Go Pro Filters

May 4, 2015
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I bought a Polar Pro Frame2.0 FPV. kit for my new Hero 4 Black and am anxiously waiting for the new Solo to arrive :) Like everyone else.

The GP4 did not even come with a lens cap?? And the filters have no storage or covers. Looking for a good solution to store these filters and possibly a lens cap for the filter so I can just put a cap on it without removing from the GoPro.

Loose in the bag is not going to work for me !
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Out of interest have you got an example link to the filter you're using?
as an addition to the OP. Am i right in thinking there are weights within the Solo gimbal that compensate for fitting a filter etc?
No weights. they are pretty light and stay flat against camera so pretty close to gimbal pivot.
There are weights not sure if included or bought separately for the gimbal to aid with balancing.
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I would be surprised if it effects the gimbal but we shall see.

The instructions say:
Ultra-Light weight filters (6.7g) for filming with gimbals -
was wondering as they could potentially throw the gimbal off balance (perhaps) More wondering than actual knowledge as my H3-3D probably wouldn't enjoy having them attached.
Filters this light may not be an issue but you can buy bigger filters or some people may run Ribcage's so then I'm assuming some balancing will be needed.
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was wondering as they could potentially throw the gimbal off balance (perhaps) More wondering than actual knowledge as my H3-3D probably wouldn't enjoy having them attached.

The H3-3D on my Phantom 2 didn't like any additional weight. I had to make a small counter weight for the filter to work
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I wish that 3DR would consider giving the gimble a 2 axis sliding plate instead of weights, so the gimbal could be balanced by position of the camera in the gimbal cradle instead of having to add weight to the rig.
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I bought a Polar Pro Frame2.0 FPV. kit for my new Hero 4 Black and am anxiously waiting for the new Solo to arrive :) Like everyone else.

The GP4 did not even come with a lens cap?? And the filters have no storage or covers. Looking for a good solution to store these filters and possibly a lens cap for the filter so I can just put a cap on it without removing from the GoPro.

Loose in the bag is not going to work for me !

i use the srp blurfix filters. they came in a little tin that looks like a shoe polish/chewing tobacco tins. maybe something like that might work.
I bought a Polar Pro Frame2.0 FPV. kit for my new Hero 4 Black and am anxiously waiting for the new Solo to arrive :) Like everyone else.

The GP4 did not even come with a lens cap?? And the filters have no storage or covers. Looking for a good solution to store these filters and possibly a lens cap for the filter so I can just put a cap on it without removing from the GoPro.

Loose in the bag is not going to work for me !

We just launched this new case for the Frame2.0 filters, as well as a few of our other filters. http://polarprofilters.com/shop/PHANTOM3FILTERCASE

Shoot me an email and I will send you one: [email protected]

Take care and happy flying!

Well that was quick. Thank you @polarpro

Now I am all set. This is EXACTLY what I needed and was looking for.

Not only do the filters work but they make my GoPro look sexy

20150629_120612.jpg 20150629_120625.jpg
The case looks awesome.. I might have to buy me some of these.

RRMCCABE: Do you notice better video with the filters? I am really curious about the CP one. Does it help a bit withe skies?

Ryan G
With no gimbal and my peau lens my video is awful. I have not even been looking at video on the SD card lately. Just turn it on in case it crashes.

So I really can't give it a review yet. But the case and 3 filter setup should be the hot ticket for the casual flying camera operator.
Really more just wondering if the exposure or image out of Gopro is better with the filters. The video will be crap because of no gimbal, but just wondering if WHEN the gimbal comes if the image is significantly better with any of the filters applied.

Ryan G
I'm interested in this as well. Thinking about buying a 3-pack for both the Phantom and the GoPro.
I talked to the Dan and he made mention that the ND filter would help because it would slow the shutter speed down on the Gopro so that it looked more smooth. I think I am buying these tonight (although I DO see a lot of other filters at like 1/2 price on ebay and such, not sure of the quality of them. In photography and video, you get what you pay for, but who knows if they are REALLY that much better.

Ryan G

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