Question re: logs

Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
Is each log a separate flight?
If you land, don't shut off motors and take off again will there be 2 logs generated?

As far as i can see looking at my last 30 or so tlogs, it terminates the log when the motors shut down after landing (VFR_HUD Throttle=0)

I've not looked at the logs from a touch-n-go, but I would expect that if the motors are running, it keeps logging. This would be the same as flying it at an altitude below the launching zone. (down a hill)

Or... you could just run a few manual touch-and-go'es and look at the log to get your answer...
I believe that a new log (and home point) is started at the arming of the motors.
That is correct... Also only 3 logs at any given time. Newest ovewrites oldest. dataflash files hold more flights and more data,but are more difficult to get at
That is correct... Also only 3 logs at any given time. Newest ovewrites oldest. dataflash files hold more flights and more data,but are more difficult to get at

I looked into the controller files with andFtp and there were 10 .Tlog files. I think it only sent the 3 newest if you initiate a ticket to support.
I looked into the controller files with andFtp and there were 10 .Tlog files. I think it only sent the 3 newest if you initiate a ticket to support.
That is my experience too. 10 logs and rolls the oldest off each new flight.

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