Dear 3DR I love pixhawk FC and used it for years,, But Solo *********

I'm def a noob.
LOS or "line of sight" does not mean you can actually see the bird?
Just that it's in line with your sight.

I still don't get where everyone is going and back in less than 15min.
I bought it to take some video for my projects/venues and don't recall any PR about going long range out of sight adventures from 3DR so I just wonder why anyone would complain about that part.

For those who need that capability, probably get a P3P or I1 then right?


Ok , i'm done. (and off topic):oops:
I modified my last post,, auto correct is a pain... LRS not LOS.
LRS is abbreviation for Long Range System just to clear that up for some.
As for LOS, if one persons eyes are better then the other that changes the rules doesn't it.
That's why there has been arguments that LOS should include OR exclude the use of optical enhancements like binoculars for instance.
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I'm def a noob.
LOS or "line of sight" does not mean you can actually see the bird?
Just that it's in line with your sight.

I still don't get where everyone is going and back in less than 15min.
I bought it to take some video for my projects/venues and don't recall any PR about going long range out of sight adventures from 3DR so I just wonder why anyone would complain about that part.

For those who need that capability, probably get a P3P or I1 then right?


Ok , i'm done. (and off topic):oops:
Before I sent my Solo back for refund I personally was getting 1.5 to 1.75 miles LOS with stock antennas. Range was not my issue at all..
I1 can reach out to 2 mile I believe quite easy. I didn't push very hard the day I had spent time with the I1 I was testing..
Seems to me (and this is just me talking) it might not be a bad thing at all to have reduced range for "sporting" use.
Mighten it not keep a lot of the mental midgets flying around airports or over crowds and such from eventually killing someone, or contributing to restrictive laws that will almost certainly be introduced?
If we as a community don't get our collective butts together, we're going to have them handed to us.
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My opinions just that an opinion and it's obvious some solos have been junk and others like Jubalr, mine, Rich and a ton of others have been near perfect. You certainly have more experience, I'm only 33 but I've also had a ton of products with an rx and tx and if you got a winner, solo is ahead of nearly all of them. Today I have 20 or so RCs with plenty of radio options from nearly every company thats worth mentioning but this is only my second multi.

No argument but after all these fixes and updates they pushed with free software my solo is nearly perfect. I honestly couldn't be much happier and as is solo is already ahead of phantom IMO and in 6 months I see solo being not only compared to inspire but likley preferred to it by alot who own both. Sure inspire is cool looking and different but so is solo, only thing I see different is carbon fiber build wise and solo had proven to be much tougher than either dji bird in impact resistance.

Not trying to start issues I own a phantom as well and am not a brand loyal guy, I use what works best, but I honestly believe if you had a solo now with gimbal and it functioned like mine has you'd have a much harder time complaining about it. Inspires bigger yes but why would I want a bigger bird, my bet is smaller will likley be the norm soon just like every other piece of tech ever made outside of a display. If solo could carry a larger camera maybe it would have reason to be bigger but for what it and inspire both are they have all they need. Solo isn't huge but does great in wind as I'm sure inspire does with its size. I'm not saying solo is better yet, but I do bet it will be preferred to have a solo you can carry easily and get on a plane with rather than an inspire that's heavier and much less portable in a lot of situations. I debated between inspire and solo on this purchase and actually I was debating returning my solo over the lies and all the mess 3dr made of this launch recently, but after getting my gimbal in the air I fell in love all over again. Yes I needed a fpvlr antenna yet I'm still well under inspires price and that's all you need to have range and connectivity just like djis birds, I've not lost signal one time since.

All three are great birds and both companies have their issues without a doubt, I'd bet once both you and McCabe get the chance to fly a solo again you hold on to it this time if you go in not holding a grudge from this experience. I can't fault either of you and if I'd of had the issues McCabe had with two solos I'd of probably returned too, I didn't see your problems but I'm sure your return was after a mess as well. Not trying to sway anybody just saying if you expected solo to be complete and perfect day one like 3dr said, than you weren't thinking. Yes there were more issues than I assumed but launching any new product to the world especially one that does all this does you had to expect that in version 1 if you've seen other similar launches. I mean there's been how many phantom iterations and versions of each now and they still have a bunch to work out, as is now my solo is nearly flawless. Also every update has fixed issues quickly and not messed up other things in the process, unlike some other quads. I don't see a solo 2 coming soon since those that are working are flawless so I'd bet you folks who returned will most likley have to buy a solo 1 next year after you see and hear of its success. Missed opportunity for 3dr so far sure, they could have stole a much larger chunk from dji. That said after flying my complete solo I've nearly forgotten how $hitty this launch has been and am just happy with my final product now that it's all over.

Fly safe, fly whatever and enjoy it like I am, these things are only going to get better and a lot faster now with competition, so now we all win as consumers. Both companies have things to work on and both seem to be heading in the right direction now, even if at different speeds. Pick your poison and enjoy.

Very well said. My experience has been nearly identical, except I have two nearly perfect Solo's.
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Seems to me (and this is just me talking) it might not be a bad thing at all to have reduced range for "sporting" use.
Mighten it not keep a lot of the mental midgets flying around airports or over crowds and such from eventually killing someone, or contributing to restrictive laws that will almost certainly be introduced?
If we as a community don't get our collective butts together, we're going to have them handed to us.

I honestly believe this is part of why they used such small stock antennas yet made them easy to change. At least you have to put forth a little effort to do something long range and most idiots won't know they need an antenna upgrade or won't bother. It's a fairly cheap and easy fix and is for the best I think. Now the connectivity some have seen I doubt was intended but I've not lost signal once with either antenna setup in wifi crowded and wooded areas. If your flying line of sight unless somethings wrong there's no reason you should lose signal in most any area especially after an antenna upgrade. I'm betting fpv out of Los won't be legal much longer anyway and really with good reason, I know people hate to hear it but it's at least a bit safer if you can actually see your bird and something goes wrong.

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