Ok... I've only had my 3dr solo for about 2 weeks and I've flown it about 10 times. Before today I heard something rattling in the body last night so I took the battery out Undead the battery plate and looked around inside and didn't find anything and it quit rattling. Today we went to the mountain to get a good video and I noticed when I put the prop on one of the motors it would not spend like the rest comma so I thought maybe it was a safety feature or something it didn't dawn on me that it was jammed until I tried to power up the propellers. After realizing that motor was jammed I went back to my truck popped off the LED light cover Undead those for screws pulled the motor up and Up Inside the screw had gotten wedged in between the copper bundles and the outer shell that spins. It was a very very small silver screw. I finally got it out with a straightened out earring put everything back together and flew it and it did fine but I'm kind of curious where that screw goes.
Has anyone else had any issues with screws coming loose inside of the solo and if so where was yours from so maybe I can look and put this little guy back where he goes!
Has anyone else had any issues with screws coming loose inside of the solo and if so where was yours from so maybe I can look and put this little guy back where he goes!