Solo Bomber...

So the solos can fly 80mph?

I can see the grenade thing but why drop 1 single grenade with a 3 second fuse?

Wait, I'm so embarrassed! I thought if something travels at 40 mph, it could travel 10 miles in a quarter of an hour. I am so stupid! Geez, thanks for correcting me and putting me in my place!
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Oh yeah I'm a Effin math wizard here. Anyways payload, vs weight, super green cube and duct tape. I'm sure any drone can fly 10 miles. Let me just tow a train with a Kia and see how far that bitch gets
Omg! And then considering my three tours of combat I should know that a grenade weighs 14 oz and has a 4 second fuse but could also be triggered electrically. And that it has a kill radius of about 15 feet. Gosh, I am so stupid! I should have known that grenades are cheap and that the Solo can comfortably carry around a pound.
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Yep our Hobby is destined for doom because of this! You know, the way rental trucks are now illegal. The way pressure cookers are now illegal. The way fertilizer is now illegal. The way guns are now illegal. Heck, let's get really crazy...the way cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, put bulls, motorcycles, jet skis, cell phones, etc are now illegal.
This is why I moved to the third world, true freedom if you're willing to take responsibility for yourself and your actions... the west is now F'd
I mean what do you think it costs to have someone killed? In Mexico, not that much I'm sure but even there I'm guessing $10,000 or better. For $5000 you could outfit 10 Solos, be 1/2 mile away and be pretty sure you wouldn't be id'd or caught.
This is why I moved to the third world, true freedom if you're willing to take responsibility for yourself and your actions... the west is now F'd

Oh where's that? I might be interested. Wait, you realize that I'm being sarcastic, right? None of the things I listed are illegal in America. I can get up right now, drive to Wal-Mart and buy all of those things at the same time, at the same place.
Oh yeah I'm a Effin math wizard here. Anyways payload, vs weight, super green cube and duct tape. I'm sure any drone can fly 10 miles. Let me just tow a train with a Kia and see how far that bitch gets

Um I'm not sure what to say here... A grenade weighs 14 ounces, a cheap camera weighs a couple ounces, and the Solo can carry over a pound, actually. could set up outside a target location, launch your drone(s), acquire your target, send your drone to within 15 feet and detonate. I don't think it's a perfect kill solution but it could be effective with minimal training. If you're really motivated, and funded you can have impact charges made using C4 and nails.
A grenade and a camera is about 475 which is over 3/4s of the payload for the solo. Anything added to it, servos switch , duct tape, rosary is gonna add weight.

Apparatnatly the solo was being flown from a moving vehicle to stay with in range.

With power up time, setting up app ECT... The battery would be at around 93 percent. Now if the solo lost GPS from the moving vehicle it would want to land at home. So these guys must have gps off and fly like a pro in a moving vehicle, hiding it from the authorities ECT.....

So where would the so called grenade go off? And having to carefully get the drone to 15 feet to detonate after all that? I'm sure this vehicle didn't just drive across the border like that. Maybe had some cool ass cave like fast n furious BS.

A grenade and a camera is about 475 which is over 3/4s of the payload for the solo. Anything added to it, servos switch , duct tape, rosary is gonna add weight.

Apparatnatly the solo was being flown from a moving vehicle to stay with in range.

With power up time, setting up app ECT... The battery would be at around 93 percent. Now if the solo lost GPS from the moving vehicle it would want to land at home. So these guys must have gps off and fly like a pro in a moving vehicle, hiding it from the authorities ECT.....

So where would the so called grenade go off? And having to carefully get the drone to 15 feet to detonate after all that? I'm sure this vehicle didn't just drive across the border like that. Maybe had some cool ass cave like fast n furious BS.


Huh? I don't really care about all of that. I'm laying out how it can be done. The payload, grenade or C4 wrapped with nails, a stick of dynamite (190 grams) etc can be triggered remotely using the gimbal preset buttons or the accessory port. You could also trigger it using a simple switch. Or those that can do basic math can set a timer or even a fuse.

I'm not sure why it had to be piloted from a moving vehicle and all that. I tried to explain that this is a one use weapon, rth isn't a factor. If you can't hit a 15' landing area with a Solo, you shouldn't be piloting one.

Frankly, you could probably attach something that weighs more depending on how far you need it to fly. I've seen videos of the Solo lifting over two pounds. I'm thinking you find a vantage point with decent sight lines, a block or so away, launch your drone and guide it to target where it explodes along with the target. You walk away. It's not that complicated. It doesn't have to be perfect. This isn't Seal Team 6 it's a bunch of thugs killing each other on the cheap. Oh and btw a grenade has an effective kill radius of 15', the causality radius is about 50' but the danger zone is over 200'. These guys could be anywhere outdoors, you fly in above them and kill the motors, a plunger switch and boom.
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He's just making shit up based on conjecture at this point. I do not even know what his point is anymore.
This is no right guys. Do not post lies. Besides, this is not a politics forum.
A plane flown from several miles out makes more sense than a MR.

Of course! Want there a movie about that or maybe an episode of a tv show back in the day? I think that cost would be the deciding factor here. Also, a decent hobby plane is slightly more rare, more expensive, potentially harder to find and fly, in my opinion of course, than a Solo. Not to mention that a Solo can basically take off from anywhere. There's some satisfaction in being able to see your quarry drop after you've "pulled the trigger" that I don't think you'll get miles away looking at a tablet. USAF drone pilots seem detached from the people they kill, unlike snipers who have to sometimes follow their targets for hours. My thought is that this is a go between walking up to the target and putting one in his head and a military style drone strike from miles away.
A plane flown from several miles out makes more sense than a MR.
Or maybe their target wasn't miles away and they needed an easy ready to fly aircraft? The amount of nitpicking and made up conjecture in this thread is absurd.
There are a couple of videos filmed from a Solo in Syria, dropping small grenades ... although it was ISIS guys filming it, the cameras ended up in Kurdish hands and they actually uploaded the videos ... I'll find some and post links ... ISIS assholes are clearly tinkering with a Solo before sending it off. I think the Kurdish guys overran the ISIS base shortly after one of these grenade drops and pieced together video of the prep and the attack. Oddly, it was really high up in the air filming when it dropped the grenades on some armor ... not sure of the outcome, but they have been really successful in the last 12 months (or more) dropping explosive devices on opfor troops ... a majority looked like dji stuff, but the few I'm talking about were definitely Solo. I'll look in the a.m. it's too late now. Cheers.
Well, it really was meant to be tongue-in-cheek


I know man! I'm messing with you. This whole thread is a bunch of bananas! It's interesting to speculate but personally, I'd rather pack my M24! I think it's possible and I know it's been done but no one does it a well as we do here in the USA! Drone strikes baby!
Mexico's corruption allows the criminals to get their hands on firearms. In my opinion gun laws work, take the UK for example.
Gun laws most certainly Don't work!!!!! Saying something is not legal will never stop a person with no respect for the law from obtaing it and using it however they choose....locks only keep honest people out.
Mexico's corruption allows the criminals to get their hands on firearms. In my opinion gun laws work, take the UK for example.
Just like the gun laws, laws will not prevent a criminal from breaking them. Politicians always want to pass worthless laws to make themselves
feel good thinking that criminals will be afraid of breaking them, a criminal doesn't give a HOOT about laws!

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