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New SOLO pilot here.

I looked hard at the Yuneec and DJI Pro3, but I'm an underdog fan and a sucker for marketing. I use The Bird for videoing real estate/development sites for work, though I certainly could have hired someone else to do it. So, that's clearly an excuse. I've successfully crashed Solo 4 times and I'm absolutely amazed at it's resilience. After going through at least a dozen props, re attaching a leg and ordering a set of replacement lights, and using nearly all of my strength and two wrenches to bend the aluminum shaft of the gimbal back into place I'm utterly impressed with it. I'm off to pick up a new Gimbal today because its clear there's more going on then just the bend and I'll see if I can fix it again. Ive been following lots of the threads here and have to say one more thing since I see so much discussion about it....

First I think Solo's biggest challenge is it seems inconsistent and it was so from the start. Of course, at this point, I can't blame anything on the hardware or software after crashing it (HARD) so many times.

On my last flight (after 3 crashes and 2 very severe) Solo still got out to 3900 feet. I use the stock antennae pointed down, flared out at 45/60 degrees as I've seen on the threads. I had full video and control until the screen froze up about 3860 and nothing happened for about 10 seconds before it RTH'd.... that was a long 10 seconds... maybe it was 2.

I'm happy to see there's a work around to RTH to make it RTM (Me). RTH sucks when you're working in the field with trees, powerlines, buildings etc.

I want to mod with improved antennae and wifi boosting because I work in the city around apartments often. I'd love for someone to give me a more or less definitive answer on which antennae and boosters are best if money is not the issue and I have relatively technical/capable hands (and/or will find them). Right now I've only modded with the adjustable leg extenders.

Also, wondering if anyone has a good design solution for a multiple battery "bank" charger. I bought 5 batteries and I guess I'll have to buy 5 chargers. ugh.

Psyched to have a resource and join the community.

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Solo and IRIS and a FPV 250 here, in the Melbourne, Australia area. Making movie clips, especially on my motorbike in the bush, is my main use case. But I'm seriously considering getting commercially licensed and doing whatever I can get legally paid to do with my favourite toys.
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Hi, my name is ketch in Medford Oregon. I just ordered a 3DR solo for mapping purposes (I am a professional surveyor) and new to a forum procedure. I am practicing with the tower survey app and am unable to get any flight lines to show up inside the parameter area. I believe I have selected the camera (Sony NEX5 20MM) but not sure. The altitude box remains red. I am not connected to the 3DR.

Could someone help me on this issue?
this is the thread that create a new thread to introduce yourself link takes you to with no option to make a new thread???

new solo pilot living outside of nashville tn here. just saying hello
Hi! Teng here from Brooklyn Park MN. Very new and hoping to do more research on purchasing first drone. Looking for small project to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
I am no expert, but I first had a DGI phantom 2 , and later purchased a 3DR SOLO, both about the same price. I would recommend the SOLO, for me it is much much better in many respects, more
stable ,works well with the Tower app, packs a bigger load, readout window on the controller, and has been reliable so far.(no accidents).
Hey there from central Virginia. New 3DR SOLO pilot. Looking forward to getting involved!
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Hi, from New Zealand. My present interest is in using the Tower App to setup an APM flight controller to guide a boat on a set course. The course needs to be set on any beach "live"
I really appreciate the Tower tutorial video by nuggetz, and have a question for him.
Hello, from the Dublin Ireland, I have been using the Solo for two weeks now, running the Solo App on a iPad Mini & iPhone6, and now have over five hours flight time logged.
So if any other Solo pilots in the North Dublin area, please give me a shout.

My drone is fully registered and insured for use in Ireland. I have been flying with a RC plane club for four years - Fingal Model Flying Club (MACI affiliated), we currently have three excellent flying sites, so if you need space and help, come join us.

Just like to say thanks to all @ 3drPilots for the excellent information and discussions.
I am new to rc and drones and enjoying it all. Bought my solo last summer and very happy with it. Get a charge from the forum thank you for all the tips and pleasant banter.
Hi everybody,
Greetings from Mexico City, I´ve hade my Solo for almost 7 months now, nothing but fun until last couple of weekends. I´ve been reading tons of post with really productive & usefull information, thanks to all the guys that share their knowledge, Im pretty sure that Im not the only one that really apprecciate it. :)
howdy Solo-ists,

i'm a filmmaker based in Perth, Western Australia and very excited to be exploring the 3DR platform. for the past 18 months i have been flying on a custom built DJI flamewheel hexacopter with the Naza 2 flight computer on board. Amazing the difference so far.

here's a link to some of my work on vimeo.
sohan ariel hayes’s Videos on Vimeo
Hello, Brian from Vancouver Wa and have an accumulated fly time on my SOLO of...Prob 10 hours..Residential Service electrician here and use flying for more relaxation than anything...I am into photography and am dabbling in ap now, imagine that! Bought my bird used from a frustrated owner whom perhaps expected no learning curve. He didn't enlighten me to the exact reason but keyed in on my self admitted successes with my 3 yr old f450 flamewheel that I carry around with me practically everywhere, well, when there isnt room for an ultra spiffy backpack anyways..
I actually did a little bit of hiking with that and it's not bad, the sternum straps were a good addition.
SOLO is my first experience with GPS and autonomous operation and Im stepping into it with kid gloves, for sure. I have real trust issues looking down at my Nexus 7 while aloft. there is a little lag ,especially when triggering the shutter release through the app (gopro 4 silver).
I am re-learning how to fly with added weight, that's for sure...two 10' sticks of pvc back to back with an intricate wire hook was called for! Oh and a tall A frame ladder.
I fell out of grace and into the top of the 25 foot plum tree in my front yard this morning. replacement of rotor blade and good to go! There was a branch jammed through the gimbal, too! Perhaps a more detailed description of aforementioned event is best for another thread..
at any rate back up and flying with my SOLO

Cheers and May the rotor blades spin with us all!
Hi! Teng here from Brooklyn Park MN. Very new and hoping to do more research on purchasing first drone. Looking for small project to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Hello! My advice is to start with the little inexpensive guys and dedicate time every day to operation, usage of flight controls and confidence. Little tykes (small inexpensive multirotors or coaxial helis) are going to be much more forgiving on pocket book and the top of your SUV! There's much to be respected when taking alight with 3.5 pounds of weed whipping fury and even more for the patience to build your abilities gradually with much respect to persons and property, for sure. The down side with the l'il tykes is they have varying degrees of wind resilience and inside flight...well, youll be yearning for the great outdoors very soon!
Cheers! and may the rotor blades whirl their way there and back for ya!
Hi from ACT Australia, just bought a solo yesterday yet to give it whirl due to my iPhone 5 not being compatible, bought a cheap Lenovo tablet seems to work fine setting it and the practice app etc, a question I have though is, how much functionality do I lose by not having cellular, and will using a cheaper tablet affect the range of the wifi? I most plan on using it in the bush where I wouldn't get a signal anyhow, so didn't think it would be a huge issue. I have one month to get good at this thing before potentially taking it to Indonesia with me.
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