Leaving the group

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Dec 9, 2016
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I wish you all good luck. I’ve been a member for about a year-ish, and I’ve always looked forward to my monthly email updates. Alas, for the last several months all I see are people like myself who are relative “newbies” who ask a simple question who are then getting shot down by “experts.” Their responses range from patronizing to cynical. Once is awile there is an actual and useful reply. But the bottom line (and I challenge you to deny) is that for the most part, many questions and posts degrade into a sh-t fest of who is smarter than the next guy.

That’s not a smart way to run a forum, especially for people who want to support a “dead” platform, as do I.

So good luck everyone. I have two Solos which I fly with regularity. I train with a piece of crap toy drone all the time. I’ve flown my Solo upwards of 1600’ and outbound of similar range. I’ve made $$ with my drone, and IVE NEVER CRASHED, ever. I’ve lost GPS a few times and have flown her back manually every time. The Solo is great platform and hopefully it will continue to find support.
I think you need to realize that the Solo environment has changed dramatically. It originated as a tool for cinematographers. It was designed to be an appliance which the user did not have to nor was encouraged to understand. It was a tool for them to use and 3DR would take care of the dirty work.
That is why it was attractive.

But since it's death it was revived by entirely different user group. The Do-it-yourselfer. In order to revive it, it requires people willing to do the dirty work themselves. So now we have two diametrically opposed user groups. Groups that don't have a lot in common. The DIY group can get a little impatient at questions they think are very rudimentary from users that never wanted to have to ask such questions to keep their appliance working. DIY folks expect more than a little investment in order to participate while appliance operators never paid for such a requirement.

It is never acceptable to be rude, that seems to be a disease of the Internet though. But just realize that these two different groups can be like mixing oil and water.

Yet there are exciting benefits to the rebirth of the Solo. Try sticking around and ignoring the stuff that bothers you and grabbing the stuff you can use.
This guy has three threads over 9 months and all were polite responses. Nothing dead about this platform. 1600'??
I would say there are many confrontational and rude responses to threads in this forum. He is not necessarily speaking about threads he has participated.

Yes 1600' is not responsible but that is a different topic.
There are many far worse groups on the internet. Really just about any photography forum. It's almost as if the person writing that complaint was never on the internet before buying a Solo. :)
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I would say there are many confrontational and rude responses to threads in this forum. He is not necessarily speaking about threads he has participated.

Yes 1600' is not responsible but that is a different topic.
Entirely depends on the situation. If this user was inspecting a 1300' radio mast with his bird and stayed within the required 400' radius of that tower, I do not see flight at 1600' as irresponsible. I have personally flown at nearly 800' while doing wind turbine inspection. Those blades are HUGE and create ridiculous vortices even when in the locked position....

However, I do think it disrespectful to jump on forums and ask questions that have already been answered. Sometimes very recently. People have limited time. Please use a search function and do your research before creating a new thread.

Alright, off my soapbox now.
Entirely depends on the situation. If this user was inspecting a 1300' radio mast with his bird and stayed within the required 400' radius of that tower, I do not see flight at 1600' as irresponsible. I have personally flown at nearly 800' while doing wind turbine inspection. Those blades are HUGE and create ridiculous vortices even when in the locked position....

However, I do think it disrespectful to jump on forums and ask questions that have already been answered. Sometimes very recently. People have limited time. Please use a search function and do your research before creating a new thread.

Alright, off my soapbox now.

You are right and it annoys me too. Especially the "are these parts a good choice?" questions 5 times a day. But it never hurts to remember to be civil. You never know how much work someone has put in already to find the answer. We are not all good at google and your example illustrates a jump to a conclusion that might be wrong.
Entirely depends on the situation. If this user was inspecting a 1300' radio mast with his bird and stayed within the required 400' radius of that tower, I do not see flight at 1600' as irresponsible. I have personally flown at nearly 800' while doing wind turbine inspection. Those blades are HUGE and create ridiculous vortices even when in the locked position....

However, I do think it disrespectful to jump on forums and ask questions that have already been answered. Sometimes very recently. People have limited time. Please use a search function and do your research before creating a new thread.

Alright, off my soapbox now.
He doesn't come across as a 107 pilot. Just my opinion, and, I hope he reconsiders leaving the group
But just realize that these two different groups can be like mixing oil and water.

It can be done! [emoji1]

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IMHO...Solo is not a drone for the "casual" flyer. It is for the reasonably technical savy person who: can plug/unplug delicate connectors, can use a small screwdriver, knows how to use Google, knows how to ask/respond to technical questions, knows how to follow technical instructions, knows how to use the search function on a technical forum, knows the difference between rudeness and directness relative to technical discussions...engineering meetings come to mind :(.

Again...IMHO...if you can't do those things, you should not have a Solo. Instead, you should probably get a drone that has an active tech support line.

Many times you find the people with the most knowledge are also the most direct. I believe that is because throughout their career, they haven't been deterred by the "directness" that comes with answers from some people...people who themselves may be knowledgeable and direct. Thus...the stereotype that Engineers lack social skills.o_O
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IMHO...Solo is not a drone for the "casual" flyer. It is for the reasonably technical savy person who: can plug/unplug delicate connectors, can use a small screwdriver, knows how to use Google, knows how to ask/respond to technical questions, knows how to follow technical instructions, knows how to use the search function on a technical forum, knows the difference between rudeness and directness relative to technical discussions...engineering meetings come to mind :(.

Again...IMHO...if you can't do those things, you should not have a Solo. Instead, you should probably get a drone that has an active tech support line.
Who has an active tech support line? From what I've read about DJI you are better running Arducopter.
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usually when someone makes a point of announcing their departure there is more to the story.
The internet is a rough place]
that is why they have an ignore feature. Turn off the people you don't want to listen to.
Enjoy conversing with the good folks
I still maintain that this is a fairly helpful group.
I'm going to chime in and just my 2 cents. I'm 61, and been on almost every forum of rc, and YES, what the man said has merit. Not just here, but on all forum's. There are always a few that want to be the- genius- of the group-- and don't you dare to even say you have some experience with any of the discussion, or- you will either be put down, or, just shut out and ignored. I have always been just saddened by it all, and I can only say, you can't be thin skinned on any site. I'm new on here and have mentioned I'm a very experienced pilot and have had some shards. Me personally, I just take it for what it's worth and just accept it, and go on. There is a lot to learn, even if you don't participate-- just listen. Over all, I have had mostly a great experience here, and will continue to enjoy the majority of the great guys on here. Frank.
I agree there are a lot of good guys with helpful information here;. on the other hand it can be rough for a newbie.

They ask a question we all had to learn at some point and get RTFM or Google it. For the most part we do a good job but a minority few need to learn better manners IMO.
I agree there are a lot of good guys with helpful information here;. on the other hand it can be rough for a newbie.

They ask a question we all had to learn at some point and get RTFM or Google it. For the most part we do a good job but a minority few need to learn better manners IMO.
I agree. I just think for the most part, some just expect most to understand as they do. That is just not the case. Myself, helicopters are my thing and I know them beyond well, yet, besides the mechanical aspect of drones, I'm new to Solo, which is different from pixhawk 1, and am learning. I just think more understanding and a little patience would be great. And just because someone says they are experienced, doesn't mean anything except that, but doesn't mean they don't need help in what they are asking for. Also doesn't mean they are bragging or wanting a peeing contest. Frank
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