Looking for Help -- two crashes in two days

Mar 15, 2016
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I’m having a problem with my 3DR Solo. It set on the shelf for several years, but I recently got it out and put it working order. I’m using up to date Solex software on a Samsung Galexy 10e phone, and Open Solo 4 firmware. Everything calibrated nicely and that system (Drone, original 3DR controller (also updated with Open Solo 4 firmware) and Solex on my phone) has successfully worked and flew well on a few trial missions.

But now I’ve had crashes on successive days. After flying for a few minutes yesterday, I lifted off into a standard hover, and the drone took off on its own in uncontrolled flight, flying in an ever widening circle and gaining speed. It was not responding to the controller, but eventually I was able to get it down in a less than pretty landing, after it touched down it flipped over on it hind legs (away from camera end).

Brought it back home, cleaned it up, recalibrated level and waited to fly again.

Today, I lifted off to a standard hover and it flew in a less than stable position for about 5 minutes. I landed and took off again, and within seconds the uncontrolled circular flight began again. Because it was very low, and I was expecting the behavior, I was able to bring it down, but it had enough side momentum to catch in the grass and go belly up.

Has anyone experienced similar behavior and more importantly what do I need to do to get back to stable flight?

Any help greatly appreciated!
I would do a factory reset and calibrate again and see if it makes a difference. Make sure you have done the Update Factory Reset Partition process so that it resets back to fresh Open Solo 4. Also in the IMU calibration make sure the first position is very level and still.
Are the reset instructions in the Solo users guide still valid? After the reset, are the instructions for installing open solo wiki still valid?
My concern is that after factory reset, the solo and controller are unpaired, and the open solo instructions start with the system already paired.

The Factory Reset process is the same as in the manual.

If you completed the Update Factory Reset Partition process on both the Solo and Controller, factory reset will take you to the point in the Open Solo 4 instructions where you have to wait long enough for Solo to complete the process before rebooting it. Then Pairing, etc...
I’m having a problem with my 3DR Solo. It set on the shelf for several years, but I recently got it out and put it working order. I’m using up to date Solex software on a Samsung Galexy 10e phone, and Open Solo 4 firmware. Everything calibrated nicely and that system (Drone, original 3DR controller (also updated with Open Solo 4 firmware) and Solex on my phone) has successfully worked and flew well on a few trial missions.

But now I’ve had crashes on successive days. After flying for a few minutes yesterday, I lifted off into a standard hover, and the drone took off on its own in uncontrolled flight, flying in an ever widening circle and gaining speed. It was not responding to the controller, but eventually I was able to get it down in a less than pretty landing, after it touched down it flipped over on it hind legs (away from camera end).

Brought it back home, cleaned it up, recalibrated level and waited to fly again.

Today, I lifted off to a standard hover and it flew in a less than stable position for about 5 minutes. I landed and took off again, and within seconds the uncontrolled circular flight began again. Because it was very low, and I was expecting the behavior, I was able to bring it down, but it had enough side momentum to catch in the grass and go belly up.

Has anyone experienced similar behavior and more importantly what do I need to do to get back to stable flight?

Any help greatly appreciated!
not crazy circles but yes a little while ago i had the solo up and it was hovering i gave it pitch to the left it went slowly to left when u let of stick it hovered back to where to took off and then wanted to leap foward at this point it wasnt responding to back pitch so luckly being low to ground i was able to throttle down apparently the drone doesnt no where the ground is so it touched down hard and flipped belly side up. i wont put it back up in the air any time soon. i used my iphone to flash open solo with sidepilot it worked fine but tried flying it with solex app when its all connected i get quick error message along the line of failed to write storage somehting, it pops up quick.
The factory reset and a good, careful, and complete calibration (as suggested in the thread above) fixed my issues. They have not returned
Thank you sir. I went over things last night i did all calibrations once they were sucessfull i dont think it was saving those parameters , also i was using a new samsung phone bad idea started using the pixel 4a seems to be working better i could even download the updates from solex which if i would have know this i would not have bother with sidepilot.. UPDATE: i did a factory reset on opensolo,paired everything back up effortlessly i then recalibrated using the pixel and now theres no compass error or prearm errors like vehicle outside fence or waiting for 3d fix. i can arm in manual mode but havent left the ground yet bc when i hold fly and dry run it it seems like my control input isnt working tried mode 1 and mode2 also country is setup to Australia should i change that to united states??? im scared to put this thing up bc if it goes crazy its gonna mess things up . possily hurt me or someone else.
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