Awesome drone magazine!

View attachment 7679 Thought I would share this here too
I think it's a bogus magazine cover? But if someone was to shoot down a licensed drone, wouldn't it
be like shooting at any FAA registered glider or plane? I do remember one instance where a
landowner got sued for downing a drone flying over his property. Stated in the suit, a property owner
does not own his airspace. Read the new FAA laws on drone flying and fly responsibly since it only
takes a few idiots to ruin a hobby!
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That image is from Wired:

Found: Hunting With Drones From the Comfort of Your Couch

Whoever created it - had time, equipment and know-how.
Weaponizing a drone is asking for HUGE TROUBLES and most likely you would have the FAA, FBI, BATF and even the CIA on you.
That is one way to destroy the hobby drone market. ISIS is using drones for dropping explosives already in their fighting for over a year.
Its a joke- i thought the mention of "nuclear" and "cluster bombs" would be a dead giveaway.:confused:
I think it's a bogus magazine cover? But if someone was to shoot down a licensed drone, wouldn't it
be like shooting at any FAA registered glider or plane? I do remember one instance where a
landowner got sued for downing a drone flying over his property. Stated in the suit, a property owner
does not own his airspace. Read the new FAA laws on drone flying and fly responsibly since it only
takes a few idiots to ruin a hobby!

There no ruining the hobby here, it’s just the same litigation dealings with having to acquire something new into existence
I’m sure back before the automobile there were laws set against owners driving and yielding to horse drawn carriages and all sorts to piss off the potential of the industry
And the matter is- there is money to be made flying drones as a hobby, let alone the information that can be acquired from manufacturers by using us to test their products to move on to further technology within the field
It’ll be hit or miss but it’s gonna stay

If I’m wrong later- who gives a S#£?!!
Drone Ammo looks insanely cool. Just wondered if it has any attachments to it. Other than just ammos.

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