iOS App Update Coming Nov. 16

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Sep 28, 2015
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I just got off the phone with 3D Robotics and the person I spoke with confirmed that he just received an internal memo stating the next iOS update would be November 16. He read the memo to me, and it said the following GoPro settings will be able to be changed from the SOLO APP in the Nov 16 Update:
  1. Resolution
  2. FOV
  3. FPS
  4. Photo/Video Mode Change
He read several a list of several GoPro Settings that would be able to be changed, but he was a little tough to understand, and I kind of tuned out after I heard the four mentioned.

Hope this helps everybody's nerves, mood, and temper ;)
Thanks Matt, ....and Android ..?
I just downloaded and installed update for 3dr solo app and Services app on my Android. It followed an Android OS update I also just got. I just flew my Solo after the update without issue but when I attempted to send myself the logs via the log trouble ticket I was unable it never gave me the opportunity to put my email address in, it just queued it up and sent it after I reconnected with my home network (I don't have cellular on my tablet). This is different than before update. I have been able to send myself the logs in the past.
I just got off the phone with 3D Robotics and the person I spoke with confirmed that he just received an internal memo stating the next iOS update would be November 16.

It is not impossible that they will hit that date, but it will require some cooperation from Apple to expedite the approval, so let's cut 3DR a little slack if it turns out that it isn't released tomorrow ...

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