Optical Follow on Solex.

Jul 28, 2017
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Does Solex care what tablet and/or android version is running it? I'm running Android 4.4 on a Galaxy Tab 4 (nook) and have been having issues with all of the follow me/you/us/that options on the app. But the only one I really care about is the optical.
I have tried it out a couple of times but this past weekend was the first time I really tried it, unfortunately with no luck.
I tried getting it to lock on to me several times, once it seemed to lock onto an ant or maybe a ghost in my driveway. I highlighted myself but when I moved, Solo turned the other way and seemed to start tracking something that I couldn't see.
Subsequent attempts on foot, it would track me for a few seconds then lock on to some other random object in my yard, usually my 4wheeler but it also took interest in the trampoline and a pecan tree at different points.
Since it seemed to fancy the 4wheeler, I tried to get it to follow me while I rode it but when I moved from the green box it just kept looking at where I used to be.
Others seem to be having success with it and the only culprit I can come up with is the tablet and/or it's old android software. Could my assumption be correct?
Did you do the viewing angle calibration? It is required before that will work.
I did, but now that you forced me to think about it, i realized that when I did it, I didn't have my gimbal yet and was using a different camera.
I'll go back and re-do that, assuming it ever stops raining. Thanks.
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I did, but now that you forced me to think about it, i realized that when I did it, I didn't have my gimbal yet and was using a different camera.
I'll go back and re-do that, assuming it ever stops raining. Thanks.
Let us know if that helps.

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