How fast is your SOLO

i see that iam not the only one that got those high speed readings ,my drone logs show 117,48 mph one day last week .what is up with this usually 50 or 55 is the norm
I call bulls***. 120 mph? Pleeease. If you flew your solo that fast with stock motors, then you can come out to California and bump ugly with my sister! ~~smh~~
I call bulls***. 120 mph? Pleeease. If you flew your solo that fast with stock motors, then you can come out to California and bump ugly with my sister! ~~smh~~
Dude what's with language?!!? This is public forum you know.
Dude what's with language?!!? This is public forum you know.
Sorry to offend your delicate sense of self. My intention was not to get your panties all in a twist, I'm sorry. Perhaps the meaning of my message was not readily apparent to you, so I'll try and simplify in a manner and with language so as not to offend your delicate sense of self. "Going 120 mph using the stock solo aircraft." This brings to mind the story of 'The Boy who Cried Wolfe'.
By the way, we are presumed (I assume) to be comprised mostly of mature adults in this forum. As such and with the current President as an example, what was considered course language 50 years ago is now mild in comparison and apparently socially acceptable. So, get with the times. BTW, I like what you've done with your drone. I remember seeing your handle before and you talking about your bird. I can't really remember right now all that was said, but I do remember saying to myself, " Pretty cool". Peace.
Sorry to offend your delicate sense of self. My intention was not to get your panties all in a twist, I'm sorry. Perhaps the meaning of my message was not readily apparent to you, so I'll try and simplify in a manner and with language so as not to offend your delicate sense of self. "Going 120 mph using the stock solo aircraft." This brings to mind the story of 'The Boy who Cried Wolfe'.
I don't have a delicate sense of self. I have a moral character.
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By the way, we are presumed (I assume) to be comprised mostly of mature adults in this forum. As such and with the current President as an example, what was considered course language 50 years ago is now mild in comparison and apparently socially acceptable. So, get with the times. BTW, I like what you've done with your drone. I remember seeing your handle before and you talking about your bird. I can't really remember right now all that was said, but I do remember saying to myself, " Pretty cool". Peace.
And just because it may be considered socially acceptable doesn't mean it's right.
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How is it possible to go even over 33mph? I'm saying because when you set your motor speed in settings and move the slider all the way to very fast it says top speed would be 33mph... can't move it any farther to get more speed.
Those sliders aren't accurate for speed, i don't think. Also, I was running in PosHold mode, rather than Loiter. PosHold has higher MAX Lean angles, so it'll go faster. The sliders still affect the lean angle in PosHold too..which is nice because I can tailor how fast I want that mode to move. You can go even faster in Sport mode....but I'm not wanting to crash.
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Those sliders aren't accurate for speed, i don't think. Also, I was running in PosHold mode, rather than Loiter. PosHold has higher MAX Lean angles, so it'll go faster. The sliders still affect the lean angle in PosHold too..which is nice because I can tailor how fast I want that mode to move. You can go even faster in Sport mode....but I'm not wanting to crash.

Does the Solex manual tells you what all these commands are for, such as "Loiter", "PosHold", "Acro", etc.?

I think even when the slider was set to the 2nd Very Fast from the last highest setting was already too fast for me. So I immediately adjusted it back to the setting between Slow and Fast. LOL
I call bulls***. 120 mph? Pleeease. If you flew your solo that fast with stock motors, then you can come out to California and bump ugly with my sister! ~~smh~~
So can I still meet your sister. Try stabilize mode on a nice windy day
Sorry to offend your delicate sense of self. My intention was not to get your panties all in a twist, I'm sorry. Perhaps the meaning of my message was not readily apparent to you, so I'll try and simplify in a manner and with language so as not to offend your delicate sense of self. "Going 120 mph using the stock solo aircraft." This brings to mind the story of 'The Boy who Cried Wolfe'.
Easy big guy the sun is going down

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