
Time to start producing anti anti drone shielding cause you can bet every weed man or sketchy paranoid fool is going to misuse the hell out of these things once they become readily available. If we could contain it to just those in jobs like the aerial firefighting crew or chopper pilots maybe but this is very bad for us. I posted mentioning this before but hate to see it in most people's hands it'll be a game for most idiots just like flying to a mile high or places you shouldn't is now. This is not the answer at all firearms are a much better option if need be at least they have to be skilled enough to hit it then.
There are a few issues with "dropping drones out of the sky" and 1)It's not safe. 2) The person operating the sound device would ultimately be responsible for the damages the drone causes when it hits the ground; if there is any. It reminds me of cell phone signal blockers/jammers. Yeah they are available but not many consumers are using them.

The Drone Shield is what? Like a monitoring device that alerts the paranoid of a drones presence?
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Seriously outside of apple or other huge businesses having reason to worry about spies which is still laughable with drones that won't be heard or seen who that's not clinical would pay for a subscription service beside this useless product.

May as well just put on your tin foil hats then your safe from everything. The media scare tactics are truly hilarious the sad part is our population actual buys into this stuff. Unless your selling or using hard drugs or cooking meth what makes these nuts think anybody cares what they do in their home much less us flying copters, don't flatter yourselves nut jobs. It's ok nobody will be able to spy on you in the nut house well beside staff on the security feed.
Smh and they'll really make money doing this wow.
Intentionally shooting down an aircraft, up to 20 years in prison. And yes, according to the FAA model aircraft and mutirotors are considered aircraft.
Say what you will but I'd not be bothered at all if in a case like the firefighters they simply shot it down. I'd much rather they do that to idiots than us all end up having to deal with delusional fools with drone zappers knocking us down for no reason at all. I fly daily I'm just saying its a better solution than giving the public a tool to knock us out of the sky with ease.
Signal jamming is highly illegal here in the US, and actively investigated and prosecuted by the FCC.
I met someone recently who threatened to "shoot you out of the sky" at the mere mention of "drone" ... Reminds me of when Bell introduced the push button telephone ...

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