OSD frustration. 3dr huh..

Jun 15, 2016
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Ok I have happy with pixhawk up to this point. The point where you have the machine running and you are going to add the osd module.

Minim OSD Quick Installation Guide — Copter documentation

So being new I am having trouble with not the pixhawk part at all, but the following:

-Why no mention of a programmer in the manual of how to use it with the OSD.
-Why when I asked 3dr help for locating where to get the programmer that helps setup the screens I get the above link.
-Why Its so darn hard in the united States to get help, or parts for the hardware.
-Why pixhawk is not used more. Its fantastic, but a skeleton closet in the U.S.??

It's not easy, but there are a lot of guides and videos if you search. MinimOSD is in kind of a "wasteland of crap" state at the moment much like AP Planner is. You need to get a minimOSD board (there are several types) and then you need an ftdi board so you can talk to it over USB with some sort of OSD configuration software. You'll need to sort through tons of sites and threads to figure out what firmware is safe to use and what might have bugs or issues with some particular configuration.

It's a typical opensource project that has peaked and it consists of several dead-end software/hardware initiatives and projects in various states of maturity. It's really up to you to wade through the information and head down the path that you think might fit your requirements. If your looking for something off the shelf and commerically supported then your barking up the wrong tree with pixhawk and friends.

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