having video feed problems"

Jul 16, 2015
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'Sparkling City by the Sea"
If your video feed is Rolling, freezing, Stopping. I have a fix that worked for many Solo users.
I always assumed that the problems mentioned above, where do the HDMI connection at the Gimbal side of the HDMI cable. It was the first place i would checked for a bad connection. I have had to Change HDMI cables 3 times in 1 year. Relish 3D sending me out a new HDMI ribbon cable, but with this fix, never got to use it.

I checked the other end of the HDMI, the one that goes to the main board.
Needed to go through a process to open Solo up "not hard". then i tugged on HDMI plug & it seemed loose.
Squeezed "Pinched" the HDMI receptacle "socket" very lightly, then re inserted the cable, seemed a bit more solid.
Behind the plug, the cable was wobbly in a up, down direction.
A full 1/2 in. of play.
Cut out a piece of hard foam almost a 3/8 thick, wedged it between the top of the HDMI plug "about 1" behind the HDMI receptacle & the main board.
Felt snug enough.
Put back everything, turn on Solo & like magic, all my problems with Video feed gone. never came back!

This will fix many Video Feed problems.
Again, very lightly compress the HDMI connectors.
at 6:45 of this video shows where HDMI cable is >>How to install ribbon cable Video
Solo HDMI.jpg
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So the foam is putting pressure on the HDMI connector to keep it from moving or being bent by vibration and cable stress?
As soon a rain stops, will test under normal conditions, tested in house by shaking, dropping, hitting outer body & video feed is rock solid.
Quick test last night, was good.
Tested the other HDMI cables that 3DR sent me & have told me that it was a bad cable, tested working now!
Please pass this info on to others experiencing video feed problems.
I am positively happy with this find/Mod....
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As soon a rain stops, will test under normal conditions, but while waiting & tested in house by shaking, dropping, hitting outer body & video feed is rock solid.
Short test last night was good also.
Tested the other HDMI cables that 3DR sent me & have told me that it was a bad cable, tested working now!
Please pass this info on to others experiencing video feed problems.
I am positively happy with this find/Mod....

I have never been able to reproduce the issue without spinning up the props but I will say that just the first phase of arming the props was enough to make it happen for me. I'm betting you could do that in the house, just don't hit fly again!
It worked for me, at least initially, I need to do more complete testing but so far so good! Thank you so much!
Will give this a try. Thank you for posting it. My Relish3D cable gave me 4 flawless flights and then it started rolling and cutting out. That bird will have to wait 2 months to get fixed (left it in Costa Rica) but will apply to my other 2 Solos. Good find!
Really Glad it helped you Samphoto,
Thinking this may solve many issues with video feeds. I know i tried lot's of fixes, Replacing HDMI cables checking out if Gimbal was the fault ?.
I'm willing to guess that many thought the Gimbal went bad, all they had to do is check the Other end Of the HDMI plug.
Squeezing "very lightly" the HDMI socket on the main board & Add a block of sponge & you should be good to go.
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I've just returned one of my units to 3DR for exactly these video issues. I would have loved to try this out, I had changed gimbals, cables etc and thought there must be some kind of fix I could do. Once again - hard to test except in flight, but if I have trouble again I will be cutting up some foam and getting it straight in there.

Steve - have you tested this in anger yet? With a test flight?
Tested yesterday, PERFECT.
No more shaky video or blacks outs feeds.
The fix isn't for everyone, but if you can change the HDMI cable, then this is a easy fix.
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So glad you posted this yesterday! I was about to install the Relish3D cable this morning to fix the issues. I will give it a try... Wish I thought of this 2 weeks ago before I bought a replacement gimbal thinking that was the solution.
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Installed on both mine today one with a new ribbon one stock. Never noticed it before but man those sockets are sloppy. I added 3m double sided tape on the gimbal end to stabilize along with a little crimp. No feed issues

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Just a small damp blanket -- "fixing" a loose connector by adding side pressure is a temporary fix, because the connector is metal and over time, the metal (and foam) will yield to the pressure. Assuming the cause of the loose connector is vibration or impact (gentle landing impact for example, or being set town on the bench, or riding on your back or in the hardcase, etc.), those extra forces will now apply with the added boost the foam creates, and will cause the same issue on the new scale. If the foam is just strong enough to correct the slack, only causing the connectors to touch more fully, but without pressure, this further loosening could take long enough that you don't care (like a year or more, possibly, but just hoping out loud heh). So I would advise caution on the foam bit, too much is way way too much in this case.

The person doing a bit of a crimp has a good idea IMO. If you can get the connection to be snug again without any foam, then do that, and concentrate on supporting the cable farther up from the connector so that it cannot move there, so it doesn't move the connector, stressing and loosening it. Strain relief like this should be much more permanent, and will not harm your Solo!

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