Gimbal Pricing...

May 8, 2017
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Portland Oregon
Wow.... so just did the latest round of checks on the usual sources. The cheapest gimbal on Ebay at the moment is $200 (I'm only including "buy it now" options, no auctions). Amazon, $226 (and I think there was S&H involved). B&H... discontinued... Looks like the supply is drying up.

So question is, are people going to hold onto their gimbals for dear life? Keep paying the increasing costs for spares? Or when the price of a gimbal hits $400, sell off all you have and invest in a new drone? Or just eventually turn your solo parts into a frankendrone?

So honestly, what are your future solo plans?
I believe it did, I think someone from 3DR had said that the gimbal was harder to make than the entire drone. If anyone out there is sitting on a pile of gimbals they bought for $50, they pretty much have retirement looked after at $250 a pop. Anyone care to chime in on that one? (or has your accountant advised against commenting at this time??). :p
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Are you in search of a gimbal? What I did a few times is bought the package- Solo + Gimbal to get it at a decent price.
In classified section- looks like some guys are starting to sell drone/gimbal/extra battery for $300 plus shipping-
Just some I'm bored.

I think the few people that made any money on Solos are out of inventory. So now you are left with hoarders rather than the opportunists, and hoarders don't typically sell things....

At present, if you want smart shots, the Solo gimbal is the only game. Plenty of 2 and 3 axis gimbals out on the market and an equal amount of DIY options. You'll spend mucho time working up any alternative gimbal and still have no smart shots.... What savings would that be less the smarts.

I guess you have to put a value on what is a fair price. Gimbals were released at $400 (1), then about six months later they were $200 (2) and then finally a year later they were $50 (3). $200 seems to have been the happy median price for most all Solo users back when, considering the DIY and 3rd party gimbals costs....then less the smart shots.

Me, I'm a hoarder. If I cost average what I've purchased to date it would be about $165 per a gimbal not including tax and shipping. What value should I put on the two I've repaired and am still using daily?

My opinion, $200 is a fair price for NIB from a broader perspective. Bruce's offering of refurbs is fair consider the time and effort required to make like new....and they have smarts.
Great Insight Rich- this was one instance where “ getting to the party late “ ending up being beneficial. I kept telling the wife that I’d like to have a drone- ( one item among hundreds ) and she bought me one for Valentine’s Day 2017- $299. @
Best Buys- she bought extra batteries, props and the 3DR backpack. By the time she was done, she had so much invested, she bought an additional Solo/Gimbal as a spare in case the first one broke. While she wasn’t looking- I bought every gimbal and “ new “ Solo I could round up at every Best Buys within an hour’s drive. They take up her walk-in closet now; and her million pairs of shoes have been relocated. (this won’t last forever... I’m sure she wants her closet back ) I even started buying additional units from B&H @ $299 and sending them to my brother’s house- then to a couple friend’s houses too. Hoarder?? You’re damn right. Ridiculous??? Absolutely. A great buy?? No doubt. But being honest- I am gentle with my Solo- and I cringe when I see someone’s drone wreck or fall from the sky onto land or worse yet, into water!! I protect it when it’s not in use in a rigid case- and to this day, I haven’t needed to pull a second drone or gimbal from the box. This Solo continues to entertain thanks to the masterminds that develope and improve both Solo’s performance and safety- with the green cube and HERE, this Solo is soo much better now than it was only 6 months ago!
Solo is starting to climb in price too IrishmanPDX-
$399 for bone stock Solo- no gimbal- no extras. B&H looks as if it isn’t closely monitoring it’s web- cause some of the prices don’t make sense. $399 for a Solo but $299 for a Solo with backpack and some extra parts. And that multi drone package- Two Solo drones with 1 gimbal, backpack is $927. When you look at “ what’s in the box “ it’s almost confusing what you may receive.
They are still $199 for just the Solo package less the gimbal, not sure where you've read $399.

I don't think they are running out of Solos, but it does appear gimbals are all gone.... Having said that, $200 gimbals from where ever is still a fair price for NIB. $50 gimbals was a mistaken inventory dump, served the purpose but now makes the whole package less appealing.

Now repairing gimbals will be in vogue....or buying refurbs.
That’s crazy!! I was $399 twenty minutes ago. They adjusted the price on the two Solo package from $927 to $727.
You’re right Rich- you can see the creativity B&H is utilizing by combining two drones with a “shared” gimbal. Customer Service said the savings “ fell off the ad “ early this morning- but has been corrected.
Do you think they manufactured gimbals 1 for 1 with Solo?
They must have some gimbals put away to cover warranty claims?
They must have some gimbals put away to cover warranty claims?
Surely they must..and they should have plenty laying around that could be refurbished..they need to break those out and offer them on their site to solo owners a decent price
So no, not looking for any gimbals here, I have 5 working and 1 that needs soldering (damn you weak HDMI connection!). Like most others I bought spares just in case a crash happened (thankfully a few flips was the worst that happened). So yes, for smart shots, you do need the 3DR gimbal for now. However, would it be beneficial to people to know if there was another gimbal/camera setup that worked, even if there's no smart shots available or camera control available? I think once it steadies the footage and the tilt still works, that's a lot more hopeful for future outlooks. As of right now, even hackster doesn't seem to have this listed as a project. It's not ideal for a replacement, but it's a good start. Just my thoughts anyway, please feel free to educate! It's why I'm here............... plus I swore there was a coupon for free beer....
Guessing you couldn’t see the telescopic print under the “free-beer”? It’s surprising that no one yet has come up with a solution to the gimbal crisis- I sorta have a feeling that as folks start to realize just how dependable our Solo is-especially with the new developmental achievements some of the guys have designed, maybe the grip on the gimbals will loosen. Just Bruce has a couple for sale- think he may have fixed em up- fully functional- for anyone who has the Solo but is still searching for a gimbal. Those who have never owned a 3DR gimbal- have no idea what they are missing.
Guessing you couldn’t see the telescopic print under the “free-beer”? It’s surprising that no one yet has come up with a solution to the gimbal crisis- I sorta have a feeling that as folks start to realize just how dependable our Solo is-especially with the new developmental achievements some of the guys have designed, maybe the grip on the gimbals will loosen. Just Bruce has a couple for sale- think he may have fixed em up- fully functional- for anyone who has the Solo but is still searching for a gimbal. Those who have never owned a 3DR gimbal- have no idea what they are missing.
I hopefully will have the extra cash to get one very soon...and hopefully one will be available when that time comes for a decent price

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