Green Cube still the way to go?

Aug 9, 2018
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I did the GPS upgrade and then took a break from the hobby for a while. Looking to get back into it, and I remember my next acquisition was to be a pixhawk2 green cube.

It's been a couple years, is that still a good path? I think I saw some ads for a pixhawk 4.... should I still buy a v2 greencube these days for my 3dr solo?


Open Solo 4 is in beta now. No need for a green cube. The Pixhawk 4 is not a compatible product.
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Open Solo 4 is in beta now. No need for a green cube. The Pixhawk 4 is not a compatible product.

Thanks for the response Pedals2Paddles! I thought the primary reason people were going to the green cube was they could then run the latest aducopter main, as well as something about an esc motor issue being fixed? I probably have that wrong. I see OS4 is based on the more recent arducopter, but was the esc issue just fixed in software then? Sorry if I'm hitting topics that have been beat to death already, or if I'm remembering something very wrong (likely). With OS4, is there any reason left to get a green cube?


Yes the latest version of ArduCopter now has the slew rate limiting option that the Solo requires for safe operation even on the old stock cube. So at this point, the only thing gained by the green cube with its 5 volt signalling is allowing you to disable the slew limiting, which will give you a high speed flight performance boost.
is it only the MOT_SLEW_UP_TIME parameter? - I may disable that for all the 5v modified stock cubes.
It's that and all the PID tuning parameters. You'd probably want to use the PID tuning parameters from the Green Cube, since that was tuned without the slew rate limit.

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