New to 3dr flying.

Feb 2, 2021
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What's up fellas I'm Mike and live in Hawaii. Just got a 3dr for Christmas and after reading your advice on installing open solo 4 with solex things went really smooth on the install. Flew the 3dr a couple of times and everything was great no issues. Now all of a sudden when I fly the 3dr it has slowed down in speed dramatically along with my pre-flight checklist in the inflight screen is no longer there as well? I haven't touched anything at all? Can someone help point me in a direction to help resolve these issues. Thanks this is one the best places to find out about my 3dr. You guys rock!
What's up fellas I'm Mike and live in Hawaii. Just got a 3dr for Christmas and after reading your advice on installing open solo 4 with solex things went really smooth on the install. Flew the 3dr a couple of times and everything was great no issues. Now all of a sudden when I fly the 3dr it has slowed down in speed dramatically along with my pre-flight checklist in the inflight screen is no longer there as well? I haven't touched anything at all? Can someone help point me in a direction to help resolve these issues. Thanks this is one the best places to find out about my 3dr. You guys rock!
Wow can't believe nobody replied.
Wow can't believe nobody replied.
I just purchased a solo myself, I think the solo world may be dying off as it is harder to source expendable parts and the people that are making after market replacement parts are making it more enticing to buy another drone platform where the manufacturer supports the product. Not sure what's going on with the program. I can fly the solo I bought on the 3dr solo app using a Samsung tablet with very little problems. My issues are resulting from not being able to source reliable hardware at reasonable prices.
what they are?
Not sure what your asking. Solo stopped supporting the drone in 2018. Last battery manufactured date is 2015.(I did read that they did a limited run in 2018 but cant confirm it). By the time you purchase everything to make the solo operational you could source a good used drone made by another company at a much lower cost then trying to keep the drone flying. If you have $1500 U.S. tied up in the drone then it makes sense to do the mods. but if you purchase a used drone then it nearly makes no sense.
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Not sure what your asking. Solo stopped supporting the drone in 2018. Last battery manufactured date is 20(I did read that they did a limited run in 2018 but cant confirm it). By the time you purchase everything to make the solo operational you could source a good used drone made by another company at a much lower cost then trying to keep the drone flying. If you have $1500 U.S. tied up in the drone then it makes sense to do the mods. but if you purchase a used drone then it nearly makes no sens
If you bought a 3DR Solo, then there was a reason why.
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