A message from Chris Anderson, Founder, DIY Drones

Thanks DJ and Crobar for those well thought out replies. It washed what I was looking for. I'm not really a whiner and really am a nice guy. I threw my question at the writer of the post hoping to get a response from him. I had idea my question would offend anyone. Yes, I am new to this forum but I'm not some young punk just trying to pick a fight. Sometimes large contributors to a forum begin to think it is their own personal outlet outlet and they try to turn every discussion to their own set ways. I am 61 years old and retired d/t medical reasons. My brother bought a Solo last year and I followed earlier this year. I also have RC airplanes (gas). I am relatively a newb in drone flying but it's not very different from the helicopters I also fly. I apologise if I offended any other members. This only started because of a terse reply by P2P a question not even directed to him. It would have so much nicer if he had said, Go read this article in The June issue of Forbes entitled" Whatever" and then come back and we'll talk about it. Sometimes answers to new forum member like that just discourage them and they never come back. That's all I have to say on this matter. You can have the last word now P2P.
Yea...I got a lot of that myself when I first joined. People literally stating that my opinion was invalid because of my low post count. Just block them and move on is my advice.
Exactly. I have been both engineer and business owner/manager. Engineers never know when to stop "improving" the product. Managers can't help but make bad business decisions to secure a bonus on false terms.
This is a quote written about Ismbard Kingdom Brunel, the great Victorian Engineer....

'The commercial world thought him extravagant; but although he was so, great things are not done by those who sit down and count the cost of every thought and act'
Sir Daniel Gooch

Whilst the UAV world is a hot bed of innovation and experiment, in the consumer realm the commercial world most defiantly have the upper hand.

I wonder if the Mavic owner also had a Phantom 2, 3, 4 (and the various Pro versions!) before his Mavic got up there with Solo [emoji6]

Long live the tinkerers, experimenters and testers [emoji3]
Sometimes answers to new forum member like that just discourage them and they never come back. That's all I have to say on this matter. You can have the last word now P2P.
My last word is you got what you asked for. You didn't ask a question hoping for a helpful response. You demanded someone go find information for you and post a link to it for you so that you wouldn't have to do it yourself. It was rude and showed that you're just lazy and entitled. All that babble afterwards about that utopia on the internet should be is meaningless, since apparently you don't believe in your own words. Boo hoo.

Yea...I got a lot of that myself when I first joined. People literally stating that my opinion was invalid because of my low post count. Just block them and move on is my advice.
As I recall, your opinions back then were invalid because they were completely wrong, not because of the post count. I also recall you refusing to listen to what anyone experienced was trying to teach or tell you. You were hell bent on your opinion no matter how obviously wrong it was.
IMHO, Mr. Anderson has been pursuing a good path. Hardware production and development requires deep pockets and an efficient supply chain. DJI is, and was much too abundantly capitalized and well positioned to compete with. But Americans adapt and innovate. That is what 3DR has done.

I was flying alongside a nice fellow with a Mavik yesterday. What I got in my own head is that the aftermarket Solo community is trying to catch up to ground up, superior systems with a very outdated fundamental architecture.

I'm reminded of when I was about twenty, I had just bought a VW bug new and i fell in love with it. So, as love would have it, over the next few years, I had my head into every after market mod I could get my hands on. I did EVERYTHING to that bug. I overhauled the engine twice, just to make it a better engine. After about 4 years, (When I finally paid it off) I realized that although I learned a whole heck of a lot, I had spent enough money and time(as money), to buy a completely cool sports car instead of the unreal VW which was always gonna be a VW.. Albeit, a very cool one.

I guess I could say that i've been to this rodeo before. As basically an old guy,(supposedly smarter) I need to quit fooling myself, (falling in love) save some money, and move to more capable ground/up platform. By this time next year, there'll be another bad ass, cheaper than ever drone in the marketplace.

I'm thinking that I've learned enough about UAVs to be a better informed consumer.

There are fantastic and wonderful innovations being invented and produced for the Solo, but Solo remains a Solo with every gadget and mod tacked on. These innovations are going to be going to UAVs that are designed right from the drawing board to integrate those capabilities, in smaller, lighter and cheaper products. Its been happening, and it will continue to happen in an exponential growth pattern.

We bleed, we feed, they lead.

I have learned quite a lot though... a lot
(Certainly, there's something to be said for that.)

Good points. Progress is inevitable and mostly good. The Solo is the best drone I have ever owned(no DJI's here) and not the most expensive, but with 100K of them, there will be a lot of activity and development for awhile. I look forward to lots of good flying and on to the next thing in a few years.
Take a deep breath, gently remove the chip from your shoulder, and apply that obviously knowledgeable mind to contribute to and enjoy this new, wild, and futuristic world of drones.

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