I have+know at least four Solo's with this issue.
OpenSolo 3.0.0 , ArduCopter 3.5.7.
The problem;
The camera pitches up, at 3second interval, with logarithmic steps.
It does so if the last input was a slight "up" (look up) command, not if the last was down.
- not sure if it's related, but the actual camera motion is within 0...60° , 61...90 has no effect.
What I tried:
I observed the pot output using runStickcal.sh , and it seems perfectly healthy.
I did check the controllers, and swap one potentiometer, it did not help. (5kOhm pot that senses the camera pitch input)
Used the command sololink_config --set-ui-sweep 0 90
I did a factory reset on the controller.
The graph below illustrates the problem, I have the camera looking down (red line down, 1000us on RC6) , then let ut up a bit using the paddle, then it keeps on increasing every 3 seconds, in logarithmic steps, until it's looking forward (90°)
So the Cube, (which control the gimbal over mavlink, MNT_TYPE=2) recieves that RC command, and forwards it to the gimbal (MNT_RC_IN_TILT=6)
If it was the potentiometer or A/D that caused that "pulse" (every third second), it should be seen during runStickcal.ch , but it's not , the stickcal values are perfectly smooth.

This is how it looks:
OpenSolo 3.0.0 , ArduCopter 3.5.7.
The problem;
The camera pitches up, at 3second interval, with logarithmic steps.
It does so if the last input was a slight "up" (look up) command, not if the last was down.
- not sure if it's related, but the actual camera motion is within 0...60° , 61...90 has no effect.
What I tried:
I observed the pot output using runStickcal.sh , and it seems perfectly healthy.
I did check the controllers, and swap one potentiometer, it did not help. (5kOhm pot that senses the camera pitch input)
Used the command sololink_config --set-ui-sweep 0 90
I did a factory reset on the controller.
The graph below illustrates the problem, I have the camera looking down (red line down, 1000us on RC6) , then let ut up a bit using the paddle, then it keeps on increasing every 3 seconds, in logarithmic steps, until it's looking forward (90°)
So the Cube, (which control the gimbal over mavlink, MNT_TYPE=2) recieves that RC command, and forwards it to the gimbal (MNT_RC_IN_TILT=6)
If it was the potentiometer or A/D that caused that "pulse" (every third second), it should be seen during runStickcal.ch , but it's not , the stickcal values are perfectly smooth.

This is how it looks:
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