Level calibration error after upgrading to open solo 3.0 via solex

If you connect to Solo with Mission Planner, this is what it might look like if your IMU is bad (stuck accelerometer):

Check AccX, AccY, and AccZ for each of the IMUs. X and Y should hover around 0 and Z should hover around -10. When one is stuck it will be flat-lined at a value far off from the 0 or -10 that it would normally be. While a stuck accelerometer can sometimes be freed with a smack, it is almost certainly going to fail again in the future - the PixHawk should be replaced.

Here's what one of mine looked like when it was stuck:
If you connect to Solo with Mission Planner, this is what it might look like if your IMU is bad (stuck accelerometer):
View attachment 10361

Check AccX, AccY, and AccZ for each of the IMUs. X and Y should hover around 0 and Z should hover around -10. When one is stuck it will be flat-lined at a value far off from the 0 or -10 that it would normally be. While a stuck accelerometer can sometimes be freed with a smack, it is almost certainly going to fail again in the future - the PixHawk should be replaced.

Here's what one of mine looked like when it was stuck:
View attachment 10362

I opened the logs, one of them I got these for x, y, and z:

And then on another one I got this (I have accx, y and z together for this one since it's easy to see them at the same time)

Any ideas?
That is all kinds of FUBAR. You did a parameter reset, right?
There were 9 logs I pulled. The first three I believe we're from the last one and the final one was an earlier one. I think those first ones probably show the level calibration maybe?

I did parameter resets a couple times in there. I can try again and pull the log after.
So I connect it to mission planner, I can rotate the drone and the live artificial horizon on the screen moves exactly as it should, even before I reset the parameters. So I reset them again in solex, compass calibrates fine, imu fails again and again. I do not understand this. This is extremely frustrating. I've watched videos online of people doing level calibrations just to make sure there isn't some method I missed. Nothing works. The only thing that seems even remotely out of place to me, is that the transmitter doesn't always show "calibrating sensors" when I'm doing it, or it goes back to searching for gps before the calibration is finished. Is that normal?

The above is connected to mission planner. For part of that it was in my basement near the pc, which is why the gps data looks weird. I took it outside, it connected to gps fine, then I got the INS not calibrated error, as expected. Then I used Solex to reset params and attempt to calibrate IMU a few times.

Here are the logs I pulled tonight via Solex, these would include the calibration. Can anyone look at these and make sense of them? Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files
There were 9 logs I pulled. The first three I believe we're from the last one and the final one was an earlier one. I think those first ones probably show the level calibration maybe?

I did parameter resets a couple times in there. I can try again and pull the log after.

Also, can I do the level calibration through Mission Planner? If it works, would that stick when I go back to Solex or 3DR app?
It is not normal for it to switch back and forth on the controller during a level [IMU] calibration sequence. Methinks something is amiss.

I am not near a computer or I'd inspect the logs.
It is not normal for it to switch back and forth on the controller during a level [IMU] calibration sequence. Methinks something is amiss.

I am not near a computer or I'd inspect the logs.
Do you think it could be the tx?
Would you be able to look at the logs when you're near a computer?
It is possible though unlikely that the GCS is the problem. I'll need the logs from both the controller and the bird.
I'm not initially seeing anything..

Though you have 20 logs of each type in there so it could easily be hiding.... Might have to wait until I'm not on a tablet
I'm not initially seeing anything..

Though you have 20 logs of each type in there so it could easily be hiding.... Might have to wait until I'm not on a tablet

Have you had a chance to look on a pc? Is there something else I need to pull?
You only use one of the coins as payment for crossing the River Styx.... gotta spend the other on something!
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You only use one of the coins as payment for crossing the River Styx.... gotta spend the other on something!
Is there any chance that the gimbal could be causing this?

Also, I attempted again several times this week, with both the Solex and 3dr app. I watched the gcs screen during and it does not hold the "calibrating sensors" message the whole time. Sometimes not at all, it never pops up, sometimes the message is up when I'm not calibrating at all. Sometimes it goes back to searching for gps during the calibration.

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