom. I use both ios and android. Winters are slow on the work front, so I have free time available.
if anyone used it yet i'd like a review ... thanks!
FWIW, I installed SidePilot, and it looks really cool, but it doesn't come with any instructions, so I wrote to Tom asking for some instructions, because I'd hate my first and only beta test report to be, "Yes, my Solo sent video to the iPad via SidePilot just fine, but then my Solo immediately launched at warp speed then crashed into shrapnel, and there was nothing I could do about it, because SidePilot doesn't come with any instructions." That was about a week ago, and I never got any reply from Tom. Sadly, I'll probably uninstall the app since sending beta test reports to him isn't worth me worrying about destroying my Solo.

Disclaimer: I promise to beta test it thoroughly as soon as I get some useable documentation for it.

Hi Joe,

Extremely sorry for the lack of reply, I am currently on holiday and missed your email.

If you go to the forums and check the How-To section, there is some documentation on how to get started. If you require more specifics please let me know but I may not be able to get back to you for a few more weeks.

The app does not control the drones position other than sending waypoints, and you can easily switch out of guided modes using the controller if anything went wrong. I have over 50 people using the app currently and have had no reports of anything like a fly away.

Sorry again for the late reply, if you post any other questions on the forum at SidePilot.net/forums I will be checking there regularly.

Thanks, Tom! I'll check it out ASAP. Good to know that the controller can still fly the bird without your app; that removes my fear of losing control. Thanks!
THANK YOU TOM for your ap and helping us keep our Solos up running and creating great videos!!

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