Solex for Solo

Guides, Updates & Questions & Answers about using Solex

I receive no commission from sales, Don't need anything from the author except his friendship & his Kick ASS APP Solex!

Ta-da... Another Solex update. 1.1.6

Yes, I know it's Sunday evening, and I cannot possibly have put out another batch of features since Friday. I didn't. Here's the list of things in the new release:

. Settings-write prompt for Android 6.0

This is for Android 6.0 devices that require special permissions in order to run. If you're running any other Android version, you won't notice this one. If you're on Android 6.0, you'll see a prompt to open the super-secret special permissions page to grant Solex permissions it has on every other Android version.

. Fix reset bug in HDR Shot

This is an obscure issue: Suppose you have your camera set to Video mode and you do an HDR Shot. When it's done, it will set your camera back to Video mode, in an effort to be convenient and helpful. This issue fixes the case where it will do that when you're running a *different* shot. This fixes something none of you have probably noticed, so another not-a-big-deal fix.

. Vehicle Settings sliders updates

A couple of people mentioned that the sliders in the Vehicle Settings screen were hard to move. They were, but I hadn't done anything about it until now. They're smoother now.

. Fixed performance issue with video on Samsung

This one is the impetus for a Sunday evening release.

A couple of people mentioned that their Samsung devices had video troubles with Solex, and mentioned really slow frame rates and the app acting like it was locked up.

If you're interested in the details (which are kind of interesting if you're into how the Solo works), read on. Otherwise, skip to the bottom and read up from there until it gets boring.

Looking into the problem, I discovered that on startup, Solo occasionally sends a HUGE torrent of "parameter received" messages without being asked for them. It doesn't always happen, but does about half the time with my Solo. The rate of incoming messages at that time is up to 300 messages per second, or one every 3ms. I wasn't measuring traffic volume before (didn't realize there was a need), but now that I am, 300 messages/second is 10 times higher than normal.

(For reference: "parameter received" messages are for flight-controller parameters, the kind of data dealt with by the Vehicle Settings screen.)

An Nvidia or Nexus device is fast enough it can apparently handle this kind of traffic without any (or much) issue, so I never noticed it. But my S7 Edge was fairly close to locked up in that case. In addition to hogging the connection for needless messages, the message traffic also overwhelms these devices so they're too busy to display the video frames that come in. I had no idea it was doing all this, until I started logging the messages.

There's really no way to tell Solo to stop sending those messages, but what works fairly reliably is to request a full set of parameters from it. That starts the "parameter refresh" process which runs through the entire parameter list and then ends in about 3-5 seconds. Then it calms down, and traffic levels drop to normal.

I've seen Solo do the same thing when connected to Tower as well, where the Parameters screen would never finish loading. It's the same issue, and appears to be on the Solo side.

So, the fix is kind of interesting. The main message processor in Solex now watches to see how fast messages are coming in. If the rate is too high, it starts filtering out the parameter-related messages so the high traffic doesn't affect other parts of the app. Their message rates are thus normal. Then the main processor starts a watchdog to periodically check message rate, and ask Solo for a parameter list if it detects the problem. Then it waits to see if it was successful, trying again if it wasn't. While it's working on getting Solo to calm down, you'll see that little warning shown in the picture at the bottom of this post. Once it succeeds, the message disappears.

With this logic in place, I've tested this a LOT this afternoon and evening, and Solex always manages to get it to act normal after 10-15 seconds at most. Usually within 3-5 seconds.

If you've managed to stick with this long post, this seems like good news. If you've been using a device where Solex's video feed seemed kind of slow and jerky, it could have been because of the high message traffic. So, theoretically, your video feed should be smoother now.

Well, that's it.

BTW, there won't be a Friday update this week, I'll be in Dallas at a conference.

  1. Here's the latest version of Solex, 1.1.5. Here's a list of new features:

    . HDR Photo Shot
    . New Spot Mode/ROI
    . Full Screen/immersive flight screen
    . Gimbal angle display on flight screen
    . Restore heading/gimbal angle on "Fly to point"
    . Fix Max Distance setting
    . Fix a crash in the Geofence screen
    . Fix missing Hero3+Black frame rates
    . Fix for Moto X Pure/6.0 (fingers crossed)


    Looks like some new features & a few
  2. Forgot who, but someone was asking about add ons, updates, fixes & New Features that Kelly has included in Solex as to date:
  3. Note: "Ver. 1.1.5 updates & Fixes not included in list below"

    Smart Shots:
    • Follow/Manual: Touch an object on the screen to follow
    • Follow/Record: Record a flight path and follow it later
    • Follow/Remote: Follow users who are broadcasting their locations via companion app
    • Follow/Me: Normal Follow like Solo app
    • Orbit: Like 3DR Solo app, except easier to position the start point
    • Cable Cam: Like 3DR Solo app
    • Selfie: Like the 3DR Solo app (improved version coming in an update)
    • Zipline: Like the 3DR Solo app
    • Pano: Like the 3DR Solo app
    • HDR Photo: Take EV-bracketed shots
    Spot Mode: Point at an object and lock the gimbal to follow it during manual flight

    Tap to save location:

    Tap the GPS location shown on screen, and name it and save a snapshot of it. It's saved in a flight log.
    • You can open flight logs later and fly to the saved locations by tapping them on a map.
    • Tap the GPS location shown on screen, and name it and save a snapshot of it. It's saved in a flight log
    • You can open flight logs later and fly to the saved locations by tapping them on a map.
    • You can share all of the files created by Solex including fences, cable cams, flight logs, Follow/Record flight.
    • sessions, etc. Useful for sharing with others, or for backups and import on new devices.

    UI User Interface"

    HUD view: Clear all decorations off the screen and display flight status in a HUD view.

    • Full GoPro support for Hero3+ Black, Hero 4 Silver and Hero 4 Black.
    • Periodically speak flight status as you fly (like Tower does).
    • Basic flight stats: Track total distance and total flight time
    • Show on-screen GPS location as UTM coordinates
    • Record TLOG files
    • Change LED colors
    • Kill switch: Instantly stop motors (disabled/hidden by default for obvious reasons)
    • Geofences: Create and store geofences in multiple locations
    • Support for connecting to multiple Solos (one at a time of course)
    • Calculates/displays remaining flight time based on battery draw during a flight
    • Calculates distance from home when warning about low battery
    • On-screen EV comp adjustment
    Kelly, Please slow down! Your going for a Blowout!

  • New in this version:
  • . Tap to save location
  • . Fly to location on map
  • . Basic flight log
  • . Basic flight stats
  • . Now a bit smarter about network state
  • . Correct the "Aviation" LED label
  • . HUD units update
  • . Spoken flight status
  • . Fix vehicle settings param loading
  • . PAL camera settings fixes
View attachment 4337

Solex - Return to me feature
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LED Control Solex App
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Solex Target Test day
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thank you gentlemen out standing job ,this is the first drone i have owned with so much support ,a learning new experence every day to keep ones mine sharp
Anyone get a notification on Android that "Solex is using battery"? This happens everytime after I swipe close out of Solex. No way to get to get rid of it without rebooting or manually force close under the app settings.
Anyone having trouble with using Follow Me? I am using a tablet that I have always used for Solex and my Solo but Follow Me has ceased to work for some time now. I had upgraded to Open Solo prior to using a new version of Solex. After the install of Open Solo and during the test flight everything works fine, including Follow Me/Optical but any follow me using GPS completely fails in the Solex App. I haven't tried the companion app for group follow yet. Post upgrading to Green Cube, everything works great again except for Follow Me. I don't think the Green Cube or Open Solex would not be the reason so I'm looking to App compatibility and settings on my Tablet or Moto Z Force. Neither my phone nor my tablet work for Follow Me using my device GPS.

I'm suspecting that it may be due to my enabling Developer Options in both the Tablet (Asus Zenpad 8) and my Moto Z android phone. I plan to disable the Developer Options if I can on my Tablet if I can and try tomorrow.

Is anyone having trouble after a certain update? I didn't use my Solo between several Solex updates and not sure if my Tablet always had Dev Options enabled or not but it's my only lead right now. My current Solex version is 1.7.0.

Suggestions of commiserating welcome.
Anyone get a notification on Android that "Solex is using battery"? This happens everytime after I swipe close out of Solex. No way to get to get rid of it without rebooting or manually force close under the app settings.

Does the same thing on my samsung galaxy s8.
Anyone having trouble with using Follow Me? I am using a tablet that I have always used for Solex and my Solo but Follow Me has ceased to work for some time now. I had upgraded to Open Solo prior to using a new version of Solex. After the install of Open Solo and during the test flight everything works fine, including Follow Me/Optical but any follow me using GPS completely fails in the Solex App. I haven't tried the companion app for group follow yet. Post upgrading to Green Cube, everything works great again except for Follow Me. I don't think the Green Cube or Open Solex would not be the reason so I'm looking to App compatibility and settings on my Tablet or Moto Z Force. Neither my phone nor my tablet work for Follow Me using my device GPS.

I'm suspecting that it may be due to my enabling Developer Options in both the Tablet (Asus Zenpad 8) and my Moto Z android phone. I plan to disable the Developer Options if I can on my Tablet if I can and try tomorrow.

Is anyone having trouble after a certain update? I didn't use my Solo between several Solex updates and not sure if my Tablet always had Dev Options enabled or not but it's my only lead right now. My current Solex version is 1.7.0.

Suggestions of commiserating welcome.

Kelly just addressed this in his latest solex update. Version 1.7.1 should fix it. Check your solex app in google play store for an update. FYI the problem is with the inaccuracy of GPS readings from Android devices.
Kelly just addressed this in his latest solex update. Version 1.7.1 should fix it. Check your solex app in google play store for an update. FYI the problem is with the inaccuracy of GPS readings from Android devices.
Yeah already tested and worked great. Thanks to Kelly.
ive been having an issue with my solex start button now actually working when i press it for the smart shots, its green and lit and i press it and nothing happens. any suggestions?
Is it possible to record a position from where a photo is taken? Gimbal tilt and orientation of the solo? I would like to come back in a few days and take the exact same photo if something like that is possible. I am thinking this would have to be setup through missions?

Edit: Looks like I can setup a waypoint in missions to set my gimbal tilt, and yaw. Wondering if there is a way I can capture this while the solo is flying around?
Install "SOLEX" to new phone.
I had purchased SOLEX and put on my android cell and cracked the screen resulting not being able to use any more. Have bought a new cell same as before and need to load "SOLEX" onto my new phone. How do I get a the down load to put on my new cell?
Install "SOLEX" to new phone.
I had purchased SOLEX and put on my android cell and cracked the screen resulting not being able to use any more. Have bought a new cell same as before and need to load "SOLEX" onto my new phone. How do I get a the down load to put on my new cell?
It should be tied to your previous account that you used to purchase it with. Are you logged in as the same user as you were on your previous phone?
Yes , went around and around with tech @ goggle play and we could not find my account, so instead of wasting time and effort I just got another app , paid and loaded. All done. Even though I had the date purchased and account number Play store could not do anything... Thanks guys
Hi, I'm sort of waking up from not having flown my Solo in almost a year.
ANd I'm a bit suddenly seeing that a lot of things have changed.
I'm trying to get a few questions answered all at once if that is even possible.

There are 53 pages here on this thread and feel free to tell me I just need to read through all of them to get my answers.
If there is a single page that answers everything and is easy to find please also tell me I need to go search for it.

Questions I have are :

1. I have a stock Solo no modes not a greenbox or whatever that new thing is called.
2. Are opensolo (latest release) and Solex mated and meant to be used together? all set to go? or is the stock firmware in some way still used or expected to be used?
3. My understanding (yes I have read some things) is that Solex will update a stock solo to the lates OpenSolo either required or optional. (so maybe scratch question #2).
4. Do all the buttons/commands work just like the stock software on the TX/Controller or are there differences that I'll need to get familiar with or setup myself?
5. Is my old Galaxy S5 with Android 6.0 plenty to run it happily?
6. Do you pretty much NEED Solex to use Opensolo or does it work just fine on the stock app and other free apps?
7. I'm considering buying it anyway to support opensolo/Solex even if it does not really do a whole lot, but and extrememly curious what the benefits are compared to staying
on any of the stock software.



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