Last known GPS coordinates...

Feb 1, 2016
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My little gal ran away a couple weeks ago. I pushed her too far on the battery, brought her down manually because we were in Follow mode. passing through 15% battery, I brought her down into my hand and throttled down, she didn't recognize this "Landing" as I continued to throttle down and panic a little. With my right hand holding Solo, my left hand *the hand of death, powered off the controller at which point solo (with 4% battery) attempted to fly more than a half mile RTH at full throttle. It took 3DR until the next morning to send me the last known coordinates. It looked like she might be in a large tree canopy. She was not. Very sad. Want to see the logs?

I am well aware of my non-idiotproofness. However, I believe and have read Follow me mode could be better. I should have landed her on the ground one, two pressed pause instead of power, and three not been an idiot.
My little gal ran away a couple weeks ago. I pushed her too far on the battery, brought her down manually because we were in Follow mode. passing through 15% battery, I brought her down into my hand and throttled down, she didn't recognize this "Landing" as I continued to throttle down and panic a little. With my right hand holding Solo, my left hand *the hand of death, powered off the controller at which point solo (with 4% battery) attempted to fly more than a half mile RTH at full throttle. It took 3DR until the next morning to send me the last known coordinates. It looked like she might be in a large tree canopy. She was not. Very sad. Want to see the logs?

I am well aware of my non-idiotproofness. However, I believe and have read Follow me mode could be better. I should have landed her on the ground one, two pressed pause instead of power, and three not been an idiot.

if you powered off the controller and then Solo flew away, isn't it the case that the last known GPS position retrieved from the logs is not where the bird landed/crashed ? I actually don't know what would've happened if you powered the controller back on (or whether you did that) and if the Solo and controller reconnected again while it was maybe still flying away at low juice.
Pete: I did power the controller back on immediately hoping to reconnect but by that time solo had lost power and/or signal.
This linked topic appears to cover how to get the requested files... I haven't done file downloads in quite some time, so I'd have to re-educate myself to give any further details. It's a start at least, good luck.

3DR Solo tlog file storage and Mac WiFi

You'll then need Mission Planner to view the data set.

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