Hello everyone,
I just bought 3dr solo and i try to connect it with nvidia jetson but i can't connect ttyTHS2 port. I try to many times and changes all connection cables but still i cant connect jetson to 3dr. But then i found an other way to connect mavros bridge. When i start original controller there is a wifi hotspot named solo link. I connect this network using pass:sololink then when i start mavros with this command
roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14550@"
it's worked
But there is another problem i faced. I want to not use controller. I put jetson to 3dr they flying together. I want to hotspot jetson like controller and i want my solo connect jetson instead of controller. What can i do? I can use jetson wifi with same SSID like controller it is enough? When i do this will 3dr connect my jetson?. If it is i can connect same network from ground laptop to jetson with ssh and execute this command in jetson roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14550@"
Thank you for helping.
My original target is control solo from full autonomus with scripts and openCV there is no ground station. Jetson will main computer in this diagram.
I just bought 3dr solo and i try to connect it with nvidia jetson but i can't connect ttyTHS2 port. I try to many times and changes all connection cables but still i cant connect jetson to 3dr. But then i found an other way to connect mavros bridge. When i start original controller there is a wifi hotspot named solo link. I connect this network using pass:sololink then when i start mavros with this command
roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14550@"
it's worked

But there is another problem i faced. I want to not use controller. I put jetson to 3dr they flying together. I want to hotspot jetson like controller and i want my solo connect jetson instead of controller. What can i do? I can use jetson wifi with same SSID like controller it is enough? When i do this will 3dr connect my jetson?. If it is i can connect same network from ground laptop to jetson with ssh and execute this command in jetson roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14550@"
Thank you for helping.
My original target is control solo from full autonomus with scripts and openCV there is no ground station. Jetson will main computer in this diagram.