Return Home Button

Jun 22, 2018
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I loaded Open Solo 3.0.0 on my second 3DR Solo yesterday to try and figure out why my Return Home button wasn’t working on my 1st Solo that I had installed it on along with a HERE GPS/Compass. I didn’t get any replies back about this issue on a different post, “File Fixed”, that I posted. Received a answer about what may have been the cause of the fixed file but no mention on why I was having a problem with the Return Home button while using the 3DR Solo app. So now I suspect it is because Open Solo has removed the function of the button seeing that now I have a second Solo that can’t use the button also. Reading the Open Solo 3.0.0 Release it had mentioned that Home Button and RTH failsafe now use ArduCopter RTL Mode instead of the old “Return Home” smart shot and goes on to mention that they have the same end result. But it doesn’t mention that O.S. 3.0.0 removes the Button function on the remote or was that something that was assumed because the Solex and SidePilot apps will be used and have their own Return Home function. I.D.K. even though I do have the SidePilot app I still like to use the Solo app at times and “Do” like using the Return Home button on the remote. I know this post is a bit long and may not make a lot of sense but am I correct about not being able to use the button anymore, anyone else have this issue, and is there anything I can change in the Parameter’s in order to regain use of that Button no matter which app I’m using. Sorry again this is so long and Thanks for Any Replies.. Robert
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I have the mRo M8N GPS in Solo #2 and it was showing 21 SATS with a 0.6 HDOP and from all I can gather you don’t have to change anything in the Parameter’s like I had to do with Solo #1 that has the HERE GPS/Compass on it. On Solo #1 I changed the Compass_Orient from 38 to 0.0 and both Solo’s showed a good amount of SATs before flying. Even though my overall intentions are to use O.S. on all three of my Solo’s, ‘Cube #1 & #2, I was hoping to do Solo #1 with the HERE first, workout any Bugs I came across, get familiar with flying it then move onto the others. Solex and a dedicated ‘Droid Tablet are also on the list but regardless of which app I’m running, being able to just drop my thumb down and hit the Return Home button is something I’d like to be able to do. Thanks, Robert
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Pull the logs and examine would be my next course of action.

Maybe try hooking up mission planner and see if it provides any insight?
Really think that’s what I have to do??? I’m having the Same issue on two Different Solo’s. The only difference between the two is the HERE on one of them and the Parameter was set to what it’s supposed to be. And what would I be looking for??? The Return Home button function worked perfectly before Open Solo 3.0.0 was loaded on both. I’m really trying to avoid having to go all the way around the block just to cross the street... Am I the only one who’s ran into this???
The return home button is not disabled in Open Solo. Do you really think I would write a long release note about the new functionality of the home button, then delete the button?? You have a problem preventing it from working on your controller or on the solo. I suggest doing a factory reset on the controller only. Let it go through it's reset procedures. Once it is done, re-pair with the solo and it will probably work presuming there isn't a hardware problem with the physical button on the controller.
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Thanks P2P for that suggestion, I will definitely try that. Sorry if that reference to the O.S.3 Release offended you any, that by no means was Not my intention. IMHO if it wasn’t for you, Kelly and Tom to name a few, we’d all be stuck with a bunch of unsupported Solo’s. Maybe I should’ve broken up that sentence with a period. Yes the O.S.3 Release doesn’t mention it was removed, it said it uses ArduCopter now instead of the old Smart Shot which is why I’m trying to figure out why, by asking, it’s not working on two of my Solo’s now. IDK maybe I am the only one who’s run into this situation before? Thanks again for your reply, I’m definitely going to give it a try.
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I’m so Sorry, I had to edit my last post because after reading it over just now. I noticed that I omitted the the word “Not” in my reference to my intentions. I Definitely would never mean to Offend anyone, especially when I’m looking for advice. Sorry to all those that may have read the post before I edited just now.
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So I do the Factory Reset on the controller, after a couple minutes I get the “Controller Updated”, press A to continue, press A button and nothing, couple minutes later, Updating System shows up again, OK, sounds right, if I’m not mistaken it does it twice. “Controller Updated”, press A to continue, again I pressed A and nothing. OK, not what I was expecting but I read a post about something (???) and something about waiting 10 minutes so I thought I’d wait 10 minutes before doing anything more. A little over 10 minutes goes by and still nothing, about ready to give up and was going hit the pwr button and as I went to pick it up, “Looking for Solo” popped up. Turned on Solo waited a minute or two, pushed the pair button and “Detected New Solo” pushed A&B, paired completed. Going to go through the Level and Compass calibrations again and wait for better weather to try it, hopefully everything is functioning now. If all’s well I can do this with my first Solo that has the same issue with the “Return Home” button function. My ‘Cube came today and I feel like a kid at Christmas looking at all the presents under the tree and can’t open them yet.... Thanks again for the suggestion, Robert
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Maybe the common wisdom should be 15min or one episode of your favorite show before you return to dicking around with the stuff after the reset :p
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Maybe the common wisdom should be 15min or one episode of your favorite show before you return to dicking around with the stuff after the reset :p
Yea after watching Matt’s and John’s Open Solo video’s multiple times, I figured I should wait awhile before doing anything, just kinda thought the Factory Reset would’ve happened sooner. Patients is a good thing....
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There is no need to wait arbitrarily wait 15 minutes. The instructions spell out very clearly what to wait for. There was absolutely no reason to sit around waiting after the second update completed. Simply reboot the solo and controller, and pair. It's all in the instructions for open solo.
Got a short break in the weather, performed the Level and Compass Calibrations rebooting after each was done on Solo #2. Took it out for a few flights. Gonna say that Factory Resetting on just the controller did the job. Solo Returned Home. Going to do a Factory Reset on Solo #1’s controller now, that has the HERE Compass/GPS on it which was the first one I put O.S.3.0.0 on/in that had the same issue with the Return Home button. Don’t know why, don’t really care why, just Very glad it’s working. Thank you so much P2P for your help. Robert
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Ok guy’s just a update on the Factory Reset on Solo #1’s controller. Repeated what I did with the other Solo’s controller, watched a little of Jester Drone’s Green Cube install video while the controller was doing it’s thing. After awhile when the Controller Update Compete press A to continue showed up, pressed A, Waiting for Solo showed up, paired Solo, rebooted. Reloaded HERE parameters, 38 was set to 0, rebooted, performed Calibration’s, rebooted in between the two and went for a couple short test flights. Can’t tell you just how Happy I was when it Returned Home... Going to finish watching the video now and again for a couple more times, do more reading up on the Green Cube, I hear it calling for me from the box on the table. Thank You again....... Robert
I have 3 Solos. 1 GC and 2 OEM cubes. My stupid question: How do you reset the controller? I went through all the resets and reboots on the successful GC upgrade, but I have no idea how to initiate a reset on the controller in the event it needs one. A button on the bottom somewhere like the Solo?

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