Amazon wins - the Senate FAA reauthorization bill and drones...

Jul 23, 2015
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Sarasota, Florida
Amazon Wins: the Senate FAA Reauthorization Bill and Drones - DRONELIFE

" ... Recreational drone operators may not have fared as well in the new Senate bill. As requested by the Airline Pilots Association – and perhaps as a conciliatory gesture to them – the new bill indicates that drone registration may now include an online test. The bill states that the FAA may not impose new rules on model aircraft flown for recreation provided that the operator complies with the known provisions about safety, altitude restrictions, and distance from airports; but adds the following: “the operator has passed an aeronautical knowledge and safety test administered by the Federal Aviation Administration online for the operation of unmanned aircraft systems …and maintains proof of test passage to be made available to the Administrator or law enforcement upon request.” The bill expands upon this idea, calling for a committee to establish an appropriate online test and stating that an operator may not fly unless the test has been passed or the pilot is otherwise certified by the FAA.

The test is designed to ensure that recreational operators understand the basic “know before you fly” safety requirements, which would seem to make sense. But as registration numbers compared with sales numbers show that many operators have already chosen not to register, another layer of administration would seem to make adoption of the registration program even less likely. ... "
It shouldn't be hard to force the registration and testing in a pre flight update across the board so it doesn't affect certain companies sales, if people are too lazy to bother.

Of course Amazon won they have insane money, yet us little guys are still waiting in the wings for our end of drone regs. Big shock there murcan government at its finest, wonder if trump owns any drones seeings how it's looking likely that hel be in office before long. I'd bet we have a new president before these guys stop bickering about our regs and finalize something. Ridiculous or not I'm betting its going to happen, he who has the most money wins here in the good old u s of a and trumps got most trumped in that regard.

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